Sunday, May 03, 2009

Purnell Must Explain Expenses Claim

Julia Hartley-Brewer is asking in the Sunday Express why James Purnell claimed more than £2,000 a month for a flat he only paid £910 a month rent on. She may well ask. Details HERE.


  1. The Express clearly have the full CDs of expenses and a helpful mole.

    Toaster for Mr Purnell!

  2. heads must roll - suggest starting at the top and working down in an orderly fashion

  3. If the Express had the full list, they would come up with cases much stronger than this. Wait until July...

  4. Benefits Cheat.

  5. I particularly liked the story about him leaving it in such a disgusting mess having claimed for the services of a cleaning company. Can we see the receipts Mr Purnell?

    I have a photo of him outside his home last week: James Purnell, Soap-Dodger

  6. He's a nasty piece of work that one.

    I'm not surprised that he's joined the government's gravy train for wasters and untalented nobodies - he is one after all!

    This will stick to him like sh1t to a blanket.

  7. We all ought to start reporting this type of 'benefit fraud',

    they put this site up, so lets make use of it.

  8. Purnell will just say it's within the rules and buy a bathplug to prove it. Nobody's going to take the money back are they?

    Never mind. He's going to be right out of a job soon and then he's going to need the proceeds of all his fiddles to live off.

  9. Today's Purnell and Milliband stories look like they've come straight from Brown's hatchet men. Blears will be next...

  10. I wonder what his expenses claims were like when he was at the BBC.

  11. It is absolutly shocking what this Labour lot do these days!

    One rule for them and another for everybody else!

    I somehow think the Benifits that people claim for housing will not be as easy to obtain as Mr Purnells claim for ACA! It's a mad old worl and the sooner Purnell is booted out with much of his sleazy Labour PLP friends the better!

    Labour = Alloance sleaze! It is official!

  12. This is not the worst case of Allowance claims either! Oh No - Purnell just claims effectively double the rent on his flat!

    If he gets tossed out of his seat at the next election as well he could find the benifits system an interesting place! None of the double rent for flat for him there!

    But there is worse to come including the Love Cheat MP's and Ministers that some papers have alluded to in recent days! It is just a matter of time until the full going on's are exposed to the people of Britain!

    Looks like it won't just be Mr Clegg calling a Yellow Taxi but Some Labour MP's might be calling removal vans come the next election!

  13. I found this bit particularly interesting
    The Cabinet Minister also exploited a tax loophole open to MPs to escape a 40 per cent capital gains tax bill when he sold his former London home in 2004.

    "Although he claimed that his London flat was his second home to take advantage of £20,000 of Commons allowances, when he sold the flat he told the Inland Revenue that it was his main home so that it was not liable for capital gains tax, saving himself tens of thousands of pounds. " From the Sunday Express.

    Sounds to me as though Mr Purnell may have to make a personal contribution to the National Debt Labour have increased massively over the last few years.

    Yes that's right Purnell claimed houses for a second home when it suited him and then changed the designation for main house to dodge capital gains tax! Can you believe it!

    Interestingly Gordon Brown and his wife had similar jiggery pokery and Gordon changed the staus of his London Flat and then his wife was transfered ownership and they took money out of it on a lifetime mortgage.

    If we conbine this with Lady Uddin Milking the system as well then Labour seem to have an engrained pattern of duplicity and morally questionable actions to account for!

  14. He reminds me of a third rate game show host.

    If true this is the 3rd case of blatant fraud from labour to come out of this expenses fiasco.

  15. "The Cabinet Minister also exploited a tax loophole open to MPs to escape a 40 per cent capital gains tax bill when he sold his former London home in 2004.
    Although he claimed that his London flat was his second home to take advantage of £20,000 of Commons allowances, when he sold the flat he told the Inland Revenue that it was his main home so that it was not liable for capital gains tax, saving himself tens of thousands of pounds."
    That's called tax evasion and it's illegal.

    Q: Be he be prosecuted?
    A: No, of course not.

  16. Can we look at David Freud's expense claims now?

  17. He should be sacked ASAP and then forced to live on job seekers allowances and then come under scrutiny of the Labour run Stasi like system to ensure that he is not claiming money to which he is to entitled too. Sorry, that is what he is alleged to be doing now, but at over £1000 a month.
    Labour hypocrite.

  18. Isn't it interesting that Sky News have been reporting the latest Liebour expenses sleaze stories, but the BBC?.................................. Tumbleweed.

    Anyone want to bet when some Tory with dodgy expenses gets outed the BBC don't ignore it? Remember Caroline Spelman and the endless Newsnight specials about her?

  19. Moorlandhunter -

    I quite agree Purnell is a Duplicitous Devil. This is the height of arrogance and he should be removed from office immediatly.

    If this guy is talked up as a future Labour leader then the Labour party is going to end up with the size of the Liberal Democrats after the next election! In a small transporter type vehicle and associated with expensive one way trip!

  20. Isn't it odd that on BBC Questiontime only Tory MPs ever seem to get verbally beaten up by Dimblebore about expenses or second jobs?

    Will the BBC beat up on Dianne Abbott for HER second job working for the BBC? Money which she uses to put her child through private school.


    I think it was his grocery bill that really ticked me off as per link above. what a creep.

  22. Who do these arrogant, wretched, incompetent, grasping, cheating people think they are?

    Whiter than white? I don't think so.

    And now we have A labour peer claiming exes for a house she has never lived in.


  23. Perhaps Lembit Opik would also like to explain why he claimed on his London flat whilst renting it out to a fellow Lib Dem's brother, followed by his Montgomeryshire agent, whilst living rent-free at his then fiancee's Camden flat. No wonder he voted against transparency!
