Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Twittering Education Minister Who Can't Spell

Yes, I know I am hardly one to talk about spelling errors on my tweets, but then again I am not an Education Minister, am I. Yet. :)


  1. "Yet", Iain? Which consitutency would you like to represent (other than your current one, the nation :p)?

  2. Yes, I know I am hardly one to talk about spelling errors on my tweets, but then again I am not an Education Minister, am I. Yet.

    Don't tell me Kevin "Labour Press Officer" Maguire was spot on about you being a perpetual wannabe Tory MP or something along those lines?

    It would be the first time he was ever right in his lifetime if he is.

    I thought your response of him being "a jobbing tabloid hack" was golden btw. Quite proud of you for not using "the c word" tbh :)

  3. Did anyone else here hear this guy on the today programme yesterday morning? :-)

    He made me want to throw myself out of the window of my car. The sensation of my face scraping against tarmac at high speed seemed infinitely preferable to listening to his insane ranting any further.

    Credit to Sarah, she didn't let him off the hook. He was asked on multiple occasions for the government's view on university charging and insisted that it would be inappropriate to have an opinion prior to an independent review.

    The government is not allowed to have or express opinions? Bloody hell.

    It is incredibly disheartening to have to listen to government representatives coming out with such utter bullshit. Maybe I should be used to it by now.

  4. Ah, Hammy Lammy, the Mastermind non-champion…

    I really haven't been at all impressed with him ever since he first came to wider public notice. At least many of the other Labour types do have occasional moments of clarity, sense and even value. Lammy doesn't seem able to do that, for some reason.

  5. I actually have his Celebrity Mastermind performance as an MP3 file and, when the world seems grim, play it for a laugh.

    JH: "Which King succeeded Henry VIII?"

    DL: "Henry VII"

    And he's the Minister for higher education.

  6. Oliver Drew "(It is amazing how people jump on one word isn't it!!!)"

    Yes. My first reaction was to the word "hash".

  7. Give him a break!

    In the Higher Education world, HEAR = Higher Education Achievemnet Record! A proposal that many Universities are debating atthe moment.

    Take that into account (along with the limited space to explain yourself on twitter) and the sentence makes sense.

  8. I see he is still thick as pigshit then. A typical Labour minister in fact.

  9. Over promoted, new labour toady who is MP for Tottenham because his skin is the right colour.

    Inarticulate, unable to deviate from the party line and his appointment as a minister reeks of tokenism.

  10. That's an error caused by what he was thinking about. Listening. And so he is thinking about hearing what he is listening to.

    Spelling mistake? No. But a proofreading glitch? Yeah!

  11. I sent him this
    Just caught your interview on Today 17/March - congratulations - masterful (as in the style of Mastermind). Do keep up all the good work.

    and was amused to get back this on his website
    Thank You

    Your views and concerns are important to me. All correspondence is dealt with in the order it is received. My self or my office will be in contact shortly about your enquiry.

    Any messages containing abusive or threatening language will be reported to the police.

    Yours sincerely

    David Lammy MP

    Thank You

    Your views and concerns are important to me. All correspondence is dealt with in the order it is received. My self or my office will be in contact shortly about your enquiry.

    Any messages containing abusive or threatening language will be reported to the police.

    Yours sincerely

    David Lammy MP

    left me wondering just how much abuse he gets - couldn't possibly be as much as he deserves

  12. oops sorry about the repetition there

  13. It's now Edukayshun Minister, Iain. Do keep up with this New Labour lingo...

  14. 'Listening to all the views on hear (sic)'

    No you aren't David, but you may be reading them.

  15. God, the cretinous Lammy yet again! He's a complete token.

  16. Lammy reminds me of Buba in forest gump!

    As thick as a plank and out of his depth!

  17. that's wot happens when you type quickly innit??!


  18. If you've had the misfortune to see him on news programmes this week, it doesn't come as a surprise; he's a complete incompetent.

  19. I think I have to support Lammy on this one: it is becoming a very well known "syndrome" or typoitis...or whatever anyone wants to call it. OK, so we have spellcheck or at the very LEAST proof-reading before or after posting a comment/post/thread/reply...but, the mistakes still appear, and there are some really interesting ones, ones we would NEVER make with pen and paper:

    waist/waste (!!!)
    wait/weight (yes, really!)

    Our brains are making us look stupid!...there are loads more and WE ALL do it...

  20. Span Ows, I don't make those mistakes, because I take the time to make sure that what I write is correct. I got a good, state
    education. I left school both literate and numerate.

    Please don't tar all of us with your own ignorance.

  21. Titus Aduxas
    but apparently not in the use of commas

  22. I seem to recall Stephen Byers being unable to multiply 7 x 8 on the radio when he was schools minister. Perhaps he thought it was 8 x 7. Lammy has been a disappointment. He was much hyped and has failed to deliver. Appearance on Mastermind was horrible to watch. A shame.

  23. Oh dear.

    titus-aduxas said..."Please don't tar all of us with your own ignorance."

    I don't need to as you seem perfectly capable yourself: for starters - you can't read.

    So, presumably your friends just call you tit-ass or tit for short: where and how have you come to the conclusion that I make those mistakes: those are mistakes that I have seen; all on more than one occasion.

    where/were/wear is another one that springs to mind

    (no tit, not by me)
