Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Political Talk Radio Is On the Rise

Matt Wardman has a roundup of the various political online talk radio shows which are springing up around the country. He mentions Donal Blaney's BlogTalk Radio, Jonathan Sheppard's Tory Radio, George Galloway on TalkSport, and Jon Gaunt at The Sun, among others.

I'm also about to start doing some talk radio for a new internet radio venture, which I will no doubt be telling you more about soon. I'm going to trial a couple of different formats during May - one a late night show and then a Sunday afternoon show. Radio has always been my first love and I can't wait to get behind the microphone. It will be a mix of opinionated talk, phone ins and guests. I hope a lot of you will want to take part. Put 8 May 9-midnight in your diaries.

We're also looking at doing some coverage on local election night, June 4th. However, so far, it's been impossible to find out how may councils are actually counting overnight. The BBC isn't doing any coverage, so we might have the night to ourselves.

If you know when your county council will be counting, can you let me know in the comments?

And finally, what do you think my radio show should be called? I may regret asking that...


  1. I suspected something when you were being wistful about 18 Doughty Street. Am looking forward to it and would love to take part if asked!

  2. Dale's Diaries?

  3. I shall confirm Lancashire County Council very soon!

    And you could call the Talk Radio (Tory chat?)

  4. Daily Dale or Dale's Daily

    I see Ed Balls has been caught telling porkies over the STATS.

  5. I can see a gap in the market for a mix of intelligent political talk and adult oriented rock (for example, say, Steely Dan)

  6. "The BBC isn't doing any coverage, so we might have the night to ourselves."

    Is this usual? Or are the results expected to be just too bad for the government's broadcasting arm to carry?

  7. It is obvious, call it: Dale's Deliberations. No charge!

  8. Sounds interesting! Maybe 'Daley Politico'?

  9. PM questions.

    The Political Roundabout.

    Politics party.

    The Dispatch box.

    Democracy forum.

    If you were PM.

  10. Suggested names in no particular order
    . Chatatory
    . Radio Blah Blah
    . NuRad
    . Spincycle
    . Dales Tales
    . Righton Radio
    . Right Roundup
    . Blue Blag Radio

    I'll think about it some more


  11. These might help generate some more ideas? I'm afraid it's too late to be overly creative!!

    * Blog chat
    * Iain Dale's radio diary
    * Notes from the web
    * The political web
    * Caught in the web
    * The political net

  12. All these names. Waffle.

    We all know deep down that the programme should be called "The Iain Dale Show" because that way it can be most easily referenced and promoted eleswhere for Iain's benefit.

    James W

  13. I look forward to listening. Will you consider providing a podcast of the various progammes?

  14. Radio show title:

    If I ruled the world.

  15. one a late night show and then a Sunday afternoon showLate night please... sorry, my Sunday afternoon is my own and my sun lounger.

    what do you think my radio show should be called? Vox Politix ...no?

  16. The Iain Dale Radio Show. Use your name, you do on your site so why change. Date is in the diary!

  17. How about the Dale and Draper show! I gather our hirsute friend has some free time and he's an excellent performer. Very, er, creative, chap.

  18. @ AD627 @ 10:13

    It is quite weird. Maybe too much counter-revolutionary thought is displayed on these occasions.

  19. You should call the show:

    "A Political Blogger's Guide to the Art of Jiving"

    Or something entirely different.

  20. Iain "I am free for media appearances almost anywhere" Dale said: "Radio has always been my first love and I can't wait to get behind the microphone..."

    Or in front of a camera, as it happens. ;-)

  21. Downing tales with Iain Dale.

    Look forward to it

  22. "Night And Dale".

  23. Will you radio show come complete with cheesy jingle?

  24. Now, live from Norwich, Dale of the Century?

  25. Dale's Mass Debates sounds like a suitable name.

  26. Since it's a radio talkshow, how about:

    Iain Dale's Verbal Diary EarWhy not have a survey, with the winning entry (my suggestion, surely, I expect) being adopted for the show?

  27. @ Paul Halsall said...

    "Why are these men being deported if they face no charges."
    McMental has spent the rest of our money on his client state welfare recipients and left nothing for prosecuting terrorists.

  28. Daniel W. SimonApril 22, 2009 6:08 am

    How about Daley Nightly?

  29. David Starkey used to do an excellent show on Talk radio on a Sunday morning - back i0n the alte nineties. Much missed in my view.

    I have never bothered listening to the Galloway effort which seems to have replaced it now.

  30. It's got to be Vox Politics. GOT to be :)

  31. Think Lincolnshire CC is counting on the Friday morning. Won't be exciting as it will be an easy Conservative hold. The interesting bit will be if the Conservatives can take any seats in Lincoln itself - none held at present.

  32. If a number of ventures are staring up then what's needed is a site for reviewing and updating links.

    A Blog Radio Times.

    Like others I miss 18DS.

  33. Lincoln City is as far as known counting their County Council votes on the night - Tories have 0 from 10 from 2005 - so all to play for (plus Westminster seat has two other parts of Tory County Seats from outside of the City Boundary). Should be a fun night... Labour County Group Leader rumoured to be stepping down (doesn't like the prospect of losing) and defeated Labour City Group Leader standing to take over but doesn't like option of standing in ward where he tenuously holds a City seat but is standing in seat where he now lives outside of the City and is up against unpopular Conservative Councillor.

  34. The Poll Station- We count on your views

  35. " Iain Dale Live" says it all


  36. Put my name down for Coventry. Generally counts overnight, though not 100% sure this time.

    Are you going to use BlogTalkRadio.com too or something else?

    Keep the name simple: "Iain Dale's Talk Radio Show" - does what it says on the tin.

    Give me a shout if you need a hand with anything.

  37. Only just saw Blaney's comment... Agree with him Vox Politics it has got to be.

  38. Oxfordshire counts at 10am on the 5th in some leisure centre somewhere.

  39. I missed the mention - thanks for the link.

