Saturday, April 18, 2009

Was Nick Clegg Booed by His Own Conference?

Welsh Ramblings has an intriguing little story from the Welsh LibDem Conference. Apparently Nick Clegg, during his speech to the assembled throng last night, said...
"We're all broadsheet readers here..."
...and was roundly booed by sections of the audience for being elitist.

But at least there was some consolation for him. At least it showed there was someone listening to what he said. Which makes a nice change.


  1. Apropos of smear-gate, why does Tom Watson's blog have an entirely frivolous George Osborne section?

    Nothing rude or controversial there, just facts. It just seems bizarre to have an entire repository of information dedicated to a single figure.

  2. Mr Clegg's problem seem to be that he has no narrative - i really dont know what he is about, there seems to be some attempt to spin him as a LIB version of Cameron - they went to similar schools - Westminster and Eton i think, and theye are a similar age. i am sure that they both read broadsheets. . Clegg even seems to try and mimick Cameron's faux anger - its all a bit transparent.

    St Vince would have been a better choice - and frankly the Tory and Labour leadership would sleep less well at night if vince was in charge of his party - i know that iain posts disparaging blogs about cable - but the public seem to warm to him.

    and maybe that supposed booing reflects a depper malaise in his party about his leadership

  3. Clegg couldnt lead a herd of cows across a road at milking time....still he`s the leader and lets hope to God he stays in the least till after the next election...

  4. Stop trying to wind up Mark Senior...

  5. Nick Clegg is uselss - No wonder he gets booed! Clegg has no idea what he is doing and his alleged Media Skills seem to be as Invisible as he is at the moment!

    Please see the Invisible Clegg picture to see the substance that Clegg leaves in the Public Mind!

    The Liberal Democrats are doomed - DOOMED to defeat! The LD's will be wiped out at the next election as their seats tumble to the Tories!

    The Liberal Democrats might as well give up now!

  6. It is about time Nick Clegg was boo'd by his own CONSCIENCE.

  7. Wonder how long it will take for old Red Vince to wield the knife again like he did to Menzies?

  8. But there was a time when the party loved being told that they were all Guardian readers - video proof of which can be seen at - which also reports on the only time in his eleven years as leader that Paddy Ashdown was booed.

  9. They should never have got rid of Menzies.

  10. "Apropos of smear-gate, why does Tom Watson's blog have an entirely frivolous George Osborne section?"

    Good observation. I'd guess some attempt at search engine optimisation. Probably hoping to rank well for the term "george osborne" at some point in the future, when he will then put something slightly less innoccuous there. Google likes aged pages so makes sense to get the page there early and put the poison on nearer election time.

    Wonder if a certain search engine marketing friend of Tom's had the idea.

  11. Don't think Clegg calmly saying he thought the Retirement Pension was £30 a week - and obviously thinking that was quite enough for pensioners to live on - really helped his cause with the electorate. Perhaps some of his own members were watching.........

  12. Good ol' Calamity Clagg, God love him. Always game for a laugh.
    They were quite right to boo, Trevor Kavanagh is the best writer on the dailies.
