Friday, May 29, 2009

Frank Dobson: Climate Change Denier & Chipmunk Hater

Kevin Maguire, in a rare example of an amusing anecdote in his New Statesman diary, reveals that Frank Dobson is a fan of climate change...
That a tax-free windfall on an ill-judged house dodge jeopardises the cabinet highchair of Little Labour's Hazel Blears is a cause of grave disappointment for one of Mrs Pepperpot's comrades. "I always thought," mused Frank Dobson, "that rising sea levels from global warming would get her first."

How very dare he.

UPDATE: I've just seen on a ConHome tweet that Maguire's last blogpost was on 6 May. Are we all missing him already? Seems not...


  1. You need to put that through a spill checker, theseus or grimmerphone.

  2. should the last sentence be
    "get HER first"?

  3. I'm guessing the penultimate word should be "her". Its funnier that way.

  4. Grumpy Old ManMay 29, 2009 6:00 pm

    Frank Who? Wasn't he the one who,despite being Tone's annointed, vanished without trace as NewLab's Mayoral candidate against Red Ken?

  5. Harri the climate change denierMay 29, 2009 6:06 pm

    WTF! is a climate change denier?

    We have more chance of drowning in a sea of lies than rising sea levels.

  6. Man, that is old ..

  7. Amusing anecdote or not, I'm disappointed to see that Kevin Maguire is still in work tbh.

    Why would any publication employ a man with such dodgy morals, and such an appalling memory*, as Maguire? Since we're all in the business of hounding MPs from their jobs, can't some of us get together and hound Maguire from his?

    * Didn't he say that he met with Damian McBride and spoke about Labour's online strategy, but "couldn't remember" whether Red Rag was discussed?

  8. Very old. In fact, that joke gets recycled about once a year.

    Clearly wor Kev was in need of a quick 150 words to round off his column so he could nip down to the pub and see what the regulars are saying about Cameron's "embarrassing health problems".

  9. Not very PC though, is it Kevin and (possibly) Frank Dobson - if he actually said it. Making nasty remarks about Hazel because she is vertically challenged? Isn't that "apart-height"?

  10. I think that makes him a global warming alarmist (or perhaps enthusiast) rather than denier.
