Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Change You Can Believe In: The Sequel

Tonight's Tory PPB. Good stuff. Cameron unspun, and with normal people. Could have been much shorter though.


  1. "If you can fake sincerity, you've got it made.."

    When he gets in the liberal outlook and green politics will disappear like the morning fog..

    He should be like Obama, but he will end up like Margaret Thatcher..

  2. "Good stuff."

    How vague and vacuous would it have to be to constitute "bad stuff"?

  3. Males like Cameron. He is tall and hunky. Females hate Cameron. Their "Woman's intuition" can see through him and smell him out as a fake.

  4. "Cameron unspun, and with normal people. "

    Er, heavily edited, as with a Michael Moore documentary...

  5. A general observation.

    Surveys carried out a few years ago found that when presented with potential political polices, people largely liked them until they were told they were Tory ideas - then they changed their mind.

    Admittedly that has declined somewhat since then, but it still exists.

    The problem with this (and almost all) political broadcasts, is that it makes it clear which party made the video, and those who don't like the party will generally "tune out" as soon as they see it.

    An idea would be to run a video which just spells out the issues and policies, and only at the very end say:

    "You've just been listening to Tory policies - I bet you weren't expecting that, were you?"

    I think that would persuade a lot more potential wavering voters to consider the Tory policies.

    (yes, I know there is an announcement voiceover at the start, but people tend to tune those out anyway)

  6. I am increasingly getting that sinking feeling that we are going to end up with one of the most shallow Prime Ministers we have ever had. Cameron is not giving any indication that he's up to the job, I'm afraid. After the calamity that is PM Brown, this is a profoundly depressing thought.

  7. Slick,light on policy and transparently shallow- should do well

  8. Interesting title choice, Iain. Unlike Obama, who is the most over-rated leader since Blair, Cameron actually welcomes questions from people who disagree with him.

  9. Off Topic - but SKY are reporting major problems with the Jag/LR loans by the govt.

    They want 15% charge for arranging loans by others and wants seats on the board.

    Sounds very bad for jobs. Midlands Labour MPS will be very very worried.

    Also it seems already that Joanna Lumley has been sold a pup by Brown. She thinks the issue will be settled by end of month - the govt are saying by end of July.

    We have two issues here were yet again the govt will say anything to get over the issue of the hour.

    WV is' inguatte'. Film buffs will recognise that this is the phrase used by Tarzan when he invites Jane for sex.

  10. Good on 'im.

    Can you imagine for one moment, Grodon Bawn doing this? Can you? It would be better than the X factor, better than Big Brother and the kind of car crash tele we have come to expect.

    Cameron may not have a lot to say, but at lease he gets out there. He works the crowd. He's got cojones.

    This is not a puff for Cameron, but come on, you have to admit he is out there with real people.

  11. "Males like Cameron. He is tall and hunky. Females hate Cameron"

    I disagree.

    Females love Cameron. He is tall and hunky...

    Where were we?

    Ah yes, err, PEB. It did go on a bit, but no stupid cheesy music, no silly effects, no naff slogans.
    It was very 'what you see is what you get' - honest and simple.
    Excellent contrast to Labour's drivel.

  12. Didn't mention doing anything for England then?

  13. As I pointed out elsewhere (& was duly insulted for it) in this election broadcast in the lead-up to the EU parliamentary election, there is virtually no mention of the EU & no reason given why I should vote Conservative in said election.

    Auld Teuchter.

  14. I have to say, and you're not gonna like this, but it is VERY BLAIR!

    I was involved with Labour prior to Blair getting elected in 1997. I saw him live and was involved in many of his people meetings, just like what Cameron has done!

    Blair too, was very frank with people and that impressed me and many other people. Didnt last once he got elected.

    I want to vote Tory but will he just be Blair2?

  15. I despair,the so called Tory party of which I was a former member has lost the plot, Cameron (supported by his old Eton fag Osborne) live in a world once inhabited by Douglas-Hume no way recognised by most of us normal people. To defeat the nail biting mentally deranged PM and his expenses fiddling cohorts we need a strong leader, step foward DAVID DAVIS ( Council Estate backround so closer to most of us)

  16. Hmm, it was rather too much mush for me.

    I want to see him being straight - this had too much pop video about it.

    The vox pops were sound bites and didn't feel real to me.

    And I plan to vote Tory.

    I don't want blood on the walls - just honesty about the crap situation we're in and what he will do about it.

  17. Cameron will be a vast improvement on Brown as PM and the Tories will govern in the National Interest rather than narrow Party Interest as Labour now do.

  18. Anguished SoulMay 06, 2009 8:20 pm

    I so much want to like Dave, but fear he will end up like all the rest. We could end with worse, I suppose. No-one, surely no-one could be as bad as Gordon.

    wv: sodgenes

    Sod your knees to you too!

  19. Labour have failed the country and need a red hot poker putting up their Bottom!

    I would like to see Gordon Brown's reaction to a Red Hot poker up the Bottom but given he seems to smile at the wrong time fear for the result!!!

  20. Anon 7.23, the phrase you were searching for was 'you can't buy love but sincerity sure comes cheap' - just for the record, i'm here to help.

    I thought it was alright because it showed that the lad will walk into a room and give a bit of a stump then talk sense.

    It really is the Lib Dems who may be making the slipstream on this shit though. I harbour concerns.

    WV: weliz - is that the secret - it's gonna be wazzing it down - get cars sorted? If anyone uses MapInfo - could they say hello?

  21. its better than many I have seen, maybe CCHQ should give the welsh conservatives some cash for their elections broadcasts as tonight's for the European Elections was truly awful.

  22. The amount that Cameron reminds me of Tony Blair is prob bad for me and good for him

    That was a very good PPB, the sort that people will watch and not go and make cup of waiting for eastenders to come on

  23. Can't wait til Gordon goes to meet the nation - let's hope Prescott gaccompanies him !

  24. I despair,the so called Tory party of which I was a former member has lost the plot, Cameron (supported by his old Eton fag Osborne) live in a world once inhabited by Douglas-Hume no way recognised by most of us normal people. To defeat the nail biting mentally deranged PM and his expenses fiddling cohorts we need a strong leader, step foward DAVID DAVIS ( Council Estate backround so closer to most of us)

  25. You can't accuse Cameron of trying to use spin here. Despite the claim that this is edited (well obviously) the entire Cameron Direct show is broadcast live online for anyone to watch. Very open politics.

    It'd be stupid to do anything else other than engaging with actual people, like a constructed 'one-to-one' with the camera, telling people you'll sort things out, and hope them to believe you, as the politician would just end up looking a w****r, liar and twerp. No surprise Labour has opted for that route then.

  26. Anon 7:29

    Complete rubbish. Michael Moore makes films which he claims are documentary yet he uses dishonest editing to create a false impression. This uses edting to give the best impression, but the impression is honest. Cameron

    Anon 7:23

    Why would we want anyone like Obama? Obama was dishonest, his incompetence and inexperience are now defining his presidency and he completely misrepresented himself in his election campaign.

    None of this applies to Cameron.

  27. Cllr Peter Cairns (SNP)May 06, 2009 8:55 pm

    I may have this wrong but about 22 seconds in that isn't Jim Murphy the Labour MP and Scottish secretary is it.

    He looks a bit like lurch from the Adams family.


  28. David Davis - he walked out on the Shadow Cabinet to do his own thing. I like Davis, but this was just daft and self serving.

    Anyone looking for perfection in any walk of life - let alone politics, is just plain daft as well.

    Cameron is a fairly mainstream Conservative. I can live with that. Plus he is normal with no chips on his shoulder, unlike most of the Parliamentary Labour party and one obvious member in particular.

    Off topic again - The Birmingham Post is running with the Jag/LR story.
    On the face of it it looks serious, and no matter how it turns out the govt is not seen in a good light.
    One story says, 'Treasury throw Land Rover to the wolves'
    Another says, 'Jaguar/Land Rover - The Final Betrayal'
    Unsurprisingly another reports, 'Labour MPs refuse to blame Government for JLR blow' -- ah one of them is Sion Simon. Hmm...

    If I were a Gurkha I would not be counting my chickens yet awhile.

  29. "An idea would be to run a video which just spells out the issues and policies, and only at the very end say"

    You can't though, don't all PPBs have that screen come up before and after saying "This is a PPB for the xyz party"

  30. "He should be like Obama, but he will end up like Margaret Thatcher.."


  31. the dark side of damian mcbrideMay 06, 2009 10:18 pm

    "Blair too, was very frank with people and that impressed me and many other people. Didnt last once he got elected.

    I want to vote Tory but will he just be Blair2?"

    That job has already been taken by Obama.

  32. @ trevorsden and re Ghurkas - sadly, it's much too soon to count the chickens.

    "Kevan Jones, a junior Defence Minister ... said,

    “We want to ensure that we can continue to recruit to the brigade of Gurkhas. If that becomes unjustifiable we will have to balance that against other commitments to other regiments.”

    Looks like they'll try to disband them, claiming to save money. During PMQ I think Brown said they'll issue a statement, so no Parliamentary debate either.

  33. He should be like Obama, but he will end up like Margaret Thatcher..

    Anonymous 7.23

    Please, God, you're right. But I don't think you are.

  34. Lord Iain of Sky News said: "Could have been much shorter though."

    Doesn't this thought go against your condemnation in the past of our soundbite culture?

    WV: auctions. I am not making this up...

  35. Think it shows a very positive image of Cameron and his party.
    Brown would fail miserably were he to try the same exercise.
    Was important that the featured public do not like stereotypical Southern posh Tory voters.
