Saturday, March 21, 2009

To Bitch Or Not To Bitch

James Delingpole just left this on my Facebook Wall. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...
Iain: totally HEARTED your hatchet job on the Alastair Campbell New Statesman, especially on the Alina creature. You are at your best when at your bitchiest. Please do not to try to be considered or objective ever again. Just bitch, bitch, bitch: it's why we punters love you.

I'm not sure that's an epitaph I'd like on my gravestone: Best When He Was A Bitch. It could be worse, I suppose...


  1. Iain, you might enjoy

    It is the weekend, after all!

  2. I'm not sure how your inner bitch reacts Iain but I do know my outer bitch is splendid when in top form. Nothing like a dour Scottish bitch they say.

  3. Perhaps 'loquendi libertartum custodiamus' might be more appropriate?

  4. I suppose it's better than 'Best when he was someone else's bitch'.

  5. As I am not 'down wiv da kidz', what in engerlandspeak does the verb to heart mean? I can get as far as an adverb - say open hearted - but to heart?

  6. Well, the ‘bitch’ thing is a bit of a gay sterotype - so possibly not a nice thing to say.

  7. Odd, I always thought you thought twice before laying into anyone, and even then its measured. Essentially, apart from the Uncle Herod thing, a nice bloke.

    I, on the other hand, have just fired the window cleaner as he asked me if I wanted my windows done just after I pulled onto my drive having just spent 2 hours running one of my kids party - for the last time ever I should add.

  8. So tonight is an ideal opportunity to hone your "bitching" skills on JAB !

    Not that I have ever noticed you have any, before now.

    Alan Douglas

    I swear WV is sentient : equitist

  9. How about this epitaph? "He was a lovely chap but he knew how to bitch when it was absolutely necessary."

  10. Iain,

    Does the case of Tony McNulty not highlight the flaws in the 'Additional Expenses Allowance'? He claims to have done nothing wrong. No doubt technically this is true but again his morals have to be called into question.

    I do not believe his claim that he stopped claiming the allowance because interest rates had fallen enough to allow him to pay the mortgage himself. If that was the case, then why wasn't he always paying the first £x and only claiming the last part that he felt was unaffordable to him.

    I do not begrudge MPs from outside London having help with their London accommodation in order to do their job, but they should not be allowed to claim expenses on their constituency home.
