Monday, April 27, 2009

Verdammt Nochmal!

Scary Mary has done me the honour of making a Downfall video about my lamentable failure to win the Orwell Prize. I particularly enjoyed the line about Nadine!


  1. Hilarious !! Remember Iain, 'A good loser' is still a loser...

    p.s. Why don't you 'sell out' and go and work for the Number 10 spinning operation ??

    They are desperate so they would pay very well, so by doing it for money wouldn't really be selling out your Tory Values - just working for the 'highest bidder'. Market forces, innit ?

  2. I preferred the David Davis come back line but brilliant - one day I will have to watch the real film.

  3. I did not know you wore specs and you have aged quite a bit I hardly recognised you, but your german is still very good. I dont think the wig did anything for you at all, so I would give that up, You could save it for Newsnight and put the fear of God into them.

  4. I love it.

    Looking up from the depths of hell, what must Adolf Hitler make of this internet trend of making videos where he plays countless different characters?

    I really should try and make one of these Downfall films myself.

  5. I have just laughed portions of a lamb rogan josh up through my nose.
    Thanks and you will be back at the next one whilst I will be chip paper.
    Much love

  6. I found this wierdly accurate - I often think of you as a sort of Vichyite fellow traveller with the loony right, but full-on Hitler clone is perhaps how you operate in the privacy of your bunker. Anyone who follows your Kampfen closely for a while will see a superficially nice man full of icy little extremist views.

    Very funny vid - but you don't deserve this much focus. Your blog simply isn't good enough - as the Orwell people correctly saw.

  7. LOL.

    This is how I always pictured the offices of Total Poltics magazine operating. But where was the precarious window display? ;)

  8. Despairing Liberal

    Unpleasant, spiteful little bugger aren't you?

  9. Am impressed, says much about you Iain in a good way that you found this funny.
    Particually liked the bit about driving Ann Widdecombe around seaside theatres :)

  10. Had me laughing out loud. But Iain, in this short film there were more swearwords than I've seen in the whole years I've been reading your written blog. Amazing the difference between that and your verbal output !

    Alan Douglas

  11. "Pretending to be Adrian Mole is not a career."

    Love it.

  12. A really funny one. Somehow it's much funnier with someone you like.

  13. Cor blimey, the "to be read" narrative went a little too fast on times for me to keep up! But I got the gist/jist. Very funny.

  14. It shows an admirable appreciation of the art of self-deprecation to re-post this video. Bravo! It is funny, I even LOLed at some lines. And that's not something I do very often.
    For reasons to multifarious to expound I was today re-reading TP Feb09 interview with the infamous Degsy Draper. Perfidious Albion, eh?

  15. That is so funny - big up to you, Iain, for posting it!

    For anyone who's not seen it, funny version of Dolly Draper singing......the words are a work of art!

  16. This made me cry with laughter and it is to your eternal credit that you displayed it!!!

  17. Bird, Don't you understand that Despairing Liberal is just being ironic LOLVERTS - whatever that means ???

    wordver = metro [is this a sign..?]

  18. Einfach genial!!!

    Brilliant video and thanks for sharing it!!!

    Made me laugh out loud several times!!!

  19. 'Guido fucking Fawkes' and 'get yourself a proper job' also. Very funny. Enjoy yer Sunday bud.

  20. You have to ask what will prompt the next brown 'Downfall video'.

    How do you produce these things anyway?

    Latest Sunday papers poll has it 45-27-17.

    er... thats Labour on 27 by the way

  21. Have posted it on mine too - great funny and good on you for rolling with the laughter.

    I see Mr Despairing Liberal is as graceless and envious as ever. Shame there isn't a green ink option for him.

    Here have a laser printer instead


  22. Very funny, though many of the names didn't mean much to me. No doubt an extra laugh for the better informed.

    BTW in my sad way, I always notice that the actor playing one of the SS guys outside the room was also the Bond villain Stamper in Tomorrow Never Dies. I can't think of another film with Bruno Ganz in it. (Ganz? That's 'goose' isn't it?)

    (and why does sodding Blogger spontaneously lose my ID every two friggin' weeks?)

    Dave H.

  23. Oh I loved it, especially the prospective researcher gag at the end - except that you are well over the age-limit for that.

  24. Hilarious!

    Top job from Scary Mary. One of the best recent downfall vids.

  25. Stop revealing my secrets in public Anon 12:43, otherwise I may have to stop posting. As my contributions were the bedrock of Iain's Orwell prize claims, this can only make things worse for him. You've all been warned.

  26. I laughed at the final line about working for Andrew Rosindell :-)

  27. Lol, so the minister that placed the bet has been revealed as Security Minister Lord West and it was done in 2007.

  28. Shot by hidden camera at the West Ham Wolf's Lair. Wonder who smuggled the camera in - must have been that one-armed German who left that heavy briefcase behind ... hope someone's warned Nadine about what happened to Eva Braun ...

  29. Brilliant! Absolutely superb!!

    Iain, I must commend your restraint in not hurling computers and mobile phones around like the Dear Leader!

    Someone make another one, pleaaaaase!!!
