Sunday, April 26, 2009

One in One Out for the LibDems

Chris Huhne's Labour opponent Dan Clarke today announced on LabourHome he is resigning and joining the LibDems.
I no longer believe the Labour Party is committed to realising the dreams of people like me. The Labour Party's actions and policies today seem to be aimed more towards gaining petty advantages over opponents than towards achieving the ideals of its supporters. Brown's leadership is becoming a depiction of politics for its own sake.

At the same time, the LibDem Candidate for Chelsea & Fulham Norsheen Bhatti defected to the Conservatives. She said...

The Conservatives are the only party to offer a clear and coherent vision to mend broken Britain. They have the policies that can change Britain and make a real difference to people's lives. I want to be part of that change. Under Nick Clegg's leadership the Liberal Democrats have been drifting into the wilderness and neglecting their supporters.

UPDATE: Richard Willis has news of a prominent Scottish Labour supporter who has defected to the Tories this weekend.


  1. What a scoop!

    They're both moving in the right direction.

  2. to summarise: LibDems members aren't sure what they want. Which is exactly why they will split right down the middle as soon as the results of 2010 are announced.

  3. Sweet, they're moving the deckchairs on the Titanic. Conservative big win at the general election, Labour a humiliated, shambolic second, Lib-Dems a gurning third.
    The Labour party are zombies, the Lib-Dems were interred with the Whigs.
    Still, nice to see the panic, is that a knife being sharpened behind Brown's back?

  4. Hopefully, when the music stops there will be no chair for Gordon Brown.

  5. The labour party is disintegrating north and south of the border.

    Lingerie tycoon Michelle Mone has withdrawn her support for Labour in anger at its economic policies.

    The Scottish boss of the Ultimo bra empire said the UK Government's recent moves risked alienating business and damaging the economy.

    The 37-year-old branded the new 50p top rate of tax "a disgrace".
    Leading Scots QC Paul McBride also announced he had abandoned lifelong support for Labour and joined the Conservatives.
    Ms Mone, from Glasgow, told the Scottish Sunday Express newspaper: "I certainly don't mind paying more tax if the real benefits are being felt by schools, the health service, the elderly and businesses.

  6. Hmm didn't a comment on a previous post point out the Labour defections?

    It does of course mean that McBride has joined the Tories. Has anyone told Maguire!

  7. Oh dear me. Those pesky rats with their passports...


    The voting intentions of Labour past voters are the key.

    How many were switchers from Tory, how many are tribal and now many are galvanised to get out and vote against Labour/

  8. The Lib dems have no idea what they want in full. They will always be the party that can never come to a proper decision.

    Visit my blog:


  9. This is so bad news for Brown and will escalate more defections and pressure on Brown to call a GE now or resign. Labour has a choice and Brown has to make a choice, lose gracefully now by Sept or in a total wipeout landslide next year that will have him go down as the worst performing PM ever.

  10. The Liberal Democrats are doomed - DOOMED!

    No doubt a Labour supporter would be at hime in the Liberal Democrats! LD = Party of Little Hitlers!

    Labour = Party of Big Hitlers and ZanuLabour.

  11. Switching from Lab to Lib is like swimming from the sinking ship to the one thats just been torpedoed...

    Funny though, since McBride (the nasty version obviously)shuffled out of sight everythings gone to rat shit for Labour.....

    Medal for Guido I say

  12. Switching from Lab to Lib is like jumping from a sewar into a cesspit!

  13. Make that 2-1 to the Lib Dems Iain...

  14. Not a selected candidate. Doesn't count!

  15. Graham Watson the Lib Dems answer to Dan Hannan gives it to Gordon Brown straight, no holds barred.

  16. Without a doubt, Brown is losing control of events. I would be amazed if he could last in power for a further 14 months, let alone dictate the timing of the next general election.

    How about 14 days? Now that would be a present.

  17. Interestingly I was blogging about defections today before Dan Clarke defected.

    Rather proved my point though. :-)

  18. Yes, and you should see how snivelling, petty, po-faced and ignorant some of the replies are to the story, over at Labour home. Talk about window lickers. No wonder nobody reads left-wing blogs. They are only followed by fairly-traded basket cases and boiler-suited amazons with moustaches and their half-starved vegetarian cats and their aspirations for world harmony and Bono.

    God, they are so worthy, all of them, I want to puke in their hummus and run them over with a 6 litre Range Rover.
