Sunday, April 19, 2009

Nadine: They Had Me In Their Sights From the Beginning

The Sunday Times News Review has a lengthy interview with Nadine Dorries. She's on good form and lays into Labour with all guns blazing. Read it HERE.


  1. Good girl! She had not been on my radar before, particularly. She is now!

  2. Nadine Dorries has certainly been in my sights for several years and its got bugger-all to do with Labour.

  3. Problem is she doesn't know when to drop it.

  4. It's odd though; she's not very important, and slightly odd. Quite what damage they thought she could do to them is beyond me.

    She should stop now, though.

  5. Nadine is talented, coherent with real experience and drive.

    She communicates her point well, and has shown courage in fighting for unborn children's rights to live against the bucket loads of abuse that such stands attract.

    Those are the reasons some ( but by no means all ) of the left hate her so much.

    I just wish there were far more like her.

  6. If Simon "empty vessels make the most noise" Gardner despises her then that is a good indication that she is a decent human being.

  7. She's perceptively spotted that she is the one Labour secretly fears. With such a winning combination of modesty and insight, how has she been overlooked for shadow cabinet?
