Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Have Upset the Mullahs

Just got this from an acquaintance who has recently returned from Tehran.

I got back last week from Iran... Anyway, I was doing my normal morning blog reading in my hotel room in Tehran, and tried to access your site, but was barred by the Islamic Republic's censorship firecurtain. Guido's site's on the blacklist too. Appleyard, Sullivan, and every British newspaper site, all fine by the way. What did you do??

Perhaps they don't, ahem, approve of my private life. No gayers in Iran you see (copyright Mahmoud Ahmendinijad 2003). Doesn't explain them banning Guido though. Although having said that.

Anyway, mustn't bang on about this too much, or Jacqui Smith will be getting ideas...


  1. off topic ...

    This blog post


    is worth reading just because of a nice turn of phrase.
    "cocaine socialists in the media, arts and business"

  2. Guido likes a drink, so they say, that`ll be the reason.

  3. No gayers in Iran I can just about believe but Jacqui Smith having ideas stretches credibility too far.

  4. I think the Foreign Secretary should send out a very bold statement by making a State Visit to Iran.

    After all, this powerful gesture could prove to be the catalyst for the emergence of a more liberal and tolerant society, both in Iran and the wider Islamic world.

    Or they might just publicly hang him.

    Either way, what's not to like?

    (yes, am vile person)

  5. Badge of honour.

    Definitely time for 'now banned in Iran' on the header!

  6. It's obvious, Iain.

    Guido Fawkes, well-known Catholic revolutionary who tried to blow up parliament.

    And he's quite clearly a rum 'un as he is 439 years old!

    As for you, Iain? Gay and courteous to women. Obviously both traits not approved of in Iran.

  7. Perhaps they don't know that Andrew Sullivan is gay and the most loquacious "gay marriage" advocate in the known universe.

  8. "Perhaps they don't, ahem, approve of my private life"

    Football! Cliff Richard CDs! Audis, the sensitive man's BMW!(German and ruthlessly efficient, but has optional indicators and can stop to let people out at junctions, if necessary)Believes in David Cameron! Can you blame them?

    But seriously.

    The Muslim population has doubled in five years. Every day, New Labour is pandering in one way and another to a group of people who, would not only ban Iain, some would shout for his execution. The EC is going to impose Sharia Law on this country, whether we like it or not.

    Be in no doubt how serious the threat of Islam in this country is.

  9. Living in Turkey, I get the same problem with John Redwood's site.

    I can get to read it via anonymouse.org, so it's not such a big deal.

  10. Perhaps they don't, ahem, approve of my private life. No gayers in Iran you seeBut 'Sullivan' (I presume your correspondent means Andrew) is fine? Guess all those torture posts butched him right up. :)

  11. Sounds to me as though Clegg and his pals should clear off one they are ground into the Dust with Labour!

  12. Would that be the Mullahs of Kyntire by any chance?

  13. Your (and Guido's) Little Red Book of New Labour Sleaze carries a story about Dabid Mills and various Iranians including the Rafsanjani family and their links to an airline that they would rather the average Itranian knew nothing about.

    Oh well, that's probably got you a fata.

  14. why not get up off your pretentious arse and stand for parliament?

  15. How odd.

    They let you on their state funded Press TV, but not their internet. I assume you have no problem with Press TV, so long as a fee is involved?

  16. Iain, perhaps you omitted to notice that your "private life" (as you call it) ceased to be such the moment you commenced claiming public funds in respect of it.

  17. Eh? What public funds do I claim???

  18. Most blogs are banned. Mine is I think. Too much use of the word flip etc. It is Ahmadinejad by the way.

    Interested by what that little rat Daniel Clarke said about defectives not so long ago.
