Friday, May 01, 2009

Friday Wind Down

A couple of weeks ago I posted a piece of piano music by Roy Todd. It got a huge reaction and many of you bought his CD. Roy has very kindly agreed to compose a piece of music for me to post each Friday specially on this blog, and here is this week's masterpiece. I hope you enjoy it.

To buy Roy's CD click HERE.


  1. Iain, an interesting post from Dizzy. I've just tried this on your blog and it works

  2. Indeed. I alerted DIzzy to it having had an email from a reader.

  3. Is this going to be a Richard Stilgoe-like sceneario at all? Am thinking of the occasional compositions he did with regards to the weeks, or even daily news!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well it's a huge undertaking to compose for each and every Friday. I wish him well!

  6. You have gotta be joking with the weekly music nonsense? Why not invite your readers to submit pieces to you and you can play the best one each friday kinda like jukebox jury but with a jury of one?

  7. Excellent pianist. Perhaps iain you could use his music as an intro to your radio show. It will introduce a fine composer/pianist to a larger audience. It also creates an air of gravitas!

  8. Scary Mary (hoping you are not always too Scary):

    I love music. The trouble is, Iain Dale is to music what Susan Boyle is to the commercial sex industry.

    I love the Jukebox jury idea - largely because in another life (yes, I have one) i am developing a site called

    which will eventually have a raft of free mp3 downloads. There is just one on there at the moment. A little acorn (but lets not talk about my physical attributes)

    Hopefully, Iain might give me a puff one day.

  9. Come back Richard Clayderman all is forgiven.

  10. Actually I didn't listen to the piece when I made my first posting here. Having now heard it, I wish I hadn't made such a comment :/. Its such a lovely piece

  11. I thought that it was a lovely piece of music.

    I'm still trying to find a better piece than Kenny G (forever in love).

    You tube it and see.
