Thursday, April 30, 2009

On Second Thoughts...

I was watching Sky's coverage of the end to the British military presence in Iraq this morning. Whatever one's views of the conflict, it was an historic moment.

Then I thought, "Remind me, what is the Commons debating today? And whose idea was it to have a vote on expenses today? And didn't Number 10 know that today was the day of British troops withdrawal when they decided that MPs should spend the whole day talking about expenses?"

Makes you proud to be British.


  1. Hopefully they will pull the boys out of Afgahnistan next as well.

    Too many of out lads have been sent into theatre under resoursed.

  2. "A good day for burying bad news" (C) NeuLiebor.

  3. Now Iain, you wouldn't suggest the government would do anything so underhand...with their sterling reputation?

  4. Spectacular own goal, but few will notice.

  5. I can't believe Brown thought the expenses vote could have diverted attention from the troop pull-out, nor that he would want it to.

    Pictures of troops pulling out will boost Brown as he can - unjustifiably - claim to have "brought our boys home". However, anything to do with Iraq reminds people that it was a Labour Government, with Brown in the 2IC seat, which sent them there in the first place.

    Using expenses vote as "cover" might have diluted coverage, but the BBC have been major on the troop pull-out all day. Both would have led the news equally, I suspect.

    Of course, now they have pulled the expenses vote, we can expect a full round of "Brown's authority in tatters" stories and a few mouthpieces calling for him to go. And all just in time for the weekend papers as well.

    Oh dear. What a pity. Never mind, eh?

  6. I read a lot of news, but I must have missed the statement some time ago that we are to pull out a month early. Or did I? Is this another cynical ploy to divert attention?

  7. Anybody who thinks what happened today isn't something pulled forward from next month's Grid as an attempt to get all this weeks failings off the top of the news needs their head read

    Even in his death throes the PM continues and needs to play politics with our brave armed forces

  8. John Moss, I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. The suggestion is that Downing Street was trying to manage the embarrassing coverage of MPs' expenses by having the vote on a day when the news would understandably be dominated by the "good news" story of the pullout from Iraq.
    Wasn't the original "bad news" that the odious Jo Moore wanted to "bury" something to do with councillors' expenses? This lot never learn do they.

  9. Another side of the coin, too, is that this signals the letting go of 500 BAE employees. There are both political and economic problems with this, but it means bringing troops home and I don't think anyone would say that's a bad thing.

    There is more about the withdrawal at as well, in case anyone's interested.

  10. Every PMQ Mr Blobby unctuously reads out the list of those who died serving the country yet he is the one responsible for their deaths through failing to supply adequate funds to them.

  11. The man isn't worthy of cleaning the boots of those who died there in an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign state.

    War crimes trial for Mr Blair, perhaps, anyone?
