Monday, April 13, 2009

The Silence of "Propah Bloggah" Tom Watson

Tom Watson MP likes to call himself a "Propah Bloggah". Strange therefore that his blog hasn't been updated since Friday. All sorts of allegations are being made against him yet he declines to use the obvious medium open to him to refute them. Wonder why that would be, then. He's also disabled his Twitter account so you can only see what he is tweeting with his permission. Hardly the actions of a "Propah Bloggah", eh?

Note: Propah Bloggah is a term copyrighted to Sion Simon MP following his hugely successful Youtube video (watch this interview with Sky's Anna Botting). The cameraman on the video was Tom Watson who had dreamt up the idea of smearing David Cameron. It rather backfired though. Poor Tom must be used to it by now.


  1. Funny how all No10's political spin doctors all seem to have gone to ground.

    Has anyone thought to lift some rocks to see if they're hiding underneath?

    That's where Labour usually find there political advisors. LOL

  2. Brilliant. "Propah Blogga" realises that the Internet has a tendency to remember things from a long time ago ;)

    Once a smearer of the Opposition, always a smearer. He failed using Sion Simon (his Twitter feed has fallen silent too, of late) and now he fails again.

    Keep up the pressure, Iain, these lot don't know how to handle the blogosphere, it's brilliant watching them squirm!

  3. Craig Murray has heard from him

  4. But what will the Layba Parteh do without Dear Derek as their spokesbot?

    Alan Duncan was frightened aggressive on the interviews I heard - most unlike himself.

    Guess that's what lying does to you. He laughably described himself as 'Duty Minister' as if that absolved him of being associated with this sorry mess.

    And Gordon is where? Mars?

    wv derew - tsk almost there...

  5. there are plenty of questions tom has to answer, his silence is incriminating him.

  6. Propah Blogga, well that gave me a laugh.

    Very Ali G of him. Respect.

  7. It’s quite staggering to be reminded what an arrogant useless arse SiĆ“n Simon is. How can such a worthless individual become not only an MP but a junior minister? Zanulabor can hardly sink any lower.

    In the light of his non-attendance for a crucial select committee vote I couldn’t help laughing when he described himself as “hardworking”. Tell that to the whip’s office.

  8. Come on Tom you should know that in any witchhunt/inquisition silence is incriminating. Funny how Iain doesn't apply this principle to his right wing friends.

  9. Plato - are you suggesting Alan Duncan is the unnamed gay Tory MP in the emails. I don't see how that could be.

  10. Mr Halshall - eh?

    My typo - Alan Johnson :)

  11. I think Plato means Alan Johnson in his comment above, not "Hunky Dunky" :-)

  12. And yet, there are still people who believe that there was nothing wrong with these smears.

    I fear, however, that Draper's registration as a psychotherapist must surely come into question?

    Nobody who is a qualified psychotherapist would think that using the alleged state of mental health of someone is apropriate. Surely?

  13. I did have a tweet message from him on Thursday after becoming one of his followers which said

    Hello Ellee, I'm trying to use Twitter for less party political stuff. Hope you're OK with that. The blog is more knockabout. Best. Tom.

    I would have thought he'd be up for it then!

  14. An interesting point from Ellee. Does this mean Watson knew that the story was about to break and wanted less, not more, digital engagement?

  15. Just as a matter of interest, why are all these people - Maguire, Brown, Wheelan, Watson - so fat? Hardly sets a good example, does it/

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  17. Now Labour's dirt machine has been outed is it not time to start a blog campaign against electoral fraud?

  18. There's one theme missing in all the analysis and coverage.

    Brown has always been acknowledged as "a man of deep political drive who seems to operate through a secretive and very small circle of trusted intimates and advisers" and he is also renowned as being the biggest control freak in recent political history.

    Nothing moves in his immediate circle without his knowledge, direction or consent.

    Forget the minnows. This is Brown; lock, stock and barrel.

    The immediate rebuttal on Sunday morning and the increasing level of panic (send Johnson to Radio 4 - he's a straight talker/man of the people), show the fact that this is getting too close for comfort. There can be no doubt that this was No 10 Strategic Policy and directed and approved by the control freak himself.

    Keep going.

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  22. your being quite active today in deleting blog comments ian !

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  24. "The immediate rebuttal on Sunday morning and the increasing level of panic (send Johnson to Radio 4 - he's a straight talker/man of the people), show the fact that this is getting too close for comfort. There can be no doubt that this was No 10 Strategic Policy and directed and approved by the control freak himself."

    Can anyone really doubt it?

    Let's hoope the FOI requests are answered quickly!

  25. Look under the piles of horse crap in a country lane or on Horse Guards, and there you will find them, Labour MP's bloggers or Cabinet Ministers, all hiding under the piles afraid in case they have to give an interview. Unlike Roses that come up sweet and fragrant after being under horse crap, Labour will come up stinking and fetid.
    I love Labour discomfort.

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  27. Fidothedog said...

    "Propah Blogga, well that gave me a laugh. Very Ali G of him. Respect."

    "Is it cuz I is a black-arts practitioner ?" TW

    Alan Douglas

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  29. Off topic but interesting development over at LabourList. They have a new 'renewal' piece on the way forward that its just signed 'LabourList'. No sign of a DD byline. I wonder if Dolly has now been quietly shown the exit?

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  36. Proppa Blogga? More like Pukka Fukka.

  37. Tom...Tommy...Tommo...Tommy Tom Tom.. Are you there?

    Maybe you're busy making sure Gorgon knows you're working hard to try and salvage some credibility from the wreck of this totally scuppered government.
    You knew about the Emails, you were sent at least one of them. Were you for the RedRag plan or against? When Gorgon was told about the plan, what form of words was used?
    If I say 'Plausible deniability' does that describe the terms of the meeting(s)? Just cough twice for yes, once for no.

  38. They're out in force today aren't they....

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  40. So many posts deleted, lets try this.

    TW propa W.a.n.k.a

  41. Can you guess what Oxfam and Tom Watson have in common? Antonia Bance. Have you noticed how Watson and Bance love to scratch each other's backs on their blogs? Here's Tom Watson, a government minister, congratulating Bance on his blog on the new Oxfam campaign on UK poverty. He writes; "I admire Oxfam for having the courage to run this campaign. When they first started campaigning on green issues, they experienced resistance from their core supporters ...Still, they’ll get some pushback for a purely domestic anti-poverty campaign." On Watson's blog there are congratulatory comments from Bance. There is something rather odd about a Labour government minister telling the world on his blog how pleased he is with a charity's campaign that has been organised by a fellow Labour henchman who also happens to be a senior manager in that charity, wouldnt you say?

  42. Just wondered if you were aware that the Independents "Pandora" seems to have copied this article almost word for word...

    "Tom Watson has been keeping schtum as to his own shadowy role in the McBride affair, leaving his lawyers to deal with the press.

    His usually hyperactive blog has followed suit. While the self-styled "proper blogger" tends to record his day-to-day dealings in near-mundane detail"
