Sunday, April 19, 2009

How Damian McBride Repaid His Academic Debt

The Mail on Sunday has an article today on how Damian McBride wrote a Masters thesis on hwo political violence was a prerequisite to achieving meaningful political change. His tutor at Cambridge, Professor Tony Badger, commented: "It doesn't surprise me that he has had such success in the political arena." This would be the same Professor Tony Badger who was appointed by Damian McBride Gordon Brown to be Chair of the Kennedy Memorial Trust and whose book FDR: THE FIRST HUNDRED DAYS was chosen by Damian McBride Gordon Brown as one of his Christmas books last year in a column for the Guardian. What a tangled web Mr McBride wove.


  1. "It doesn't surprise me that he has had such success in the political arena."

    Yea up until a week ago. Time to write your book now MR McBride.

  2. I hope Timothy Spall is available when they come to make the movie of this . . .

  3. Hmmm. I wrote my Ph.d. thesis/dissertation about gender and sanctity and gender among Byzantine saints. I don't think it's really that easy to draw links between what you write academically and live in real life.

    I, for instance, have really attempted to be a Byzantine Virgin.

    Oh, and Christos Anesti to Orthodox readers.

  4. Once adevious power mad little shit, always a devious power mad little shit. BTW has anyone asked for his pension back yet?

  5. So McBride's a Cambridge man? No surprise there.

  6. "Damian McBride wrote a Masters thesis on hwo political violence was a prerequisite to achieving meaningful political change"
    I hope he paid due attention to Benito Mussolini. He wrote at least one book on the subject, which was, I believe,given a favourable review by Lenin and Trotsky.

  7. This lot are making the Freemasons look like the Open & Honest Government Society. No wonder they hate them so.

  8. Confessions of a Lobby Journalist (aka, copy writer);
    My part in the rise and rise of Damian McBride, it was me who got many of the lies he told into print. My Editor saw every one of them as a scoop and gave me a bonus for each one. I knew they were lies but, I had this academic debt hanging round my neck and no property portfolio to speak of, what use is a moral compass and search for truth in dealing with these harsh realities.
    Still McBride is history now and I have got used to the bonuses so, onto my next scoop: How I tried to alert the World to the evil that was McBride.

  9. To put it bluntly.......Piss Pot Same...

  10. You're really suggesting that Prof Badger got his position through political favouritism, rather than his standing as a leading scholar of American history?

    Hope you have Schillings on speed dial!

  11. Wallenstein is right. This is another smear Iain. An unfortunate continuation of smears as response to a smears story. Enough already.
