Friday, April 03, 2009

The Queen & Gordon's Knees

Everyone seems to have having great fun at Berlusconi's expense. But one other thing in this video caught my eye. Look at the way Gordon Brown grips his knees. It's like he is holding on for dear life. I wonder what a body language expert would make of it.


  1. I think just about every body language comment on Brown I've ever read suggests that he's not being truthful or is in some other way uncomfortable. This seems just the same.

  2. Is that the best you can come up with.

    I see all the Right Wing bloggers have abandoned Boris

    No more cries of “”Boris Boris Boris””. As predicted, turning into a liability, a foul mouthed one to boot !!! No new trees, No new buses, bendy bus still with us. I could go on and on

    Really enjoyed Gideon peeing in the wind in the commons yesterday .

    Shhhhhhh don’t mention hedge fund and tighter bank regs, gonna over turn these if Dave gets to No 10. shhhhhhhhh

  3. Jim - what has this article got to do with Boris?


  4. It might indicate him being highly strung or maybe he just needed the Loo again!

    It has to be remebered just last week Gordon held a photo shoot up because he needed a *Number two*!

    Then fairly early on he was at the Windsor castle affect and he went to the toilet again and they thought he had got lost but I think he went for a *number two*!

    I think Gordon gets himself into such a state emotionally that he has to elivate his bowls and therefore adopts rigid body luangage to keep the turtle in the shell!

  5. Berlusconi is an absolute star of a dude.

    Mildy offensive but I saw a vid a bit back when he walked up behind a traffic warden and put his hands behind his head and rhythmically jiggled his hips suggestively - highly inappropriate but it just showed him to be a dude. And the photo of him, Obama & Medvedev with thumbs raised and genuine chuckles is what you need at a drab conference.

    Proper dude.

  6. Been told to do it, Im sure - Just like that fake Cheshire cat grin.

    Probably spends hours practising.

  7. Traffic warden was a lass hasten to mention....whoops.

    Jim - Bojo wandering out of the select committee was classic - what you on about??

  8. I would not be at all surprised if Brown suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which can be brought about by high levels of stress. Would explain all those toilet trips...

  9. I suspect he's got jiggly leg nerves and is holding them down.

    It is very surprising how many people give themselves away through their feet.

    Anyone you see with a lively foot is almost certainly very agitated and the 'get me out of here' emotions are leaking out.

  10. Whoa, was that him smiling? Perhaps someone had slipped a pin onto his chair. I don't think I've ever seen a man so uncomfortable.

    Maybe that's why he had to hold on. His legs were so ill at ease with the photo op that they were going to wander off without the rest of him.

  11. This is a man who lives in his head. His body is clearly a fucking nuisance. So, sadly, is he.

    Boris, Boris, Boris

    That better, Jim.

    Mind you, he's got lovely hair, hasn't he?

  12. @Blogger Nicholas J. Rogers said...
    I would not be at all surprised if Brown suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrome,

    Irritable Brown Syndrome, I think you'll find...

  13. I just don't think he is happy in his body. He seems very insecure and is therefore over-compensating madly to appear "normal" (whatever "normal" is).

  14. Why do they all clap after the picture is taken?

  15. Jim - the antics of Alexander Boris de Pfaffle Johnson are no surprise to those of us who know him of old. The only real surprise is the extraordinary extent to which he managed to con the voters of London. I doubt he will manage it again. It's back to a nice safe Tory sinecure seat for you, M'Lud!

    On the video, I don't really see Brown "gripping" his knees as you put it Iain - I think you are over-doing it as per usual. He's just trying to look formal sitting next to the Queen.

    Berlusconi is obviously a prat, isn't he the Italian equivalent of a Tory?

  16. Old song:

    There came a girl from France
    Who didn't know how to dance
    The only thing that she could do
    Was knees up Mother Brown

    Oh, knees up Mother Brown
    Knees up Mother Brown
    Knees up, knees up, never let the breeze up,
    Knees up Mother Brown

    Oh, hopping on one foot
    Hopping on one foot
    Hopping, hopping, never stopping
    Hopping on one foot


    Oh, prancing up and down
    Prancing up and down
    Prancing, prancing, never dancing
    Prancing up and down


    And whirling round and round
    Whirling round and round
    Whirling, whirling, never twirling
    Whirling round and round


  17. He grips his knees due to weak sphincters, I suspect.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Mr D Liberal

    What point are you trying to make by referring to the Mayor of London as "Alexander Boris de Pfaffle Johnson"

    Looks like a cheap class shot from here.

    How liberal to use someone's ancestry [Eastern Europe] to imply they are not worthy although elected by their constituency.

    *roll eyes*

  20. Plato, how could you! I am certainly not accusing Alexander Boris de Pfaffle Johnson (Eton and Bullingdon, Oxford) of being out of touch with ordinary concerns. Of course not. The floppy haired bumbler is an ideal representative for the dynamic metropolis of London - he is in every way truly representative of it's great range of citizens. To suggest otherwise is frankly humbug of the worst sort.

    Crikey. Crumbs. Gosh. Well yes. And no. Of course. Not. Or is it maybe? I don't know. Hmmm.

  21. Perhaps he wanted to go to the toilet.

  22. I always though gripping your kness and rocking depicted a person in the depths of despair.
