Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Look Who's Been a Naughty Boy...

Oh dear. It was inevitable that the Comical Ali of defending Labour would, in the end, come to grief. Poor David Boothroyd*. Anna Raccoon has the STORY.

UPDATE: Dizzy reports that Mr Boothroyd has now had his Wikipedia entry deleted. The humiliation!

* For the uninitiated, David Boothroyd regularly comments here, defending the indefensible. Gordon Brown is a titan among minnows, Labour is pure as the virgin snow and all Tories are evil is is basic thesis.


  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/5389597/MPs-expenses-Simon-Heffer-to-stand-against-Alan-Haselhurst-if-he-does-not-repay-claims.html

  2. Absolutely superb!

    Iain, you cannot have him commentating again! A proven cheat!

    Mind you, to be fair, he has resigned, which is more than can be said for Brown. darling. Smith. Straw etc. etc. etc.

  3. David Boothroyd is a Labour councillor????? He looks like Charles Hawtrey from the "Carry on" movies - maybe that explains his farcical behaviour.

  4. Is David Boothroyd an alias?

  5. For the uninitiated, David Boothroyd has been commenting about politics on line a darn site longer than this or any other blogs have existed.

  6. I could not resist it

    Charles HawteryDavid BoothroydAre they by any chance related? I think we should be told!

  7. Some people have no lives. They sit at home in front of their computers getting themselves all worked up and angry just because David Cameron has a decent picture? The guy needs to get out more!

    This comment may be hypocritical.

  8. Is Boothroyd's best mate Damien McBride by any chance ??

    Ought he not share the same fatsher

  9. Mr Boothroyd is indeed Comical Ali - an excellent comparison!

    'I see no tanks...'

  10. Do Boothroyd's voters know of his involvement in this?

    I think we should all do the right thing and advise them. ;)

  11. "For the uninitiated, David Boothroyd has been commenting about politics on line a darn site longer than this or any other blogs have existed."

    So? Doesn't change the fact that he's so absurdly paretisan he can see no wrong with his own side.

  12. @ Simon Gardner

    "David Boothroyd has been commenting about politics on line a darn site longer than this or any other blogs have existed."So bleeding what? Does the fact that he has been commenting for so many years make his comments somehow more credible? In the light of current information it would appear that his integrity, or accuracy perhaps, is questionable - at the very least.

    I'm reminded of a few other congenital liars, such as Brown or Blair whom Boothroyd seems to slavishly support. How long have they, too, been deceiving, lying - "commenting"?

  13. oh dear, what a loss....we`ll all be gutted wont we...

  14. 'fatsher' ?

    what a good typo - meant to be 'fate' of course.

    what joy it would be to be able to type - strange how fingers take on a life of their own.

  15. It seems that David Boothroyd had several User IDs on Wiki and that he had been interchanging them - it also appears that from joining Wiki he had a meteoric rise in the ranks. He had also (using one of the IDs) created a page about himself (David Boothroyd). He's a very sick puppy indeed.

    Link to a thread where the Wiki insiders discuss him - concerns were first raised about him in December:


  16. We had a couple of LabourDroids until recently on the DT blogs for whom Brown could do no wrong.

    One, Quietzappple did not like being called Comical Ali, but now persecutes Guardian readers; the other a certain David Dee, aka pele... was a particularly virulent Liebour troll that fortunately seems to have realized he was wasting his time with us. Sounds like your Boothroyd.

  17. no longer anonymous said...
    "For the uninitiated, David Boothroyd has been commenting about politics on line a darn site longer than this or any other blogs have existed."

    So I was clarifying Ian’s “For the uninitiated...” post. As far as I can remember Boothroyd was an online Labour hack before the web existed.

    [He has always been completely partisan - as is Iain and indeed 90% of posters here. He also maintained a jolly useful on line election results resource.]

    On a personal level, I’m sorry he has had to resign as a councillor which will be a severe blow. (And my memory that he once worked for Politicos must, however, be faulty.)

  18. Simon, I took this to mean he had resigned from the Wikipedia committee, not as a councillor. If it was the latter I wouldn't have written this post. So I hope it isn't.

    David worked for PMS, not Politico's, although we did publish a book by him. And yes, his site is a very good resource.

  19. I've been quibbling with wrong facts here since it started so I see no reason to stop now - can you square the "all Tories are evil" with the biography of Hubert Duggan what I wrote? That was one of my favourite articles, I thought; charming, informative, overwhelmingly positive, and its subject was a Conservative MP.

    Believe me I'm only partisan when I want to be.

  20. Certainly haven't resigned as a councillor - no reason to do so. Nor even 'resigned from wikipedia'.

  21. David, one swallow does not a summer make :)

  22. OK Iain, well I may have misunderstood. I thought he had resigned from his council. Maybe not?

  23. Hmmmm, made The Reg, suspect the MSM may pick it up tomorrow - particularly the Evening Standard.


  24. Broon is Mr. TumbleMay 26, 2009 11:52 pm

    The David Boothroyd performance I really treasure - on this blog, at any rate - was on the day of PMQs after Broon flunked the election.


    This gem was just pure class. What a loony! One of the best things about an unforgettable day!

    I tend to confuse him with that other loony David Lindsay, but the latter never provides humour like this.

  25. Shitipedia is never to be trusted. Never use it for source material, and if you do, make sure you have back up.

    It's not so long ago that it was revealed that BBC types were routinely editing references to material (7,000 entries) outwith their remit, changing phrases and words like "terrorists" to "freedom fighters".

    I am afraid it is the natural home of Mavis Chancroid. Try and think of him as a clerk at the Ministry of Truth, beavering away on the Newspeak dictionary, altering reality, promulgating lies. Then remember who he so slavishly supports, what he does and why he does it.

    It's New Labour. It's what they do.

  26. David Boothroyd - the gift that just keeps on giving.

  27. David Boothroyd???? ur joking me lol

  28. Humpty Dumpty: He had also (using one of the IDs) created a page about himselfNot true. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=David_Boothroyd&action=history shows the page was created at 06:07 today by User:TAway (no known link to Boothroyd AFAIK).

    On 8-Aug-05, he himself nominated his article for deletion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/David_Boothroyd

    He reinforced that request on Saturday: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/David_Boothroyd_(2nd_nomination)

    The recreation by TAway, I imagine, will swiftly be deemed inappropriate.

    Oh, and rule one about Wikipedia and the media: never cite Cade Metz. He's obsessed with doing Wikipedia down for reasons no-one has quite figured out, but he's clearly a nutter.

  29. http://tinyurl.com/this-gem

    That truly is priceless!

    Mr Boothroyd, if you are reading, were you just winding people up when you wrote what you did back in 2007? Or did you really believe it?

  30. Polly Toynbee's HairdresserMay 27, 2009 11:08 am

    The childish stupidity of the Labour drones is actually richly amusing.

    The New Labour project was predicated upon the stupidity and gullibility of the English people.

    That's why the drones feel no shame in lying about the opposition, it's what Labour does.

    If only more people realised the contempt Labour feels for the average citizen, whether it's this idiot, or Hazel 'standing up for my constituents' Blears.

    btw is Ernie Wise one of his aliases as well?

    'can you square the "all Tories are evil" with the biography of Hubert Duggan what I wrote?'

    That book what I wrote...brilliant

  31. Makes me glad that I was so rude to him when he came on Boulton & Co when I was posting there.

  32. The Wikipedia hive may have swarmed in to protect "their own" David Boothroyd by deleting the article about him. However, it was released under the terms of the GFDL, so it is bound to pop up elsewhere on the Internet.

    Indeed, it has already:


  33. The Boothroyd scandal is further proof that Wikipedia is run by leftie propaganda droids and New Labour footsoldiers. It can't be trusted as a reliable source.
