Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gordon Should Take His Own Debt Advice

DirectGov is a government run portal to government services. One of the pages on the site advises on debt issues. I wonder if the Prime Minister and Chancellor might take a gander at it today...

"If you're in debt and you are finding it hard to cope, it's important to deal with the problem straight away - the longer you ignore your debts, the worse the situation becomes."

"You may have little or nothing left to offer your non-priority creditors. You should still talk to them, explaining the situation; you may be able to tell them that you will pay them back at some point in the future - but don't make promises you can't keep."

All from DirectGov.


  1. Lol. Indeed.

    Hope your lot hammer Chelski today. (No particular reason ;)

  2. Brown seems to tell everyone else one thing put practice another.

    It is like Gordon Brown's Moral Compass - Should be more like his Amoral Compass!

  3. Of course, Iain, there are tow classes of people who this advice doesn't apply to:

    People with access to printing presses to print more money.

    Any member of the public who tried this would be banged up for forgery.

  4. Gordon has done more financial damage to the United KIngdom than the aggregated efforts of all the kings of France, Spain and England, Napoleon Bonaparte, Kaiser Wilhelm, Adolf Hitler and Frankin Delano Roosevelt.

    The man is a cretinous moron and I hope Guido gets 10 million signatures on his petition.

  5. The FSA have improving the publics financial capability eductation as part of their remit, he could ask them.....Oh yes, sorry. I forgot. They've f****d too.

  6. Brown has been spending more than tax receipts since 2002.

    Not so much a tax and spend Labour Government as a tax, borrow and spend one.

  7. Time to cut up the credit cards Gordon!

  8. There's also "" from the FSA.

    Yeah, because I'm going to take financial advice from the quango that missed our ballooning debt.

    Give me MoneySavingExpert every time

  9. Check this out from Willem Buiter's blog on the financial times. At the end he calls for Brown to resign and for a government of national unity !
