Monday, April 06, 2009

Press Gazette To Close

Sad news from the world of magazines - the Press Gazette is to cease publishing after a troubled 43 year history. It had been rescued from administration in 2006 but when it transformed itself from a weekly newspaper to a monthly magazine last year it lost its voice. I'm terribly sorry for those who have worked so hard to keep it on the road. Their only consolation is that I don't think there is much else they could have done. The market just wasn't there. Full story HERE.


  1. Pah.
    It was an ill-written rag which would rather saw its own legs off and climb into a bath of salt than criticise the profession.
    Sorry for those out of work, but tears shed over the loss of this thing - zero.

  2. ian i posted this before but i love your blog dont always agree but you is match fit from a fellow west ham fan

  3. ian if possible can you send a link to david cams weekly email , i am new to the net sorry i mean no harm just learning about interner manners

  4. Time was when the UKPG was where local hacks looked for jobs...

  5. all news is politcal nowt new there

  6. Press Gazette was mainly there to advertise jobs that 1000s of wannabes would apply for but never get. Otherwise, it was shockingly dull, though I do admit to using archive issues to research an MA dissertation on the Daily Express...

  7. The Press Gazette you say? ...Never heard of it. Have obviously missed nothing of import.

  8. “Never heard of it.”

    It’s improbable anyone outside the journalistic trade would have.
