Monday, April 13, 2009

Brown's Thugs at Work

From a new reader in Scotland...
I have just discovered your blog this week-end, excellent stuff. I am not sure if you are aware it is also very educational, an aspect of some blogs which is often missed. I have supported Labour for over forty years but since Blair and Brown I have moved further and further away. I live in Scotland and if you wish to observe the real evil of Brown at work (and I mean it) you should investigate the going ons over many years here. Utterly corrupt and vicious in their practices it requires the exposure to the sunlight that you have achieved south of the border to bring Brown and Scottish Labour to book. Have a look at the fixing of selection meetings to favour Brown supported candidates. Constituency chairs will tell you how they have been bullied. Ask activists how they are marshaled when Brown' fixers come calling, and ask failed candidates how they are smeared before selection meetings. All done by Brown's thugs. Remember Scotland is Brown's fiefdom, it will also assist in his downfall.


  1. Thank you whoever you are. I've been asking Iain to look here more often too. Perhaps he will now instead of thinking I'm just a raving independence supporter. It's the behaviour of labour here for years that have given the SNP the boost they so richly deserve.

  2. I’m not sure that’s terribly new. It’s reprehensible but not very new.

    The Labour party in much of Scotland has been notoriously corrupt for decades.

  3. Watch the Glasgow local elections.

  4. Perhaps I underestimate the viciousness of Brown's regime ...

    Brown and Hitler - is there a link?


    "Labour councillor Iain Malcolm will stop at nothing to cling on to power, including rigging elections in his favour - in this case by deliberately destroying postal votes intended for other candidates"

  6. Pure innuendo and smear - will Mr Dale publish any accusations which are completley unsupported by any evidence, or only those which accord with his political viewpoint?

  7. Gordon Brown has denied involvement in the manufacture of smear stories or even knowledge of it.

    You can easily doubt this is really true as he works directly with the people involved and indeed even spun in the Sun newspaper, a picture of the workplace in the last year of him getting on with the job!

    Here is why you might think Brown was involved.

    If you think about it the press has had a lot of articles building up Sarah Brown recently, starting to Twitter in time for the next election, the hiring of clothes, Sarah Brown being part of the Brown campaign at the next election and much talk about her taking stands at summits in reference to foods she declined in a blatant pitch for certain types of voters.

    What “better” for such a campaign than to smear the wives of your opponents! Brown is in this up to his neck! He is the mastermind as his wife is being wheeled out as an electoral prop; meanwhile the substitute team and their partners/wives are being smeared by a pack of lies.

    Four recent daily mail stories about Sarah Brown the last one identifies how Sarah will be an asset in a future campaign using Twitter and actively campaigning for Labour!

    The more you look at this the more convinced you could be that Gordon Brown wanted the McBride e-mail strategy. Why else would Brown position his wife into such a position of electoral importance as has been reportedly recently in the press?

    Whilst an electronic trail may not go directly to Brown a print off of an e-mail may well have passed Gordon’s eye. You can just see him marking the paper copy with a big fat Black felt tip pen and smiling as he looks at it, indeed in such a small office it is hard to believe that Brown could not have been chipping in and joking about the smears with ideas as he is a *strategic genius*!!!!

    Yes you could think Brown wanted this smear strategy as part of “use Sarah Brown” to promote Gordon positively whilst engage in an unfounded dirty smear campaign against Conservative opponents.

    The other interesting factor is the amount of articles appearing in the daily Mail; maybe the No.10 team have a good contact to place stories within the Mail group?

  8. April 13, 2009 12:07 PM , Blogger tory boys never grow up said...

    Pure innuendo and smear - will Mr Dale publish any accusations which are completley unsupported by any evidence, or only those which accord with his political viewpoint?

    What? No comments on 'Smeargate' then? Cat got your tongue?

  9. Tory boys never grow up. You are A Brown's crony. It will take some time for the people to realise how sleaze the Labour is in both sides of the border. The Scotsman's blogs are littered with anecdotes about Brown's Labour in Scotland and about his minion Murphy. Shame on you being a Labour rebuttal automaton.or

  10. My old handle of "I hate Labour" was very accurate. The reasons now there for all to see. I still fear an rigged election, though. Such is their mendacity and deceit.

  11. Cato

    Look around I have made my views perfectly clear regarding the shameful behaviour of Draper and McBride - but making other accusations without evidence is a smear regardless of the target, and seeking to attribute guilt as a result of silence is also pretty disgusting behaviour.

  12. tory boys never grow up ...

    Two constituencies with well publicised "local difficulties" - ie the local party won't do what HQ wants them to: East Lothian and Airdrie. Both of them have been "suspended" for trying to avoid having Brown's placed candidates forced on them....

    Stick that in yer pipe...

  13. Vote rigging and unfair selection procedures should never surprise anyone where Labour are concerned.

    Socialists don't actually believe in democracy in my opinion....well at least only to the extent that they have all the candidates in their pocket.

    Look at the vote rigging cases in the UK. To my recall most of them have involved Labour candidates. The instances of Tory vote rigging has been very unusual.

    What the socialist does is justify what he is doing by saying that it was for the best for everyone. Self-righteous bastards!

  14. I want to know where CHARLIE WHELAN has hopped off to! Anybody got an E address for him? I have tried to contact him via Unite union and the search I entered returned a "never heard of him". I would like to bet a lot of money Whelan has had a hand in this E-mail scandal.

  15. Martin the Daily Mail It is PAUL DACRE The Editor!! a Brown Pal.

    Nuff said.

  16. We much too quickly rehabilitate Labour politicians and their minions in this country. Blair got away so easily. Brown will do so when the time comes. Nixon was disgraced for decades. After pardon by Ford, he was not listened to much by people as I can remember it. I was working in the States during Watergate, in the aftermath and after Nixon gone. Haldeman and Ehrlichman were convicted and served prison sentences. Campbell, Blair's Haldeman has written an article in the Times ridiculing Cameron.. This person who sexed up the WMD document and had his fingers in every nefarious acts of Blair was rewarded by BBC and now is a columnist. We are one bunch of shameless people to rehabilitate thugs like him so easily. As for McBride , the Ehrlichman, he will be a lucrative columnist. The BBC , the Brown Broadcasting Corporation does not question Johnson's waffle obviously. If Tories had done this, one can imagine what this ex-postman will say. Labourites are thugs and I say as voters we have no shame at all. That is Labour's and the left's achievement.

  17. Here in Glasgow - it's a well known fact that the Labour Councillors are all as bent as nine bob notes (that's 45p for those of you too young to remember pre decimalization). Funny how its all gone quiet about the 11 Labour councillors fingered for dodgy land deals - but hardly surprising since they have most of the Scottish 'journalists' (I use the term laughingly) in their pockets.

    Labour treat Scotland like their own personal fiefdom but they are about to get a massive shock come the General Election.

    Roll on May 2010, if not sooner.


    Nice to see so many friends from Cif here this morning.

    Hi to all! :o)

  18. From Nadine Dorries blog:

    Posted Monday, 13 April 2009 at 11:45

    5 Live called to say they were being leaned on by lawyers with regard to any reference to Tom Watson MP and before I went on, would I just be aware of that.

    I asked them what they wanted me to do with that information and were they saying I couldn’t talk about Tom Watson? No said the researcher, we are just under a bit of pressure here, that’s all, just be careful.

    BBC Breakfast producer told me they weren’t taking Derek Draper on because they were being leaned on by his lawyers and he had already made ‘legal’ noises against them."

  19. As we write the 'missing' marked registers from the Glenrothes by-election continue to elude electoral officials; in an election everyone expected to be an SNP win, the shock result has raised many questions, not least of which is the integrity of the vast number of postal votes.

    Perhaps we should ask the UN to send in Election Observers for June ...

  20. What's new?

    The fact that Labour in Scotland have been running their own innuendo and attack blog:

    "You’ll also notice that the Labour Party is already using the “Red Rag” tactics in Scotland and already publishes an anonymous negative campaigning / dirty tricks blog – which is widely known to be written by current and former Labour spin doctors / staffers in Holyrood. You’ll also note that the prominent Labour blogs all link to it, because they think that these tactics are perfectly acceptable."

    Started in December 2008. One month after Red Rag was set up. It's all looking a bit co-ordinated now.

    And former Labour spindoctor Mike Elrick started his in that key month of January 2009. But he now seems to be creating some distance from Damian.

  21. The Labour party in much of Scotland has been notoriously corrupt for decades.

    The Labour party has been notoriously corrupt for decades.

    That's better !

    Just yet another example of the lefts' ruthless pursuit of power and their determination to keep it at any cost. Obama's people engaged in thug tactics in some of the primaries too, for the same reasons.

  22. This is not just the end of NuLabour but thankfully the end to Scottish idiots ever running the country again.

  23. Still OK with race as an insult then, Iain? Still happy to let that go unchallenged in your comments (yarnesfromhorsham, above)?

  24. Dear oh dear. FYI The Scottish are not a race. Is that really the best you can do?

  25. well scotch ol son,I got plenty of racial snide comments when I lived in scotland,its where I learn of racism first hand.I moved there british and came home an english b*****d.You lump it mate.
    Can't wait for the the uk to breakup

  26. ...and dmc shows us just what you're attracting. Are you honestly OK with that?

  27. Speaking of Scotland, Brown, when interviewed on TV last year when he was over in the USA for the G20 meeting there, noted that he comes from "North Britain".

    Make what you like of that.

  28. well scotch,I DID say I went there's your fellow countrymen changed my outlook. Before moving there I lived happily with Jamaicans as a family member,no race issues with anyone,that's why it came as such a shock..

  29. Gordon Brown's thugs work everywhere and are omnipresent. They even operate in places like Oxfam. Shriti Vadera, a quintessential Brown thug, bullied Oxfam all the time when she was his special adviser at the Treasury and a junior minister with DFID, so much so that draft Oxfam press releases on international aid or African debt, would be sent to her for her approval before they were released to the public. Another Brown thug is an ex-Oxfam manager and the current 10 Downing St communications manager, Justin Forsyth, who I am told frequently phones Oxfam's CEO, Barbara Stocking and others, to tell them what sorts of events Oxfam should arrange to bolster the Government's image (for which Stocking was appointed a DBE recently). Many of Oxfam climate change and make trade fair campaigns activities originate in the Labour Government, not in Oxfam. Yet another Brown thug, Antonia Bance, runs Oxfam's UK Poverty Programme. Stephen Doughty, a Labour ideologue and till recently head of Oxfam's "Government Targets" Team in Oxford has just been recruited by Douglas Alexander to be DFID Special Adviser....The list is long....I am sorry to say but the Labour government has corrupted many institutions in this country by its over-bearing behaviour, and even sorrier to say that many of these institutions have willingly become corrupted, as their managers and senior personnel are angling for jobs with the Labour Government. It is an awful state of affairs and requires urgent redressal.

  30. @yarnesfromhorsham. That may well be the case, but you'll still get English idiots in the mould of....well just about every Prime Minister sourced from there.... running your country. And there are some fine specimens in amongst them. Perhaps with such a long and inglorious list, Scotland may escape such future English tossers ruining (sorry, running) our country.

    @dmc, give us a break please. We're literally swamped with English people in Scotland. They make up 10% of the population and an increasing proportion of the population up here (as opposed to Scots making up 0.8% of the population down there). Provided they keep their noses clean and behave themselves then they are welcome.

    I have to say in my experience those who complain most vociferously about anti-English sentiment in Scotland may well have been on the receiving end of some schtick, but it usually comes from some other attributes of their character. Not their misfortune to be English.

  31. This is not. Repeat not, going to be turned into a thread about England v Scotland. Any future comments along those lines will be deleted.

  32. OMG! England is bettar zan Scotland!

    Seriously though, I think Scotland is better. Just because the Scots have character. The English have too many, it's confusing.

    Seriously though (this time), I would love some serious bloggers to look into the issues with Labour in both Scotland and Wales. One of the reasons we Tories don't do as well in these areas to me seems to be that there never appears to be much interest shown in Scottish or Welsh matters and that there is therefore no serious challenge to Labour in these regions.

    I for one would be fascinated to see and understand what the politics away from London are like. Anybody with me?
