Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Macshane Falls into BNP Trap

What on earth was Denis Macshane thinking of? To most sane people, blaming a political party which has been out of power for twelve years for the rise of the BNP is as preposterous as it is insulting. His rationale is that Tory Euroscepticism is akin to encouraging xenophobia, and therefore feeds into the BNP agenda. I hardly need to rebut it because it is a ridiculous proposition. If the BNP was gaining in popularity because of issues related to Euroscepticism he might have a point, although it would be far more likely to be a reaction to Macshane-like rampant Europhilia which would send people to the BNP.

What Denis cannot face up to is that it is his own party which is fuelling the popularity of the BNP. It's no coincidence that almost without exception every area the BNP does well in has previously been or is currently represented by Labour MPs or councillors. Labour's previously loyal client state is reacting against years of being let down by Labour politicians like Denis Macshane. They have had enough. The only blame which can be aimed at the Tories is that they have failed to step into the breach quickly enough, and the BNP have skilfully filled the vacuum.

Blackburn, Burnley, Thurrock, Dagenham. Hardly Tory areas, are they? Even Labour cabinet ministers have acknowledged that the so-called white working classes feel let down by the political establishment. What a shame Denis Macshane cannot do the same and then come out with some constructive suggestions in order to address their concerns.

Instead, he has a go at the Tories and thereby gives the BNP the oxygen of publicity it craves. Well done, Denis.


  1. Every single word in this post is 100% right, Iain. Well done - I have nothing to add.

  2. McShane is sticking to the usual left-wing claptrap line in an attempt to smear the Tories.
    The BNP, or it's predecessor the National Front, hit it's peak of popularity in the late '70s, under a Labour administration too.
    Left-wing governments will always increase support for extremist right-wing groups, from the white working classes, who are usually very un-PC in their opinions.

    And Iain, you're absolutley right about BNP support being highest in Labour voting areas. It beggars belief when the left try to claim that dissaffected Tory's cause a swell in Nationalist support, when the BNP do not even bother to field candidates in most Conservative heartland parlimentary seats at genral elections.
    Most of the BNP voters would otherwise vote Labour if they voted at all.

  3. I'm sure you've read Peter Oborne's excellent "The Rise of Political Lying".

    There's a reason why McShane features in it so prominently.

  4. Your own poll, though not scientific showed that 5% of tory voters at a general election would vote BNP at the euro elections.

    Proportionally more Labour voters are turning to the BNP as they would never vote Tory and are so disillusioned with the state of the country they want real change.

    BRITISH JOBS FOR BRITISH WORKERS strikes a chord and no other party openly protects the people.

    Labour whole heartedly support the multi cultural mish mash we have now in which anything British is played down as not to offend anyone.

    The Tories believe immigration is great for the economy, only because it force wages down as you have more people fighting for few jobs.

    And the Lib Dems want the same as Labour but an even greater link with europe, so there is only one alternative and only one party which looks after the white working class British people who ultimately pay for the mistakes and whims of the main parties. So now the people say we want the borders shut and ties broken with europe and a return to a Britons first policy, only one party does that and that is why their support has increased so much.

    The main three parties give themselves expenses, lose all our money and then ask for more out of us to replace it, whilst doing nothing for us apart from telling us how wrong we live our lives.

    The public are simply speaking out, it is not our fault you can't bare what the public are saying as it is the truth.

  5. I think you'll find that a no vote for Labour is a yes vote for the BNP, is the latest New Labour propaganda tool.

    They are the only party who are not racists, or so they would have us believe. Although Jacqui Smith went a long way proving the opposite this morning by going to great efforts in banning white foreigners who may just upset a few ethnic minorities with a chip on their shoulders from this country.

  6. Because Labour did not hold the promised referendum, this is the main reason for parties like the BNP gaining power.
    Labour always blame others instead of looking at themselves.

  7. Why does anyone other than Labour give a toss about the BNP? Sure, individual Tories may have certain super output areas where the BNP may be an issue but they're just an irrelevant side show. Watch Labour squirm into a vortex of recrimination, victimhood, dispossesion and disgrace.

    Tories would be best advised to be non commital and evasive re: the BNP - not worth the effort.

  8. "Even Labour cabinet ministers have acknowledged that the so-called white working classes feel let down by the political establishment"

    That doesn't seem to have got through to Ms Harperson. Why on earth is she being allowed to promote legislation which explicitly allows discrimination in employment against white working men? It could almost have been designed to engender support for the BNP.

  9. "Instead, he has a go at the Tories and thereby gives the BNP the oxygen of publicity it craves. Well done, Denis."You make a fair point except for that last bit.

    With the media and main political parties always seeking to deny the BNP any coverage at all you strengthen their cause by trying to prohibit them. Prohibition never works. The public will never get to see the BNP for what they are if you continually try to hide them away.

    As with expenses matter, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let us make up our own minds. Let us see the BNP challenged with ideas and policies not kneejerk, nannying 'oxygen of publicity' crap.

    I can understand why the BNP is gaining traction despite it's nature. By trying to ignore them they get an unhindered route to winning votes. They also campaign positively (from their perspective). The others seem to operate on a 'say nothing, promise nothing' tack so that if they get into office they have no obligations to meet. It is a cynical, least risky approach if you succeed.

  10. The Conservatives should take the long view on this and love bomb the white working class instead of the Lib Dems. They should exempt every existing business and new business in these areas from business rates. They should offer a social corporate tax rebate and they should allow the building of new houses along with grants to improve the existing housing stock including to combine the old two up two down terraces whichare no longer suitable for families.
    If nothing else this would change the demographic nature of the area.
    To be honest if you go there now it is paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool because anyone with any get up and go has got up and went.

  11. Much as I hate to say it, 'anonymous' has a point with this: "The Tories believe immigration is great for the economy, only because it force wages down as you have more people fighting for few jobs."

  12. The rise of the BNP is due to the electorate being completely brassed off with the 3 main parties. It appears there is little point in voting for any of them. All tarred with the same stinking brush soaked in sleaze, arrogance, disloyalty, with no integrity and a seemingly endless concoction of policies designed to destroy this country.

    Just look at what the Heath Government (plus the other 2 major parties, the civil service and the media) did to destroy the UK.

    People are simply disgusted at what has and is going on in politics and there appears no way out.

    The simple fact is that there are many folks out there who sympathise with the BNP but are too scared to support the party openly. Now, why does that happen in our "democracy"?

    Funny how it is perfectly acceptable to be a Marxist or Communist supporter/member but do not dare to support the BNP!

  13. If Labour had not changed European elections from first past the post to party list the BNP would not have the slightest chance of winning any seats in the European Parliament.

  14. It is pathetic to watch - Labour complaining about the BNP without accepting even the slightest hint of responsibility for their rise.

    The BNP will hurt Labour badly in the upcoming local and European elections.

  15. I wish people would stop pretending the BNP is a right-wing party. Their authoritarian, statist views are entirely left-wing.

  16. As 'anonymous' says, there are many Tory voters who consider voting BNP. This isn't the fault of the Tories except in as much as they might not campaign as strongly in places like Dagenham as they do elsewhere.

    In a similar manner, there are people who would normally vote Lib Dem, UKIP or another party who sometimes consider voting BNP. The trouble with voters (at least as far as us politicos are concerned) is that they sometimes don't behave as rationally as we would like them to.

    I am sure that there are similar voters in Labour's case. But it is their tactics in campaigning against the BNP which elevates the vote of Griffin's mob. By painting any BNP candidate as the bogeyman and demanding support to keep the BNP out - even where they have no chance of success - Labour habitually talks up their vote. In most cases, the tactic 'works' in that the BNP doesn't win the election and Labour coalesces the anti BNP vote behaind their candidate. But almost inevitably, more people end up voting BNP that otherwise might have done so because they get the oxygen of publicity without any sort of rational discussion of their policies.

    If, for a moment, we ignore the names of the particular parties, consider this:

    Party A goes into an election as the incumbent with a narrow lead voer Party B. There are also Parties C and D with less than 10% of the vote each. The rational campaigning actions of Parties A and B is to go hell for leather at each other and squeeze C and D. They will either ignore C and D or simply say that they 'cannot win here'.

    Unless you are Labour and Party D is the BNP. In which case you demand that everyone backs you else the BNP will get in.

    I can fully understand the case for engaging the BNP, but this can only be done on the same basis as you might engage another political opponent - ie when they matter in the particular election and on the basis of their policies as opposed to yours

  17. So what is the Conservative strategy to fight the BNP?

    The Tories will field a candidate in every ward in the land where there is a BNP candidate, so what will they do?

    Nothing, as is the norm?
    Leave it to others that is the norm?

    Ps. take a look at other new parties appearing and you'll find 'ex' BNP memebrs who are 'disillusioned' with the BNP.

    A new tactic by Nick Griffin to offload the hateful propaganda machine away from his respectable candidates/members/councillors.

  18. Absolutely right here Iain.. but not sure about the "so-called white working class" comment, we do exist!

  19. You're giving Denis McShane the oxygen of publicity he craves.

  20. Very rarely do I listen to old Ken Livingstone on issues, but I have to say I agree with him on this one. He has actually got a lot better since doing Radio. His Saturday morning shows are wuite engaging....As for McShane, these Labour has beens will do anything to try and put down the Tories because they know that there soon to be buckshee lifestyle is coming to an end....


  21. Anonymous 9:24

    You talk nonsense. Do a bit of research ( and not the nonsense that you are talking) and compare the immigrants numbers per year coming from outside the EU from Thatcher's and Major's periods. While you are doing this, also add to this the so called students which the post-92 universities bring in from all over the world, from Asia and Africa principally using their agents in these countries. You will discover that
    not only these "students" NOT bring in billions of fee money as Bill Rammell, the architect of mass recruitment of these students claims, but they come in with just enough money to last for a few weeks and look for jobs. Essentially they are illegal immigrants using universities as a route to come in as student visas are given just about to any one. Thanks to Blair and Brown's effort to send 50% of post secondary students to universities in this country FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD USING "WIDENING ACCESS" CRITERIA.

    The BNP is fed from the uncontrolled mass imigration of
    non-EU citizens from 1997 and them taking Britiah jobs almost in every category-doctors, IT specialists, local govt admin,security etc.. AND occupying newly built social houses. If Brown builds more homes , I bet most of them will be occupied by these people.

    In case you want to brand me a racist, I am a brown-coloured British citizen, and most educated brown-coloured citizens like me want all immigration outside the EU to stop forthwith and benefits available to only those who have contributed tax for some years.

    BNP surge is fed from Blair and Brown govts' failure to control mass immigration. Let us not dance around this-it is Immigration stupid.

  22. MacShane is wrong about just about everything, so there is no surprise at his latest effort. He is possibly the most irritating man on the planet, which is why he is seldom off the BBC...

  23. Thinking back to Matthew Parris' story about Mrs Thatcher writing a letter of apology and comparing that to Macshane's attitude, it pinpoints what I detest about modern socialists as a breed.

    They are incapable of seeing any deficiency in their beliefs or actions. If something is going wrong it must be someone else's fault. And that person must be punished. By whatever means, because the end ALWAYS justifies the means.

  24. Iain, why do you even give McShane, the most arrogant of all Liebour MP's (and thta's saying something!), the time?

    Oh, and by the way, the BNP are far left. Ever read their economic solutions?

  25. Notice how the Government's swine flu info is carefully crafted to shows white people sneezing over coloured victims?

    PC correctness gone mad again. If new Labour were truly non racist then they would not be afraid of suggesting that you do NOT have to be white to pass germs on.

  26. Gary Elsby said...
    "So what is the Conservative strategy to fight the BNP?"

    I suggested to Grayling the following:

    1. Cut the workpermits, entry permits and overseas student numbers by 80%. I would even go further to to give a holiday to these for at least 5 years.

    2. No benefits for any newly arrived non-EU residents until
    they have contributed tax for at least 5 years.

    3. Take a fresh look at the incorporation of EU human rights. Change it even if the woolly liberals cry foul. This is a mockery as the other day we heard an illegal immigrant who killed a British citizen when hos car ran over him, had no driving license and cannot be deported.

    4. Make serious attempt to give back Britiah identity and not this multicultural nonsense. English learning should be made compulsory.

    5. Stop the nonsense of medical students and other students wearing religious dresses- e.g.Burkhas. If these people want to wear them they should look to go to Middle East.

    [Again, I am repeating: I am brown-coloured British and very often the good British identity and values are lost in favour of multiculturism].
    I have written lengthy e-mail messages to Cameron and Grayling to
    take bold steps and not run away from immigration debate.

  27. Why shouldn't the BNP be given the 'oxygen of publicity'?

    They are a legal political entity in the UK with the same rights afforded as any other political party. In theory, at elast.

    Are you saying that some parties are more equal than others?

  28. norman said...

    [Again, I am repeating: I am brown-coloured...

    And good to hear from you, too, Norman.

    But doesn't it simply sum up the entire disaster that is 'political correctness' that you need to even say what the colour of your skin is? Why is it that you can say the things you do (with which I agree, by the way) but, as a 'whitey', I'd be disqualified from making the very same comments by being deemed a 'racist'?

    Orwell just never got it, did he?

  29. JuliaM and others.

    Sorry this "Tories want immigrants for low wages" is total nonsense.

    I am a tory and own a group of businesses and companies. The thing I want is talented, hard working people, that's it. Cheap is of no use to me at all.

    There is of course a minimum wage (which in my opinion should be £6 per hour) in place as well.

  30. Know thine enemy.

    I'm tired of the constant attacks on the British working class for having the timerity to fight for their interests so I took the trouble to watch a 2 hour "BNP Question Time" on the BNP website the other day. (I believe it's still up there if anyone's interested).

    The whole charade was illuminating, from the placement audience (nearly all pensioners and no tatoos), to the careful avoidance of any contentious questions, and the odd slip revealing what is just below the surface. For example, in discussing the motor industry the name BMW came up, and one of the panelists couldn't stop himself saying, "Black mans willy." Not a huge sin maybe, but crude and crass nonetheless.

    I won't be voting for them unless as a tactical or a protest vote.

  31. With all due respect - ALL political parties crave the "oxygen of publicity" including your own.

    You defeat other political parties by winning the arguments and demonstrating that your political philosophy is better than the others - the key word being demonstrating.

    The Labour party fall into the trap of believing that quoting statistics is demonstrable proof of their "success", but for millions of people up and down the country many of the policies of both Tory and Labour administrations have resulted in real problems and real issues which simply are not being addressed by Labour and Tory politicians.

    The BNP have very successfully tapped into that at local level. You also have to understand that the vast majority of people who are voting for the BNP in local elections are not doing so because they are racist - but because they are fed up of being ignored.

    If all you and your fellow politicians do is tell those people that they are racist as well for voting BNP then you will only alienate them further. They may not like being called names, but at least you're finally acknowledging their existence!

    I've read the BNP policies and there are many areas where you could quite easily engage with them and defeat them in an argument without having to discuss race issues or resort to name-calling - but Tories and Labour seem incapable of doing that. As a Conservative you must be able to see that the BNP policies are broadly socialist (rather odd far a "far-right" party) why not engage them on those issues?

    I don't know what percentage of people in this country are white, but I suspect it's still a large majority. Can you not see that for them race is a non-issue? What matters is that they can't find jobs, their kids are going to crap schools and learning little, they can't find homes to live in locally, their filthy streets are plagued with crime and it is the criminals who get the support and help - not the ordinary everyday law-abiding folk.

    They've had fifty years of empty promises from Labour and Tory governments and they've had enough. Their Tory and Labour councillors aren't helping them - they are more likely to penalise them further for driving the wrong sort of car or throwing the wrong piece of litter in the wrong bin.

    The BNP are gaining ground because they are promising to do something about these issues - not because they are opposed to mixed race marriages.

    The vast majority of British people are not racist - they just want a government that looks after their interests first and foremost. When you analyse it, that isn't actually asking too much of a national government is it? But it seems to be beyond the understanding of both the Labour and Tory parties.

  32. Anonymous 10.59.

    Yes unfortunately the PC. As an academic I was often approached by my white colleagues in my university to speak on their behalf in meetings when the issues of attendnace and lack of seriousness related to African and Asian students came up. In all these discussions the non-white staff and students merely tolerated what I said. One African student even accused me as a closet white when I suggested anbsenteeism in African and Asian students should be curbed and should form a component when resit exams were considered.

  33. Why are people like McShane and Hain giving credibility to the BNP? The more they tell people about the possibility of the BNP gaining seats the more they encourage people to stop regarding them as a wasted vote.

  34. Gary Elsby Stoke-on-TrentMay 05, 2009 12:27 pm

    Norman, you are wishful thinking.

    It's one thing to suggest something but the Tories will do nothing and try to sneak in between.

    When it comes to fighting Fascism, racism and the BNP, the Conservative Party and its membership are COWARDS!

  35. I must disagree strongly. I'm from south Essex where BNP support is very strong, in last year's local elections the BNP was first, second or third in every poll. And it's VERY Tory round my end of the world. VERY VERY Tory.
    Rather than mud-slinging, let's have a think about this. The old thing about the BNP doing well when Labour does badly seems to strike true, more or less. But there are deeper problems which the left don't like to acknowledge, i.e. that some lefty people might be a bit racist.

    But shunning the BNP doesn't help, only talking about them and giving them "the oxygen of publicity" can drag them out of the shadows and into the stark light of reality where they can be tackled. Very often they get their support by being 'outsiders' who 'say what others won't' etc. etc,
    only by dealing with them can we deal with the problem that they are the symptom of

  36. Still a bit bitter Gary about losing out in Stoke to the BNP eh lad?

    I'm not sure that Tories are cowards about fighting racism or fascism - maybe a bit slow, but cowards is a bit strong. Anywho - you've got to secure office first. The Tories can't appeal to everyone and if a few racists don't vote Tory, well, hardly anything to lose sleep over is it?

    You up again in June?

  37. Macshane undermined Brown's Britishness relaunch.

    Macshane though should not play the race card in this shameless way - Particularly as it only serves to increase BNP votes

    Macshane = Plonker!

  38. MacShane obviously knows nothing about the BNP, has not read their manifesto, heard their motto or anything related to them.

    BNP get their support from unhappy left-wing Labour supporters not the Conservatives. They are after all "national" socialists.

    Good piece Iain, now try and make sure the Tories don't paint UKIP as the smiling face of the BNP as they have done in the past.

  39. The BNP,are the dustbin of protest yet again. I know quite a few who have openly voted for them in the past and its simply because they feel the mainstream parties, yes Tories as well as Labour (none that I know would touch the libs)dont listen and dont represent their views.They are sick of PC,immigrants and being talked down to...(a la McShane)

    There is also an additional factor this time, called Kick Brown.Many people regard the Euro elections as the ideal time to vote for whoever has the best chance of embarrassing Labour and hastening the end of GB...Thats why many, in certain parts of the country,WILL vote BNP and smile while they are doing it.

  40. MacShane? - tosseur !!!

  41. MacShane = TOSSEUR

  42. The Rise of the BNP is attributable to quite a few factors:

    1. Blatant disregard for the voter by NuLabour.
    2. Continued sleaze and corruption within NuLabour.
    3. One law for us and one for them has also seriously angered the voter.
    4. Whitewash by the Police of Politician's crimes, your everyday person would be sacked from their job and imprisoned for.
    5. 2 weeks in prison for Lord Ahmed for manslaughter??????
    6. Selling off of Britain, not only to the EU but Saudi Arabia. Even our King in waiting is powerless to stop Saudi buying up Britain.
    7. Control from Brussels, by unelected politicians, of the UK.
    8. The growth of Islam in the UK and continued Government, Police and MSM appeasement of it. One cannot mention Islamic Terrorist, for fear of offending terrorists. Our country is full of people who hate the UK, the likes of Anjem Choudary(to name but one) who are allowed to march in London calling for the overthrow of British Law and in its place Sharia Law, not forgetting the creation of the caliphate. All this is sedition and of course treason, but mustn't offend the Muslims. Not only this but Choudary, is continually being given airtime on the BBC to spew his diseased, anti British rhetoric. The authorities also arrest angry Britons who try to intervene, when they see Muslims demonstrating calling for death to Infidels and those who insult Islam/draw pictures of Muhammad. Hate speech is alive and kicking in the UK, but protecting those who are promoting it.
    9. Uncontrolled Immigration to keep the minimum wage static and business profits up. We are continually told that this all benefits Britain, when we have 2 million+ unemployed, costing the taxpayer a bare minimum of around £330million a week in benefits to the taxpayer. Allowing unskilled immigrants into the UK and catering for them, not just with welfare benefits(for those who do not work) but also in translation, medical, dental and educational, child tax credit/family credit/nursery expenses. Have a look at Migration Watch's website to find the breakdown on an illegal immigrant/immigrant family costing the British taxpayer £1million.
    10. Also regarding Immigration, the blatant disregard of them to integrate, but instead joining their respective ghettos in the UK and segregating, taking first place when it comes to housing and of course all the aforementioned in point 9.
    11. Then of course there are jobs for the British Citizens, who because of EU control, have to give them to foreigners. Also on Migration Watch's website there are four times as many foreign workers working in the UK as British people abroad and the majority are of course unskilled. Britain, to many of the British people has become the World's place for work, education, medicine and housing - Screw what the Indigenous people want, but if some poor Indigenous person is being exploited abroad then everyone's up in arms over here.

    These are many of the reasons why so many people in the UK are livid with the Government.
    To further add, when the Tories win the next election(that is unless NuLabour manage to win back their voters, or keep the floodgates open allowing yet more and more illegals into the country who will happen to get a vote) who are the Conservative voters going to vote in the election after when they realise that Conservative are simply Blue Labour, certainly not conservative and instead a socialist democratic party?
    Forget about BNP next election, they won't win, they will take seats, no doubt about that and put themselves on the pedestal as a contender for Parliament. It will be the election in 5 years time or 9 years time, when they may clinch victory.

    It just amazes me, as a Conservative, that people truly think that David Cameron et all are conservatives. They are all merely pigs, like NuLabour, desperate to get into power to reap the benefits government brings. The only thing conservative about DC's party is the name. He's weak, an Eaton toff, who hasn't got a clue what the British people really want. There's too much for him to gain remaining in Europe personally, but it will destroy Britain.

  43. The BNP and their voters want to see non-white immigration stopped.That's what they're all about, all other policies are to pretend their a "proper" party.

    The mainstream parties have always been lying sleazeballs.
    Labour/Tories have ignored the majority of Brits and allowed all this immigration.
    15% of the UK is non-white and it's growing rapidly(the white man is dying out) and in 30 years time 35-40% ?
    The BNP isn't going away. The National Front faded away in the 1970's because immigrants where a relatively small number- not now.

    I don't vote for the BNP but the majority of Brits are "quietly" racist and want to live among their own kind.

    The Tories/Labour go on about the horrible BNP they should look at themselves.

    I predict that in a short time the BNP will be a bigger party than the Lib Dems - no question about it.
    We are on a start of a major revolution in the UK and indeed Europe on the issue of immigration and identity.

  44. maut2,

    "The BNP and their voters want to see non-white immigration stopped. That's what they're all about, all other policies are to pretend their a "proper" party."The BNP want to see all immigration stopped into the UK. Their policy is to train those people here already, from the EU so they can go back and benefit their own country, an extended visa if you like. They are 100% against non EU, migration to the UK and I agree, The majority of these people's are from completely different cultures that just pose problems to our country, in segregation. They however, do believe in migration outside the EU from countries similar to ours - America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc etc.
    They are not pretending to be a proper party. All parties have to start somewhere and their manifesto, is what is attracting people to vote for them. They are a grass roots party and dare I say it, possibly one of the few with honest politicians, concerned about the future of Britain, as every politician(especially in power) should be.

    "I don't vote for the BNP but the majority of Brits are "quietly" racist and want to live among their own kind."

    Excuse me? I am not racist, but your analysis, merely paints a picture that all cultures, are so because people like to live within them. The want and need to protect one's culture has resulted in war after war in the West, which has created what it is today. Our forefather laid down their lives so that they would be able to sit in the pub, with a pint and smoke their pipe in peace. They saw their culture as something worth protecting, for it has created the greatest civilisation known to man - the West.
    You are confusing Nationalism, the love of one's culture with racism. Racism is the prejudice of another because of their race, but then, what is one supposed to do when other cultures want to remove yours and implement their own? Should we just say; "that's ok, kill the Golden Goose that lays the Golden eggs in order to implement your culture, you left your own land to come here, because ours was better?"
    Racism is too overused nowadays and the continued use of it will merely turn it into a badge of honour for many, as they realise that their culture is worth fighting for, not to be bulldozed by the lover of Multiculturalism, too ignorant to not see that it's merely a recipe for disaster. Conflict in this world is because of people disagreeing with one another and that is all about culture. Why do you think the Radical Muslims are attacking the West? They hate our culture and want to implement theirs over ours.

    It appears you are confused to what the meaning of racist is: One who is prejudice to another because of their skin colour is racism, yet one of another culture who comes to a foreign land, to destroy that culture is an invader and in the past would have been struck down by the culture he was attacking. However now they live under the protection of Multiculturalism, an ideology along with political correctness that destroys Nations and throws that country into cultural turmoil as minority cultures, fight for supremacy now that the main culture no longer exists.

    Last but not least I have never voted for the BNP, but this year and next election there really is no choice. I'm a National Conservative and there is no National Conservative party for me to vote for. I look for the protection of my culture and its promotion amongst its people and the BNP are the only party who are addressing that. That's why I'll vote for them.

  45. McShame has more in common with the BNP than he cares to acknowledge: they are tribal Socialist Collectivists -and so is he.

  46. The Tories are jusut another version of New Labour.

    Just like them they have an esentially materialist world view.

    Just like them, they think that Progress means perfecting humanity through rising standards of living brought about by advances in techology which must inevitably bring people together ('Integration').

    Just like them, it believes that anciently settled countries like Britain can and should be demolished by mass immigration (the 'free movement of labour')so that mankind can come together in a homogenised undifferentiated mass, which in the highly unlikely event it ever arrived would in fact be a hell on earth of blandness and rootless, soulless anonymity.

    This fundamentally anti-human, evil creed sacrifies everything that makes an individual feel comfortable, at home and gives him roots in the name of material progress.

    The Tory party is a fundamentally Marxist party.

  47. People who are turning to the BNP because of the issue of Europe, are doing so because they feel none of the three main parties are Eurosceptic enough. That includes the Tories. Recent BBC Daily Politics and politics home index polls have shown a majority of people in favour of leaving the EU and returning to the original idea of a purely economic relationship. That none of the three main parties is advocating anything like this despite this being the view of a majority of the British people is why the disengagement is happening.

  48. MacShane is one of the worst Labour MP in the HoC. He knows the Tories are more in tune with public opinion and that the Labour party are vulnerable on this issue. So he is trying to silence the Tories by envoking the BNP. He is a nasty piece of work.

  49. Anonymous wrote:

    "He knows the Tories are more in tune with public opinion and that the Labour party are vulnerable on this issue."I feel like Peter Hitchens, reading this blog at some of the ridiculous comments on what the Conservatives are.
    The Conservatives are:

    not a political party in tune with public opinion in the slightest.
    not a Conservative party but instead the rebirth of Dr David Ownen's SDP.
    no different to Liberal Democrats and Nulabour.
    a sect of career politicians, who have no interest whatsoever in the lives of Brits, other than those who fund their party and will help get them into power.

    If David Cameron was a true Conservative, he'd be over at Brussels, upon election and ripping the Lisbon Treaty and previous Treaties of Paris and Rome, to shreds.
    He would be removing the UK from the EU and implementing Sovereign Rule for Britain, to be controlled by democratically elected politicians in the Houses of Parliament. He would be restoring the Nation state of Great Britain and destroying the plans of the Marxist Theorists, who want to utterly destroy every Nation State in the West.

    By Cameron not advocating this, as regardless what he says on the EU, it's merely an election ploy, shows that Cameron at the heart of hearts is a Marxist and were he many years older, would have been a student in the Frankfurt School. He knows that the EU, is far more beneficial to him and his fellow MP's as the killing to be made, as part of the EU, or personal gain is astronomical.
    The Tories, The Liberal Democrats and NuLabour are all career politicians. Parliament to them is Paradise. Once inside, anything they desire, any perk, any amount of cash, any holiday, any luxury apartment(or two) is there for the taking. More so, as bureaucrats, they are free from prosecution, so they can do whatever they want above the law, knowing they are exempt from anything, you and I would be sacked/suspended pending investigation, investigated by the police, very possibly charged, taken to court and imprisoned.

    The whole Parliamentary system is corrupt. It is like one big rotten borough of old, where politicians like like kings, while the people rot. It seems that the King's of France and their Queens have now been reincarnated into British politicians. I wonder however if 1789 is due for a second playing?

  50. Brilliant. Nothing to add, apart from reinstating the fact that Denis McShane is one of the most flatulent and obnoxious cretins to ever walk the face of the political planet. The man lies for a career and is about a useful as a chocolate teapot, unless you're Nick Griffin. McShane for PM! That'd hasten the carnage.
