Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Second's Out: Slugger Campbell v Hit Man Maguire

There's nothing I like seeing more than when lefties fall out. Especially when it is Kevin Maguire and Alastair Campbell. Campbell has just ripped into Maguire on his blog. Here's a taster...

I've never fully understood quite why Mirror hack Kevin Maguire feels so bitter, but boy does he? I know he still goes on about some Bill Clinton article he drafted which I am supposed to have given to The Sun.

I've never had the heart to tell him his draft was so badly written I wouldn't have shown it to the President's driver, let alone the President. Then I suspect he knows that Gordon might have consulted me when some of Kevin's friends were suggesting him for a job in Number 10 or the Labour Party, and I did what I always do - said what I thought.

And most recently, I fear the non appearance of his occasional column in my guest edited New Statesman might have not got down well. But again, was I going to put his weekly dose of not terribly well informed gossip ahead of my splendid interview with Alex Ferguson, my other's half's excellent read on education or TB's interesting piece on God?

Ladies, ladies.


  1. Why should Campbell want to put out the editor of a Brown cheerleader?

    These are deep waters Watson.

  2. So good to read that Mr Campbell's other half has been given credit for writing half the content :)

    And an embarrassing bloke-read it was too.

    wv phear [is this another attempt by Ms Smith to make us quite and compliant?]

  3. So everything in the new statesman was greta, especially by his mate/boss, him and his mrs.


  4. By the way Iain, why is it that Campbell's latest post is seemingly always at the top of the Total Politics Widget??
    I noticed this yesterday and it is true again today.
    It's almost like you're suggesting there is place for the Labour party in a civilized society*. All in all it is terribly, terribly shocking.

    * Scorched earth, yeah yeah, fun though isn't it?

  5. My favourite extract from his post has got to be this:

    "Suffice to say there is old politics, represented by Maguire and his spinning pal(s), and there is new politics, represented by a new generation, and someone who through sheer hard work, belief and personality has gone from back of the field to a place where the old style fixers feel they have to run a smear campaign to stall her momentum."

    The "old style politics" represented by the "spinning pals"? "Fixers" running "smear campaigns"?

    The man has no self awareness at all, does he?

  6. And 'my other half'? How arch.

    We all know about these couples who infest the upper echelons of NuLab and the Government. In most other walks of life this would be regarded as unethical, but what are ethics to NuLab?

    Still it's nice to see a slow but steady falling out amongst the ranks of NuLab has-beens.

  7. ranks of NuLab has-beens.

    They were never-beens too.

  8. Kevin Maguire is a twat of the highest order.

    Pathetic political commentary from a pathetic paper.

    I loved your comment over at his blog, so much so i'm going to quote it again. You called him "A jobbing tabloid hack".


  9. Like watching two turds wrestle to see who'll go round the U-Bend first...

  10. It's hard to know which of the two is the most pathetic. Which of the two is most vile is of course a No Contest. - Campbell.

    I suspect that but for this bully and liar, David Kelly would be alive today.

  11. Is "make it up" Maguire still a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Judea, or has he joined the Judean People's liberation Army?

    And that Campbell bloke, is he still part of the New Liberation Movement of Judea, or has he gone over to the Judean People's Party?

    I think we should be told.

  12. I wonder what Alastair Campbell means exactly by the comment "some Bill Clinton article he drafted which I am supposed to have given to The Sun." He did give it to The Sun, he said as much to Piers Morgan when he rang him up to apologise for having done so. His exact words were: "I did it for peace, Piers." Morgan replied: "Yes, peace with Murdoch." Is it all coming back now Alastair?
