Sunday, May 31, 2009

Questions for Alan Duncan

Tomorrow I am going to be interviewing Alan Duncan for Total Politics. Feel free to suggest questions you'd like me to ask him.


  1. Katherine HarperMay 31, 2009 2:31 pm

    Why should the taxpayer pay for the gardening and mortgage of the house of a multi-millionaire?

    Why have you not yet resigned?

  2. Can Duncan confirm that he is standing down at the next general election to concentrate on gardening?

  3. How does it feel to be thought of as a thief by the British public?

  4. As a senior representative of a modern and enlightened political party founded upon the principle of non-sectarian meritocracy, why does he consider it acceptable even to joke about murdering a Christian simply because they happen to be orthodox in their beliefs and opposed to 'gay marriage'?

    Would it be acceptable to joke about about murdering a Muslim who happened to believe the same?

    Or murdering a homosexual who opposed the traditional doctrine of the Church?

  5. Strawberries and BananasMay 31, 2009 2:35 pm

    My question for Alan Duncan is:

    "Do you think your performance on Have I Got News For You a short while ago was appropriate and professional given your current involvement in the MPs expenses scandal? Do you think that this is why Conservative Party members now rate you very negatively on the Conservative Home survey?"

  6. Were you pissed on 'Have I Got News For You'?!!

  7. Stronghold BarricadesMay 31, 2009 2:41 pm

    Do you hold constituency events in your garden?

  8. Are the flowers planted by Pound Force still in your lawn?

    Do you regret your remarks about murdering Miss California?!

    wv joionomo!

  9. Why did he act like such a smug cock about his expenses on HIGNFY?

  10. Given the egregious matters set out at:

    Is there any particular valid reason/explanation/excuse that you would care to share with the Taxpayer as to why you have yet to announce that you will not stand at the next election on account of your shameless and disgraceful plundering of the public purse?

    Or are you a just a poor, misunderstood 'victim' of the system?

    Remember, as you contemplate how to spin this, that the following are no longer acceptable or adequate:

    1. Saying sorry;
    2. I'm paying it back;
    3. It was in accordance with the rules

    In particular we would all like to know on what basis these things were, item by item, necessary to enable you to be an MP.

  11. Why the bloody hell did you think it reasonable to claim for a £5000 gardener?
    Hes gone from being a firm favorite in the Tory party to potentially being career-less.
    Also, who is favorite Labour MP?

  12. Alan, do you believe in capital punishment for people who are afflicted with homophobia, or will a lesser form of retribution suffice?

  13. LudwigVonMisesMay 31, 2009 3:00 pm

    I don't know if I should...

  14. is he thinking of going on 'gardening leave' till the next ge ?

  15. My question would be

    Hello Alan, you still here? Why ?

  16. Do you think you'll make it into the Cabinet in the event of a Tory Election win?

    Do you still stand by your libertarian philosophy as laid down in 'Saturn's Children'?

  17. Do you think people believe your tan is real ?

  18. This is now my No 2 video: Alan Duncan, HIGNFY. Now more popular then Clegg calling Brown stupid.

    Hope this helps.

  19. Does he not realise that his public image is so unsavoury and that the only way he could help the Conservative party is by resigning and joining Brown Labour?

  20. Do you think Petroleum Revenue Tax should be abolished?

  21. Should members of Parliament still be referred to as 'Honourable' or 'Right Honourable'?

  22. insert-coin-hereMay 31, 2009 3:42 pm

    Do you feel that by continuing in your current position you are a benefit or a liability to the conservative party?

  23. Housing Hubba BubbaMay 31, 2009 3:46 pm

    If asked to consider stepping down, would you put your own political career ahead of the needs of the parlimentary Conservative party.

  24. @Katherine Harper

    If you think multi-millionaires shouldn't be allowed to claim expenses, would you let us know the wealth value above which expenses would not be allowed.

  25. you were leader of the Tory party would you sack yourself?

  26. He sits on the House of Commons Commission. Why did the Commission fight so vigorously against disclosure of expenses claims under FOI, from as far back as 2002? Did the measures the Commission took have his party's support?

  27. Housing Hubba BubbaMay 31, 2009 4:23 pm

    Do you think the expense system is flawed?

    If so, why isn't that same system flawed for MPs such as Philip Hollobone and Dennis Skinner?

  28. How does he think Ken Clarke is doing as Business Spokesman?

  29. What a pointless request Iain. Any interview you have with any Tory politician will be like offering them a bath in warm milk!

    It will be the most pointless exercise since you asked your readers how they intedn to vote at the next election!

  30. Would you dare to make any joke about Muslims
    If yes, may we hear one?
    And if not, why not?

  31. My question:

    Just when he Tories are poised to defeat Labour in the next GE , why do you chuck spanner in the works?

  32. 'Do you still stand by your libertarian philosophy as laid down in 'Saturn's Children'?' - I second this

  33. Because she paid her taxes, my mother gets an old age pension of £95 a week. By dint of thrift she has a private income of just under £5,000 a year which means that her pension is clawed back by £45 a month. Why is my mother's income taxed so that MPs earning £68,000 a year can have free groceries worth £100 a week?

  34. Iain,

    What I hope is a serious question:

    Is it right for someone who has income over and above an MP's salary - whether this be 'family' money, or otherwise - to still claim for utiity bills, rent or mortgage, especially when said 'second job' meant they had to live in London?

    There must be a moral judgement to make - one that seems to have evaded quite a few MPs - as by claiming ACA it has meant their second job has been subsidised by the taxpayer.

  35. Would you call yourself a libertarian?

    What is the future for libertarian minded people inside the conservative party?

  36. "After your performance on 'Have I Got News For You' why do you think that David Cameron has not withdrawn the whip"

  37. Have you ever felt ashamed of anything you did and if so what?

  38. What have you done in your life that you would least like to see revealed in print?

  39. Why does a multi millionaire,ex oil trader want to be an MP?

    Give us an open primary in Rutland and Duncan would be toast.

  40. Given that some people (including me) think that she was not given a fair hearing, do you think Julie Kirkbride was right to quit over her expenses claims?

    For that matter, do you think any MP who has bowed to the anger of their constituents over their expenses arrangements and quit has done the right thing?

  41. Will the Tories do anything to reform public service pensions if they won the next election? With MPs receiving a pay off after being an MP, while ordinary workers have to work for up to between 30 - 40 years to earn a pittance of a pension, doesn't the buck stop with MPs to reform their own pensions provision to stay in accordance with the little guys on the street?

  42. Do you have a soft spot for your opposite number Harriet Harman, as your exchanges always seem to be light hearted affairs?

  43. Given that pretty well all the questions posed so far severely challenge your morality and your judgement, please can you provide your justification for continuing in office as an MP and Shadow Leader of the House, and one good reason why you should not be voted out at the next election.

  44. On Have I Got News For You, Alan Duncan boasted that the expenses system, which paid for his houses was "a wonderful system." Days later, the expenses scandal broke in the Telegraph and when Duncan's fiddles were reported, he said that the system was a bad one which needed to be changed.
    Why did he change his mind so quickly? Will he be apologising to those of us who were so appalled and insulted at that time?

    And when we will be asked in England if we want our own Parliament?
    I double dare you.

  45. Ever considered a career in the priesthood?

  46. Just how good do you think the expenses' system is in light of what has come to light and the emphatic confidence you expressed in it on "Have I got news for you".

  47. Given that Hunky Dunky will be reading this how many of these questions will get put?

  48. Question:

    Where do you think your career will lead you from here?

  49. Are orange-skinned politicians trustworthy? I mean we have had Tony Blair, Peter Hain, Robert Kilroy-Silk....

  50. Ask him how having his lawnmower mended (paid for by the taxpayer) assisted him in his Parliamentary duties. Is he the Conservative Party's Gardening Correspondent?

    Then there's the £19.55 for office expenses - tea, coffee, biscuits and mints. Obviously a multi-millionaire like him can't put his hand in his own pocket for tea and bikkis. Why does he think the taxpayer should pay for them?

    I'm a Conservative voter - and if he was my MP I wouldn't vote for him. How many people in his constituency does he think feel the same?

    Why hasn't he done the Party a favour and RESIGNED?

  51. Housing Hubba BubbaMay 31, 2009 6:50 pm

    "Better to be part-time wise than full-time ignorant."

    Why don't any MPs choose to be 'part-time wise' in Charity shops?
    Surely just as good a place to pick up a little relevant wisdom as a boardroom?

  52. As someone who volunteers in a Charity Shop,I don't relish the thought of MPs joining us.They'd nick the donations tin if we turned our backs.


  54. How does he square being in the modern, environmental Conservative Party with his previous life as an Oil trader?

    Also what are his reminisences of Oxford? Didn't he get a first?

    President of the Union?

    Managed Benazir Bhutto's successful campaign to be President of the Union too.

    Wasn't he also on a reality TV show as a youth worker or teacher looking after deprived kids? Seem to remember this was quite good tv actually.

    As a non-Tory he is one of my preferred members of the shadow cabinet.

  55. Does he think he will lose weight eating HMP food?

  56. Can he see any conflict between compassionate conservatism as espoused by David Cameron and the values sought by Marc Rich in employees of his oil trading organisation?

  57. What are we to make of the fact you have made no mention of the story of Camerons expenses Iain?

    a Cameron is as dodgy as the rest of the MPs and you do not know what to say?

    b you are hoping if you do not say anything the public will not notice?

    c Cameron is about to be sanctified by the Pope?

    As for Alan Duncan ask him why his Goves Osbornes Camerons et al abuse of the publics trust is any different from any other back bencher?

  58. Flo Tom-add d)Many new winnable seats about to come up.
    PS-Thank heaven for Guido.

  59. Well, that all went very well, didn't it?

    I wonder how many of these questions Duncan gets asked?

  60. Do you think satirical news quizzes are the right place for senior MPs, particularly those striving for government?

  61. How can the Tories shake off the silly and supremely hypocritical "Toff" tag?

  62. 1) Was he ever told to "claim as much as you can" by whips or such like to bump up his salary or did he come up with the idea to commit fraud entirely by himself?

    2) Will HMP Wandsworth be designated as his Primary or Secondary residence under the ACA?

  63. You are an expensive joke. Why don't you leave before you are pushed?

  64. When do you think we will see the first openly gay or bisexual Prime Minister?

    Does being gay or bisexual restrict you from getting to the top in politics?

    Thanks Ian.

  65. Why are most torys toffs?

  66. Can you see why people regard you as an embarrassing joke, now that your expenses fiddling has been exposed?

  67. Please resign now.

    I don't live in Rutland & Melton but if I did I would not vote for you despite being a lifelong Tory.


  68. Housing Hubba BubbaJune 01, 2009 5:25 pm

    Do you think positive discrimination is suffer from diminishing returns and is now doing more harm than good?

  69. no question

    just FO

    and this from a tory voter

  70. Stop spending my money on your garden.

  71. Did you see David Starkey on This Week? Did you agree with his proposals on constitutional reform? Also what would you do to see the Tories with more seats in scotland and Wales?
