Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vlog: Why Spending Has to be Cut

Sorry, no garish tie today. Will do better next time. Promise. More than 2,380 views for yesterday's video. Not bad, considering the PM's hilarious YouTube video has only got 5 times that. Maybe I should adopt that as a marketing slogan: Iain Dale - Five Times Less Popular than Gordon Brown! On second thoughts...

PS And yes, I didn't mean 'afford' at the end. No time for a retake...


  1. Yes I would agree with that!

    Labour have put is in the poor house and cuts have to be made!

  2. Labour played politics today about expenses.

    Cameron should respond by reviewing the "resettlement grant" and ex ministers paymenst for losing MP's.

    Why should Jacqui Smith fail to satisfy her husband, fail to satisfy her electorate yet still pick up both?

    WV:grantsy - I don't think so!

  3. I think the camera probably needs a tripod in future - it's all a bit Battlestar Galactica at the moment.

  4. Iain, I would agree with you wholeheartedly but for one thing...Defence Spending. Yes, I'll go along with cuts to Trident, but, if we have guys and girls out in Afghanistan (or wherever) putting their lives on the line then we owe it to them to give them ALL the support they need.

  5. Your as bad as the dead-tree press with your sentence construction. You can't be "Five Times Less Popular", that would be negative popularity four times as strong as Brown's positive (p-5p = -4p). You are one-fifth as popular!

  6. Good tie choice :0

    Can you do the next recording somewhere with softer sound bouncers - the hard surfaces made it tricky listening.

    Great content, thanks for posting.

  7. You were made for this medium.

    Have a nice weekend yourself.

    WV Culting

  8. Good analysis Iain. And I think the vlog thing is working very well and is definitely worth sticking with. No total politics plug today though, were the minions too busy?

  9. I miss the other tie.

  10. All good point, Iain. Mind you the sound needs to be upped. Those of us suffering from mid-life hearing have problems when trying to listen to such a softly-spoken person when the audio signal is so low.

    Your tie of yesterday was, by my standards, fairly conservative. (Note small c, there!)

    I popped into Morrison's today and the woman on the checkout asked me if I was a Doctor. When I asked her why she said: "Because you have such a loud tie. And Doctors always wear loud ties!"

    I told her that, no, I was a journalist. Though my hand writing was so bad that perhaps I should have been a doctor!"

    This is off topic, I know, but I think Queen Elizabeth will be sending a personal message to Queen Beatrix
    Attack on crowd watching Dutch Royal visit. Four dead, many injured

  11. Is there any likelihood that this particular outgoing PM will need to avail himself of the "Former Prime Ministers’ Public Duties Allowance" intended to help former Prime Ministers to meet the continuing additional office costs which they are liable to incur because of their "special position" in public life.

    Cut it.

    Help for the costs of dressings after being touched with barge poles perhaps.

  12. Did you watch Brown getting interviewed by Robinson tonight.
    He looked on the edge (even more than usual)

    I'm not at all convinced he can keep it together for another 13 months.

    Worth watching, even Robinson was calling him out.


  13. More UKIPPERY from Iain.
    This love-bombing has to stop I tell you....

  14. johnny barking-madApril 30, 2009 11:32 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Spot on Iain. I now have a cohrent, sub-3 minute YouTube link, that I can point my friends to, detailing just how deep the hole we're in is.
    Keep it short, sharp & informal and you're on to a winner. It'll blow Prezza out of the water.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Well said Iain.

    Of course it suits Labour to grow expenditure. A bigger captive vote and sphere of influence.

    Anyone with half a brain could cut 10% as a minimum from taxpayer funded activities in the UK and without harming any of our essential services.

    Good tie choice.

    I closed my eyes for a moment and heard Rick Stein. Has anyone ever mentioned you sound just like him?
