Monday, May 18, 2009

Quote of the Day

"We are only where we are today
because of Douglas Carswell."

Gordon Prentice MP (meant as a compliment!)


    C 39 -1
    L 28 -2
    LD 20 +1

  2. Labour and the speaker need putting out of office asap!

  3. Do you think it is a bit early for a vote of no confidence in the PM? Or do you think it should wait until after the European and Local elections?
    A note of caution though, those who get cornered normally come out fighting, even if they know eventually they are going to lose. The PLP are disorganised and disloyal is now the time to give them something to rally behind? Even if they dispise what they are rallying behind?

  4. SallyC - I cannot believe Labour are that high at the moment given low 20's in other polls!

    LD are also too high given other polls.

  5. To put it another way on that poll - the tories have increased there lead! From 10 Points to Eleven points!

  6. The scenes in the Commons today, gave me just one impression.

    The current group of MPs have grown tired and frustrated with the system as it currently works.

    We need a general election, and we need it now. I will support Cameron's petition.

  7. Remember politics in this country is quite simple. The Conservative party have 30%, Labour 30% and the LD's 10%. The other 50% is what is up for grabs. When the main two go below 30% it shows even there core voters are leaving them and going else where. 28% is shocking in real terms.

  8. Lee 7.12 ... that adds up to 120%

  9. Anon 7.31: Actually Lee got it right.

    You have to understand that with Labour's corrupt extension of postal voting, the available votes probably do add to 120%.

  10. How can an unelected Prime Minister with NO popular support, whose policies have royally screwed a once great nation, whose colleagues are criminals caught in the act, and who is being called upon by everyone to stand down in the name of democracy, be allowed to continue ?

    There HAS to be an election NOW. What on earth is wrong with our contitution that when things go so badly, publicly wrong, we are all standing around doing nothing.

    Is the best we can do REALLY "Let's form a committee...."

    I have signed DC's petition.


