Monday, April 27, 2009

Falling Apart At The Seams

The Prime Minister has lost face twice this morning. First of all, the Pakistani president cancelled a press conference with Gordon Brown and then Brown is forced to withdraw his plans on MPs' second home allowances. It really is all falling apart at the seems, isn't it? So many echoes of the last months of Major.

UPDATE: Paul Waugh has more.


  1. You know, when you are unpopular at home it is one thing but when you abroad and people run away, you know you have serious problem.

    Is he that thick that he does not get the message? No one here wants him, no one there wants him.

  2. Still running the advert for Veritas then?

  3. " I keep sneezing on the train and am getting some funny looks. One person went into the next carriage. A sign of things to come? about 6 hours ago"Reminds me of a couple of years back. Whenever I started sneezing on the train (usually as a result of hay fever) I would say loudly to my travelling companion "You know, I've not felt the same since I came back from Hong Kong".

    Well it seemed funny to me anyway.

  4. The Prime Minister has no authority, our economy is going down the toilet, Iain Dale is moderating comments on his blog... yes, it seems everything's going to the dogs.

  5. He's a walking embarrassment.

    Strutting the world stage oblivious to the fact that people have little regard for him.

    PS might be a good idea to have another look at that weird video of him announcing his grand plan re MP's expenses.

  6. He tries to pop off to Afghanistan to look Prime Ministerial talking about 'the Crucible of Terrorism' (who came up with that shocking phrase?!) so he can avoid the climbdown and now he looks like an even bigger t*t.

    Ha. Love it!

  7. Resignation Petition now reached over 15,000 signatures

  8. Now is the time to close our borders, before he gets on the flight back.

    I'm sure he can seek asylum somewhere..

  9. Polly Toynbee's hairdresserApril 27, 2009 3:10 pm

    I dont know why the Pakistanis pulled out, but the expenses climb down is symptomatic of this clown's ineptitude.

    He gives his bizarre and slightly disturbing performance on YT, and then the whole thing is dropped a few days later.

    I suspect he stays on in power despite the pain and humiliation inherent in it, merely because he has a desire for power over others in his DNA.
    In his heart of hearts he clearly knows he's an abject failure, but clings on because he feels he's entitled to it.

    If I were him, and thank Christ i'm not, I'd be seriously concerned as to what awaits after high office.
    How could he win approval to join the World Bank etc with the economic wreckage he will have left behind?

    Are there any whelk stalls in Kirkcaldy?

  10. Absolutely right. One of the most telling things is Labour's loss of control of the news agenda. I think it'll take one more big scandal - and there must be many skeleton's in Labour's cupboard after so many years of 'free' plasma TVs and sub-letting crown-subsidised properties to family members and employees (then claiming for that income too) - for Brown to face a confidence vote.

    But it's their utter incompetence in all things budgetary that gets me - and sets them apart from equally scandal-prone Major and the Tories of '97. With Brown, you get the worst of all possible world.

    I'll say it again: he won't last the year.

  11. That's one of the pitfalls of making up policy as you go along without having a firm idea of which direction you are going and what for.

    Something the Conservatives really ought to take note of.

  12. Well at least he's still smiling. You could see how happy he was in that YT speech. He was so happy he could hardly contain his glee while talking about a serious subject.

  13. ConstantlyFurious said... "I'm sure he can seek asylum somewhere..."

    No country would be that desperate.

  14. Despite the economic ruin the slow dawning on Labour that they are led by a mad man is a joy to behold. Mind you he is the second one in the last 12 years. Trouble is they both end up rich, so maybe not so mad after all!

  15. The Grim Reaper said...No country would be that desperatePerhaps a sailing holiday off the coast of Somalia then?

  16. ``Close the borders whilst he is out of the country`.....preferably by General Dannett.

  17. The shocking revelation, many years later, was that John Major was 'entertaining' Edwina Curry during those turbulent times....

    ...... Gordon seems to be repeating the decline of the Major government, but far more spectacularly.......

    P.S. I've noticed that Hazel Blears always runs around with a big smile on her face and defends Gordon's lunacy to the hilt.

  18. There must be some mistake Iain.

    You may wish to correct your post.

    The BBC reports Gordon saying that ties with Pakistan are being strengthened.

    Attention to detail, Mr Dale...

  19. Rush-is-Right: if you want some space on a train, carry a red felt-tip pen and apply a few judicious spots to your face in the bogs before boarding. Once in your seat, take out a clinical thermometer and pop it in your mouth. After a minute, examine the scale and say "My God!"

    Works for me every time.

  20. Gordon is Useless and it is scary that such a useless clown is in charge when the economy is collapsing and imnent threat of 28 Days Later will kill off huge numbers of people!

    What can you bet Gordo will have the antidote before everyone else!

  21. Oh, yes. Big time.

    And, of course, it is not going away...


    wv = sperb. How sperb is that?!

  22. Wow 15,000 signed the petition - that just means some 45,000,000 plus haven't signed it , pretty poor response really .

  23. If Gorgon has a bit of time on his hands because the pakistanis and others keep snubbing him, could we not find him some useful foreign affairs work in, say...Mexico?
    However, the comparison with John Major is a little harsh on the grey one. Major left a healthy economy - a golden legacy in fact - and didn't employ a vast array of media attack dogs on the taxpayers' expense.
    The Tories f***ed up themselves, rather than the country.

  24. Iain, Brown looked very unwell today in Afghanistan. very unwell indeed.

    Shame, eh.

  25. Nothing like a Global Flu Pandemic and a visit to "The Cauldron of Terror," to get peoples minds off politics! Or am i being too cynical?

  26. Once again, I am astonished at the lack of political skills in a man who has reached the top in politics.

    Poncing about on You-tube is fine, so long as you have prepared your ground and are sure that you won't look a prat three days later. But not otherwise.

  27. Denverthen said: - "sub-letting crown-subsidised properties to family members and employees (then claiming for that income too)"

    You're closer than you realise on this one apparently; there's a huge can of worms to wriggle out on the back that little time bomb!

    Also, on the Swine Flu story, surely those who are at the trough will get it first, as it's in their genes isn't it?

  28. On a slightly different note why are the newspapers and 24 hour news all having a wet dream about the small risk of a global flu pandemic.

    And hardly reporting on Jacqui (Two porno's) Smith's plan to set up a Orwellian database of everyone's emails, phone conversations, takeaway orders etc.

    What is this governments obsession with knowing everything we do but trying its hardest to make sure we don't know what they are doing.

    The thoughtless police need to be sent packing to the opposition benches as soon as possible where Mr brown can spend more time investigating whats up his nose.

  29. Polly Toynbee's hairdresser said...
    "Are there any whelk stalls in Kirkcaldy?"
    You surely wouldn't trust him to run one, would you?

    Can you imagine, a means tested price list, free for jobseekers and extra portions for the over 50's starting from October onwards.
    No free condiments for anyone earning 150k+.

  30. James Purnell. Minster for attacking chavs?

  31. There is a major difference; John Major had the BBC baying for his blood, whilst Gordon Brown has a supportive BBC doing his bidding.

  32. 'Whelk stalls in Kirkaldy'? I should bloody co-co. Not with this nanny government and the likes of Sheffield City Council Stasi around. Haven't they just added ice cream vans to the list of things we can't now enjoy?

  33. Brown seems to cause nothing but bad luck!

  34. Mark Senior 4.05 pm

    Time to log off at at Labour HQ and get off home to your council flat in Peckham.

  35. Ken Clarke is beasting Labour on its record in the Budget Debate. He looks pretty cross. They should not make him cross. Bad idea.

    BBC Parliament.

  36. "The Prime Minister has lost face twice this morning."


    Appropriate as he is two-faced.

  37. And Nu-Labour cannot even mount an operation Valyrie whilst he is out of the country- utterly spineless

  38. It ought not to have been beyond the imagination of his private office that this issue would be raised in Pakistan.

    Why did he seem so surprised and ill-prepared?

  39. Slight off-topic, but have you seen the breathtaking hypocrisy of your mate Tom Harris?


  40. ConstantlyFurious said... "I'm sure he can seek asylum somewhere..."I think you missed out a word... "I'm sure he can seek an asylum somewhere..."

  41. Had a thought re MPs expenses Why should Brown, Cameron and Clegg wait till July to take action against anyone they judge to have submitted a claim that is clearly outside the rules? In other words why wait for the shit to hit the fan and the public to demand action - let them show us their moral authority by acting now. They know what skeletons are in the 'pipeline' - act decisively now. It would reasssure the public enormously, which we are told is what they want. If not we must assume they condone everything that finally comes out.

  42. The Pakistanis needed bitch slapping though. They fucked the cricket for crying out loud.

  43. Stephen Byers has just weighed in in the chamber.

  44. We need to get a couple of things clear Iain:

    1. Would the Tories have acted on the Bob Quick info re the 12 and also deported them, considering what we know?

    2. Would the Tories agree that 2nd Homes Allowance should go? making the GB glitch minor (and/or grasping MPs trying to keep their freebies)

    The attendance allowance is problematic of course, particularly at the sort of values being bandied about, but the concept of urgent action to get rid of 2nd homes and make 2nd jobs more transparent

  45. New song for Brown - to be sung by crowds whenever he shows face:

    "You're shit and you know you are, you're shit and you know you are..."

    Log this site visit, Jacqui you dough-faced harridan!!!

    The day Brown lost the election was the day after Budget day, when the little dog finally pulled back the curtain. They are toast and no-one can save them! Hee hee!

  46. Chris Paul,

    No need to scrap the second home allowance, just stop the blatant abuse. It's not rocket science.

  47. Even Newsnight are deserting him, in particular referring to his you tube appearance as....``A lesson for the future on how not to govern``

    He`s toast.....

  48. The Pakistani government officials saw the Youtube video and advised against appearing with him as he was quite clearly as mad as a hatter. "Mr President, we are fearful for your safety. He could attack someone at any moment, with his scary clown smile, his weird, clunky delivery and his mad eyes.

  49. Chris Paul - seeing that the Tories are not in government the relevance of your question/s is ....

  50. This may not be original, but I heard Mrs T on R4 yesterday and a lightbulb went on above my head:

    'Youtube if you want to'

    I did send it to DC, but I thought I'd mention it here, too, as I expect his mail gets pretty heavily moderated. I'd love to hear it in PMQ's...
