Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Interview With LabourList

I did an interview with Alex Smith, the editor of LabourList yesterday, which he has posted on the site HERE. We covered everything from Margaret Thatcher, gay rights, Boris Johnson, to what happened with Derek Draper.


  1. Hopefully they will be a more interesting read than the tripe and Labour Propoganda that seemed to be all that came out of the site until recent developments.

  2. In that interview the interviewer suggests a majority of tory mps voted against the Civil Partnerships Act, whereas theyworkforyou.com has it that a tory majority of 66 to 36 voted for Civil Partnerships. What's going on there?

  3. Alex Smith is GorgeousMay 12, 2009 1:18 pm

    Alex Smith looks bloody gorgeous. Iain, did you manage to find out if he's either single, married, or gay? PUUUUUUUUUURLEASE can you find out? :-)

  4. It was a good interview Iain. I hope LabourList will get over its reputational damage, the more the merrier in terms of blogging.

  5. How unsurprising to read that Alex Smith wasn't alive when Thatcher came to power - he epitomises that kind of head-in-sand, tribally indoctrinated Leftie who has no experience or knowledge of what the UK was like immediately pre-and post-Thatcher and doesn't want to know either. It's easier just to trot out the same student union, sub-Ben Elton line than engage in any rational thought about the circumstances of the time.

    Depressingly, I see this a lot from non-British friends of mine who go and work in local government. These are intelligent, independently-minded people from the Commonwealth who by the end of their first week in the job insist on telling me why Margaret Thatcher was the most evil woman in history. It can't be too long before the Guardian starts advertising for a local authority "Co-ordinator of Anti-Thatcher Education".

  6. Have to say nota bad interview though this whole Liberal Conservativism is flawed I mean its like the Social Liberals have hijacked the Tory party in there droves by the look of it.

  7. Yes, more than a passing resemblance to Captain Darling ;-)

  8. A very enjoyable interview and I await Alex Smith's defection to the Conservatives.

  9. A good interview though Alex Smith does strike me as incredibly naive and thoroughly indoctrinated, but at least he's reasonably polite with it.

  10. An enjoyable interview. You come over very well, but that is probably because I share your liberal conservative views so closely.
