Sunday, March 08, 2009

Review: Elaine Page in Concert

Elaine Page is probably the star name of British musical theatre over the last thirty years. She seems to have starred in virtually every hit musical to hit the West End, since her first lead as Eva Peron in Evita in the mid 1970s. I remember going to see Evita on a school trip in 1979. I also went to see her twice in Chess, which remains my all time favourite musical.

So when I saw she was doing a short tour performing her biggest hits from all the musicals she had starred in, I thought it sounded like a great evening's entertainment. And it some ways it was. But it lacked something.

Yes, she performed all her biggest songs, but with the passing of the years her voice seems to have lost a certain something. Only when she went into character, as Norma Desmond or Edith Piaf did her voice really come to life. Unfortunately, from my point of view, she murdered Don't Cry For me Argentina and I Know Him So Well, but her performance as Edith Piaf was memorable.

There was also very little spontaneity in the whole performance. From my vantage point I could see she had an autocue, not just for the songs (which you'd have thought she'd know quite well by now) but also for the chatty bits in between them. Somehow that didn't seem right.

Part of the fun of the evening was seeing who else was there. We spotted Brian May and Anita Dobson (who left at the interval), Bob Shennan, the new controller of Radio 2, Lionel Blair, Lorraine Chase and Christopher Biggins.

The last time I went to the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane I think Dame Edna Everage was performing there. Now that's what I call an evening's entertainment.


  1. You seem to regularly succumb to the idea that headline acts at name venues are where it's at. It isn't. By the time you get to see shows they are just uncool and the audience is embarrassingly full of the wrong kind of celebs who clearly have nothing more imaginative to do. (Lionel Blair and Christopher Biggins?) Bryan May and his mirror image wife clearly voted with their feet.

    You should have come with me to see Sir Richard Rodney Bennet and Claire Martin at the Pizza on the Park last month. It was a magical, intimate musical evening of tears and laughter. For someone of his stature to look out between songs into the audience, as if to say "do you like it? Do you really like it?" was to see why he is at the top of his game.

  2. Shame to hear she's not wearing too well. Saw Barbara Dickson last year in Perth and she was better than ever.

    I still play her records though (aye records not CDs).

  3. It is perhaps a pity that we all age and lose some of our sparkle (well, those who had it in the first place!) so perhaps it is better to celebrate what went before rather than prolong matters beyond their "sell-by date".

    Only old rockers like Status Quo seem to be able to go for ever (they have been very successful at our Castle Gardens Concerts in Rochester in recent years).

    I first saw Elaine Paige (to spell her surname correctly) is Bill Shepherd's "One More Time!" show many years ago and was impressed then.

    Indeed, as we are of similar ages, I might have had another reason to be interested — except that I have never really bothered with the ladies and am not generally keen on blondes anyway(!)

    There was some very good talent on that weekly programme of non-stop singing from half a dozen rising young stars. It was a good place to take note of those names who could be up in lights in years to come…

  4. My mum used to like Elaine Page. I can't stand all that howling myself. I once saw Christopher Biggins in a very naughty movie :)

  5. This has turned into a Twitter-fest!

    EP has been past it for about the last five years (to be generous) but Barbara Dickson just gets better!

  6. "Chess, which remains my all time favourite musical"

    You mean, like better than West Side Story or Guys n Dolls? Phew.

  7. I remember seeing Lionel Blair in give us a clue when he pulled off 12 Angry Men in under 2 minutes to Una Stubb's great surprise.

    Ah, Humphrey Littleton - what a star.

  8. Iain, as you say, she has been performing in the top league since the '70s, so is entitled to show her age a bit nowadays (you may recall the recent Barbara Streisand tour attracted the same criticism). She has lost the magic and won't be getting it back at this point in her career - these tours are really for the nostalgia trip, not sparkling performances.

    Agree with your comment about 'Chess' though - this is a woefully underrated Musical and actually was the original ABBA Musical, since Benny and Bjorn wrote all the music for it and the magnificent Tim Rice wrote the lyrics.

    Come on Cameron Mackintosh, time for a revival I think...

  9. I agree about Dame Edna Everage. Last time I saw her I spotted Dr Sir Lesley Patterson about 3 rows in front. I know he's not exactly A-List either but nevertheless it was could to see him supporting someone who embodies Australia's contribution to the yarts.

  10. Ah, he gave his all, did Lionel Blair. No-one who saw him end up on his knees when finishing off An Officer And A Gentleman will ever forget it.

  11. I consider Elaine Page as someone who regularly stole 3 minutes of The Two Ronnies.

  12. I believe Lionel Blair has gathered a nice little nest egg for his retirement through shrewd property deals. Cottages, mainly.

    The Penguin.

  13. @ Jonny Mac

    "Ah, he gave his all, did Lionel Blair. No-one who saw him end up on his knees when finishing off An Officer And A Gentleman will ever forget it."

    Steady on Man! - this is a Family Blog you know...


  14. Lionel, with consumate skill, managed to nail Starsky & Hutch before Una could catch her breath.

  15. @ D the P

    "Lionel, with consumate skill, managed to nail Starsky & Hutch before Una could catch her breath."

    Oh I give up...


  16. DtheP

    IIRC - "Who can ever forget the sight of Una Stubbs sitting open mouthed while Lionel Blair pulled off 12 Angry Men in under 2 minutes"...

    That gag has a quadruple-entendre!
