Saturday, May 02, 2009

Labour Women Kick Gordon Where It Hurts

The Chipmunk has got him by the nuts.
YouTube if you want to, but it is no substitute for knocking on doors or setting up a stall in the town centre,"Labour ministers have a collective responsibility for the government's lamentable failure to get our message across... Whatever the problems of the recession, the answer is not more government documents or big speeches
Kate Hoey kicks him in the balls.
I don't think many people talk to the PM about much...There is genuine confusion at the heart of our understanding of what he's trying to do, and he's been too quick to react when he's been criticised. The classic example was the YouTube appearance. He should never have done that...The problem is there's no real leader that we can coalesce around. I think if we do extremely badly in the European elections, there's no doubt about it people will start talking again... Our country economically is in such a terrible position, people are feeling 'how could things get worse?' It's not inconceivable that the Tories winning won't be greeted in the same way as if the Tories had been winning eight years ago... Would I be devastated?' No absolutely not.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, a Labour MP has apparently claimed the cost of a sauna on expenses. Wonder if that came with "extras"...

UPDATE: And the House of Commons is censoring details of expense claims.

UPDATE: The Mail on Sunday reports that Peter Mandelson had to calm an angry Gordon Brown after he lost his temper following TV interviews during the week and that Charles Clarke is calling for Ed Balls and Tom Watson to be sacked. it;s all kciking off, isn't it?

UPDATE: The Sunday Times reports that Labour Peer Baroness Uddin has claimed £100,000 for a flat which is empty. I never knew Peers had a second home allowance.


  1. 'YouTube if you want to, the ladies ain't for tubing.'

  2. Nuts about Hazel.

  3. Opus Die Kelly has been weighing in her invaluable two cents' worth tonight aswell - see the Grauniad

  4. Maybe Chipmonk & Hoey are going to defect?

    Maybe not it sounds like the little Hitler party making up nonsense! Pantsdown haveing another bite of the political cheery!

    LD = LOL!

  5. Prezza in both barrels mode on R5.

  6. Labour are doomed - DOOMED!

    Hazel talking about the Lady's not for turning sounds like an echo of the past! Someone once told me a rude joke about the Ladies not for turning! It was very funny but some Tories may find it offensive!

  7. I am trying to listen to that horse's arse Galloway. It's just impossible. He's a smooth-talking, venomous revisionist who deserves nothing more than our contempt. The guy shouldn't be on the radio. He should be in jail.

    That's better.

    Anyway, well done in taking-on his shocking ideologically-motivated prejudices and rudeness, Mr D. And congratulations pinning him down on the betrayal of the miners' democratic rights by his mate, Scargill.

    Upon reflection, maybe the fool he needs our sympathy. When it comes right down to it, he's off his bloody rocker.

  8. Can we have Tony Blair back yet, please?

  9. Is there a 'play again' function for GG and ID on the TSport website? I can see one for the Dolly interview, but not for tonight's?

  10. This is why I have never understood the "suicide watch" propaganda.

    Way over the top even by current spin standards, did they forget that we had already been told that MPs have been able to draw the big fat indelible marker pen through the more risque expenses?

    In keeping with the basic socialist premise that the public are Stupid Sheep, they aim to show how reasonable MPs expenses are by saying "Look, he claimed his 92p bus fare twice and was going to top himself because he felt so guilty!"

    Well, it may only be 92p, but the real moral of the story is that despite the clunky spin, I'll be round to help him with the draught excluders, the gas and the cushion just insiide the oven door.

  11. Kate Hoey should have defected years ago - and been welcomed with open arms. She's far sounder than many on our own side of the benches.

  12. The intervention of Blears is a very serious development. She has broken collective Cabinet responsibly. If Brown had the authority, she would be sacked on the spot.

    What we have now is Cabinet in free fall. Their ability to govern in a credible way may must now questioned.

  13. come on....blears is desperately trying to get the media to pick up on the thatcher echoes of her silly quote so that she is seen as a future no holds barred radical and she has the Iain Dale fan machine backing her.

  14. Galloway is another scottish carpet bagger who signed the scottish claim of right along with Rifkind.

    Are these ex Scottish MP's now in English seats still working in the interests of Scotland from England?

  15. The second Times piece about censorship is in no way a new story - just like the recent stories about the length of the MPs holidays, they were announced and reported last year, amidst all the debates and changes to salaries and allowances.

    These stories are damning indeed, but they are naught but a cynical attempt to devalue politics as much as MPs are doing themselves - they are attempts to carry on the story where it does not exist. News about Baroness Udin, or new expenses claims are coming every week, and rightly so, but filling empty pages with old news is irresponsible journalism.

  16. Just read the NotW article on Milliband having his own private jet. He's been listening to Yvette Cooper calling be Tories 'do nothing' and saying it is responsible to spend your way out of debt. Clearly the next Generation of Labour do not understand the value of money.

    New Labour spend money and justify that spening like spoilt teenagers spending freely with Mum and Dads cash. The key word here being 'spoilt' - as in 'broken'.

    The Milliband boys and Mr and Mrs Balls represent the next generation of New Labour. Clearly they are not fit to manage the UK economy. It comes as a surprise to me to realize that the next Labour Prime minister is not in cabinet, nor in the Commons either. Given New Labour are free spending southerners council tax in the North the next Labour Prime Minister is not a councillor either. Given the free spending by teenagers and their party-on attitude celebrity culture the next Labour Prime Minister is not a teenager either.

    Yes the next Labour Prime minister is not having their personality shaped by anything in New Labours socially engineered world. Political correctness - and it's naive confusion between equal basic rights and equal right to benefits is as econmically literate as Marxism. The next Labour leader is probably growing up as a child of New Labour supporting parents, who are probably self declared bankrupts after taking one too many holidays courtsey of Ocean Finance, who will probably understand that Government spending will be falling from now on due to globalization. New Labour are so far from power that I doubt they will ever get back into power because in the coming decades globalization will shift our politics away from Govenment spending and moving all parties into a world with less tax. New Labour, like soviet style communism has failed big time. If Tony Blair claimed the middle ground then the middle ground is not economic.

  17. But the chipmunk still supports Brown-confused?---you bet!!!

  18. Is the little Chipmunk getting a bit confused?

  19. As I sit here and write this I can imagine Gordon Brown sitting quietly at breakfast and musing that perhaps it would be a jolly good idea to get Hazel in for lunch and a quiet chat; after all, she may have got a point and I should really take on board what she and her friends feel.

    On the other hand it's much more likely that Brown will be screaming with rage - "get me McBride, Draper, Campbell, Nick Robinson, anyone; I want Blears destroyed, out of the Cabinet, out of the Commons. I want her deselected; her solicitors' practice destroyed and anything we've got on this little menace out in the public domain. Smash her motorbike; wreck her marriage; cut up her clothes. DO IT"

  20. The Chipmunk is missing the point.The message IS getting across and the electorate don't like it.

  21. Oh Hazel what have you done running off at the mouth again guess you will be to the back benches come the reshuffle.

    Its just not been a good few weeks for Gordon the gopher the public hate you your party hate you and even your own cabinet hate you.

    Why does he even bother to get out of bed in the morning.

  22. Being upbraided by a small furry animal. That's got to sting.


  23. 'We are all Keynesians now' - Nixon

    'We'll spend our way of of recession' - Brown

  24. John Miller

    I think the term "suicide watch" as applied to Labour MPs refers not to killing themselves but to crossing the floor of the House.

    Others might call it swimming to safety and still others might refer to rats.

    The LibDems are hoping they will be making room on their benches instead of having lots of room on them as looks likely in view of polls.

  25. It is now more important than ever, in fact it is of moral imperative that the press expose as many of these abuses of our money by MP's as possible. MP’s are again setting themselves above the electorate! It seems MP’s have again forgotten is the electorate who give them their mandate and the people that put them in parliament.
    If this censoring of MP’s expenses happens it will be another nail in the coffin of trust between the People and MP’s. MP’s can burn in Hell. Long Live the People.

  26. Is Political Betting offering any odds on Gordon Brown being the first PM to go out of 10 Downing Street in a straitjacket?

  27. Miss Blears's remarks triggered panic inside Number 10. Within an hour of the article being made public she issued a statement backing Mr Brown and seeking to "clarify" her position.

    "I want to make it clear that the Prime Minister enjoys my 100 per cent support. Any suggestion that I intended what I wrote as criticism of him or his leadership is completely wrong," her statement said.

    What utter lies and drivel. The preceeding parts of the article show she does not support El Gordo 100% at all. Seeking to "clarify" your position after you have been bollocked is pathetic. She should tell the truth for a change. Or write more "clearly" in the first place.

  28. My my, such a load of thieves aren't they?

    As for censoring these accounts, if they are to be published because of a ruling from the High Court, any censoring is surely contempt of court. The ruling didn't say that partial information could be published. It implied the lot must be published. I do hope a smart lawyer picks this sleaze-ridden government up on this.

  29. Anonymous said...
    The Chipmunk is missing the point.The message IS getting across and the electorate don't like it.


    Exactly and that's why ZaNu labour is about to implode. They don't understand why it has gone so wrong. They think it is how 'the message' is communicated.

    The problem IS the message and the liars and cheats who spout them.

    They've been sussed for the frauds they have always been. And they now have nothing other than 'the message' to offer.

  30. Small detail in the Baroness Uddin story - her "second" home is a London Housing Association house in Wapping, rented to her at £500 a month, she claims £2,000 a month.

    It is a scandal that a family which can afford to buy and keep empty a flat in Maidstone can then be allowed to receive a state subsidised low rent on another home?

    I wonder if this is in fact a criminal fraud worthy of investigation by our friends in Victoria Street?

  31. according to margaret beckett on the politics show, all this uproar - m.p.'s expenses, leadership challenges etc- is all got up by the media and those wicked opposition parties and none of it is really happening !

  32. I wonder which is worse, being savaged by a dead sheep or duffed up by a lively chipmunk?

  33. I was going to blog a similar post but there's so much of it (sleaze) I thought it was superfluous. You could have added to your post on his tantrums the fact that the horrible little bully is planning on giving the boot to those of his MPs who voted against him on the Gurkhas.

    Instead I've stuck with the blogging possibilites of WolframAlpha a new computational knowledge engine that looks like it has great possibilities for creating stories as well as researching them. I also have a new sports writer. . . on my politics blog. The Daily Politics

  34. Isn't it just pathetic that Hazel Blears clearly criticises the PM and then comes out to stay she fully supports him.

    How stupid do these wretched people think we are?

    They are no better than kids in the playground:

    "No I didn't....Yes you did.."

    Please can we have an election now to kick this shower of incompetents into touch.

  35. Gordon has no balls.

  36. Brown/Balls/McBride.Have they fixed him up with a keep quiet job yet?

  37. "It's not inconceivable that the Tories winning won't be greeted in the same way as if the Tories had been winning eight years ago... "

    This is what I find amazing. Hatred and contempt for the Tories has been phenomenal since they left office. There has always been a very strong belief that Thatcher hurt the economy and the country. They have been held in distrust aswell, seen as eager to return to Thatherism despite Cameron's repositioning of the party.

    I myself have always found this contempt for the Tories annoying as I support much of the free market policies that Thatch implemented as being in the best interests of the country. Indeed I am dissapointed that the Tory party is now almost a mirror image of the third way philosophy of Blair.

    And yet Brown has undone this image problem. Thru his gross imcompetence he may have made the Conservatives electable again. I would say well done Gord but I still suspect that Labour will pull a rabbit out of the hat and win the next election (even if only by the smallest of margins).

  38. I have a feeling `Steiner` might be making another appearance at this rate.........

    Pure spectator sport
