Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. Sadie's Tavern has a beard problem. (Actually it was Frank Owen's Paintbrush who originally wrote this)
2. Mr Eugenides on the death of Ian Tomlinson and why Quaequam jumped the gun accusing right wing blogs of silence.
3. Mars Hill asks 20 Questions to Conor Ryan.
4. Douglas Carswell knows a bargain when he plans one.
5. The Jury Team responds to Mark Pack's 'flop' accusation.
6. Paul Waugh on how Gordon got a fingering from George. Best not to think about that.
7. Dizzy explains why Nadine likes a fit chairman. Or doesn't.
8. And Nadine reveals a sad parting of the ways.
9. Blackburn Labour has a list of the Top 50 Labour Twitterers.
10. Alastair Campbell marks David Frost's 70th birthday.
11. Liberal Bureaucracy writes to his fellow LibDem Irfan Ahmed. It ain't pretty.
12. ConHome accuses Sinn Fein of rank hypocrisy.


  1. Ian, the word "finger" should never be used as a verb, especially when referring to pollertishuns. I'm sure you understand.

  2. The link to Comical Ali's doesn't work. Although I should think that was a relief rather than a problem.

  3. Former mayor jailed for stealing to pay online poker debts

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I dont know who this "Comical Ali" is supposed to be; but there is a fault with Nadine's site in that the supposed permalinks all end up at the main 'blog page instead of the specific article.

    I hope that gets fixed, otherwise I for one shall be unable to provide links to her articles, which I'd like to be able to do sometimes.
