Thursday, May 21, 2009

Don't Expect a Quick Count in London

This is the European Election ballot paper for the London region. It is 3 feet high. Imagine being a counting clerk...


  1. Gordon Isaan HuntMay 21, 2009 5:38 pm

    They need to make the boxes super-big so the BNP voters can use their crayon.

  2. Is that you holding it up? I didn't realise you were so small! ;-)

  3. I can see the election results provoking a new production spike in mobile phones!!!

  4. Why in the name of all that is logical did they not do it in 2x9 landscape format?

  5. .. the blood splatters on the wall worry me

  6. does anyone know if the names of candidates are printed or is it just party?

    just found out that labour number 3 in the NW surname is Griffin.

    guess where nasty nick is standing?

  7. Well that's Proportional Representation for you!

  8. Looking forward to seeing that but if you have a postal vote how do you get it in an envelope?

  9. It will never go through the slot in the ballot-box when it's folded.
    Why not just a list of names?
    I bet this is an EU directed standard authorised euopean ballot paper!!!

  10. Just as long as it does not have chads!

  11. Why is London described as a "region"?

  12. Paul Halsall said...

    Just as long as it does not have chads

    Don't you mean chavs?

  13. I hope I'm not going to have to pay excess postage to get my postal vote!

  14. How many candidates are there? What's the deposit? Why is your verification word "monatit"? Is that a reference to the defeated Apprentice candidate?

    All these questions and more need answering!

  15. Is it on recycled paper? If not think of the trees.

  16. I expect lots of people will vote Conservative, they'd fall asleep before they could get any further...

  17. Excellent.

    Just as it should be in a democracy

  18. I was at the local Euro count when the ballot paper was landscaped and nearly a yard long - the poor counting clerks got serious arm and neck aches trying to unfurl the papers. It was an utter nightmare.

    And why is London called a Region? because it is a Region in europarlance.

  19. You think that's bad, RW, wait until the SNPers kick off when they see "Scotland Region"...

    [Can I claim a prize for most appropriate word verification ever? It's "tally"!]

  20. What difference does it make ?.
    It's already decided. Don't need any MPs any more, really !
