Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nice Beaver

So many comments come to mind. But my friend LibDem MP Jo Swinson will be glad that I shall keep them to myself :)

Hattip: Agent Orange


  1. Tell Jo to stay away from the river, they eat Beaver down by the river.

  2. So, how do you know what a nice beaver looks like?

  3. You may very well think that ....I couldnt possibly comment.

  4. ha ha ha. V.funny.

    View real beaver politics, here

  5. Is this the start of a pubic war?

  6. .."I just had it stuffed ...~"

    (well someone had to say it)

  7. Iain, to paraphrase George Bernard Shaw (Arms and the Man), life on the blogosphere has made you coarse.
    It is unworthy of you.

  8. A good laugh to end the day - perfect! :)

    It seems that your sense of humour, Iain, is a direct reflection of mine.........hmmm, should I be worried?

  9. You Gov

    "CON 45(+4) LAB 27(-7) LD 18(+2)"

  10. How about Lembit Grope-it taking her place? After all he's somewhat of a beaver expert, especially the cubs. He could extend the talk to include tarts, the pop variety being his speciality

  11. Iain, as a Tory you'll no doubt be enthused to hear that even in noble Scotland, where once a Tory would fear to show their face, Annabel Goldie is now a more popular choice for First Minister than the nominal Labour leader Iain Gray (according to the latest yougov Scottish poll)

    Interesting times!

  12. Following on from Pedro, it has to be said, the Tories would flourish in an independent Scotland. We'll keep the Union of Crowns, but dump the Acts of Union. Good move?

  13. I've now come to the conclusion that Brown realises he he has lost the next election unless a miracle happens to growth - and that is exactly what he has predicted. Im sure he blames Blair privately for the credit boom.

    I think he has lost the will to win and is relying on luck of lottery scale proportions. Interestingly I think he has come to peace with the idea that losing the election will give home time to find a cure for his son. I speak personally when I say as the father of a son with a fatal disease that has recently been treated that you will make what ever sacrifices are necessary.

    I do think that Brown has personal issues that are getting I'm the way of running the country. I think he is not out for a fight with the Tories because he sees losing as not such a bad option as he will be able to campaign for a treatment for cystic fibrosis. I think if he really loved his son he should quit now and help find a treatment.

  14. How on earth did 'beaver' ever come to have that connotation ? Or 'snatch' for that matter ?

    Perhaps Victoria Coren might like to enlighten us in one of her fine TV appearances...

  15. Infection of the intestines by the protozoa Giardia lambli causes a disease colloquially named in N. America as Beaver Fever.

    Many men can recount their experiences of this affliction.

  16. Dave, you may be surprised to know I have had Beaver Fever. I got Giardia Llamba on a trip to Russia at the age of 14... Clearly it had a long lasting effect...

  17. Sounds like there are a few hairy stories around today.

  18. Are Brazilian beavers an endangered species? Surely, all that wood must keep them very happy?

  19. We of the higher social orders prefer to spell it 'Belvoir'

  20. A niche within a niche!

  21. Blogger Hugh Jorgen said...

    We of the higher social orders prefer to spell it 'Belvoir'

    In a similar manner, when I get a chill I always take Beauchamps Powders.
