Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Brown's Henchman Tries to Intimidate MPs Over Gurkha Vote

MPs are currently voting on the LibDem motion on giving the Gurkhas more residency rights in this country. Standing at the entrance to the Aye lobby is none other than Brown henchman Ian Austin, who is trying to intimidate Labour MPs from entering the Aye lobby and look menacing. What on earth does he think he is achieving? The Prime Minister's authority is shot on this issue and it is stupid to think that bully boy whipping tactics will alter anything. I'm told several Labour MPs have walked past him and openly laughed. Good on them.


  1. Whispering 'deselection' - hardly a threat for 120 of them anyway. The boy Salter did well.

  2. 5300 majority. If I was campaigning against him in Dudley I'd be using this on a leaflet next weekend.

  3. Government defeat!

  4. Defeated!!

    Well done MPs (and Nick Clegg).

  5. The Government has been defeated on the Lib Dem motion - 267 to 246.

  6. I've been watching Brown today and it's quite clear he's off his rocker. Not only does Brown come across as physically spent but you have only to listen to what he's saying to realise that mentally the man is a gonner.

    And while I'm in a ranting mood, what on earth do people like Balls, Harman, Purnell, Miliband, Johnson, Blears - all of them deeply unappealing, illiterate and obnoxious - think they are doing by putting themselves forward as possible leaders of the United Kingdom? I boggle.

  7. Never have happened if Mc Bride had still been there.......tee hee hee......

  8. Shame on the 246 who opposed it. And a well done to all those who voted aye, whatever the party.

  9. It's an Opposition motion, so the Government is not technically bound by the vote.

  10. Good for them. Finally, they have done something right for the United Kingdom.

    Shame on Brown's government for selling out true British loyalists who would quite happily die for a country they had never visited. They are a credit to the UK - if only we had more like them.

    Can we please stop crapping on the Gibraltarians, Ulster unionists, Falklanders and anyone else that displays any sign of being proud to be British now?

  11. Labour are stupid. Extremely stupid. Why would any MP with a shred of moral fibre be frightened by a Labour apparatchik? Pathetic. Time to go to the country.

  12. Why was Cameron taking the credit on the platform with Joanna Lumley?

  13. I am so glad I have left this cesspit of a Labour Party.
