Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama to Meet Cameron

Remember that preposterous New Statesman article last week, penned by a Washington leader of the Alastair Campbell fan club student, which made the assertion that the Conservative Party was considered a joke in Washington?
When we discuss the Conservatives’ policies here in Washington, DC, we are often reduced to laughter.

Well, she's got her comeuppance now. The Tories are considered such a "joke" that President Obama has requested to meet David Cameron during his visit to Britain next week. Toby Harnden has the details.


  1. This is going to prove interesting, wonder how Mr Brown will react?

    To me it's a stir in the direction of distancing ones self from GB's policies etc. Not wishing to be a Captin Obvious, but to a degree it seemed that was the case when Brown met Obama....

  2. In what way is this a comeuppance Iain? Barack Obama may want to find out for himself whether Cameron actually does have some viable policies secreted away. He may realise that there must be more to the Tories' platform than the risible shifty doo doos that are visible. He'll therefore wonder whether the secret policies are of the Dan "Iceland Banks are Brill" school of teenage dirtbag toryism or something slightly more sophisticated ... like giving £2 Billion a year to the ex-richest dead people in the UK.

    But how is this comeuppance?

  3. I don't see how this is any sort of rebuttal?

    Obama wants to meet Cameron, because Cameron is the guy he'll have to work with next year when Labour get their much deserved battering.

    Obama referred to Cameron by saying "what a lightweight" after their last meeting though, so if I was Cameron I would be very terse with Obama to put it mildly.

    Obama's administration is no friend to Britain, and Obama is no friend of Cameron's.

    I would actually wipe the tear from my eye if Cameron had a Hugh Grant in Love Actually moment with Obama. Obama certainly deserves it.

    One of the biggest mistakes of this period in history will be America electing Obama over McCain. McCain would have been much better than that oaf, and a much greater friend to Britain.

  4. Chris Paul, Iain means comeuppance for the silly girl who wrote an article in the New Statesman. In it she showed exactly zero knowledge of both the Conservatives and New labour. I was so wrong as to be laughable (if you could be bothered)

    John, I think that "lightweight" comment turned out to be third hand and was never confirmed i.e. made up.

  5. Of course that should read: "IT was so wrong as to be laughable"


  6. totally and absolutely off topic but ------

    no need to thank me chaps

  7. Small entertaining aside.

    One of Guido's visitors has noticed that a serial sock-puppet has used Labourlist as the website link on their user name profile.


  8. When we discuss Labour's policies here in the UK we are often reduced to tears.
    Quite good news for Cameron. I hope he doesn't allow any TV cameras. They have a huge amount to discuss and that shouldn't be interrupted.
    This will be one of the most important aspects of The President's trip.

  9. Does anyone know what else Obama is doing whilst hes in town? ( apart from meeting Guido?)

    And how long is he in town?

    I dont blame him at all for meeting DC. The man most likely surely? It's Brown that must now be something of an embarasment. One of the main architects of the credit led sub-prime boom Obama is now trying to get to grips with. But the leader of a "sister party" - the same sister party that, alone amogst major EU states, gave George W the green light to invade Iraq - his other big outstanding headache.

    Come on Labourlisters. Obama is astute and bright - he knows Brown is finished, a "caretaker" he must go through the motions with, until GB has to face his own voters. In neocon baggage terms Brown is "the last of the mochicans", but without the romance. He's just duff, sad almost.

  10. If Obama snubbed liberal, yankophile Brown, what can old Etonian, Tory "lightweight" Dave expect? What gift will be given?!

    Warning: from what can be detected in his statements and policies Obama is very keen on the EU - I expect a lot of pressure to be applied in that direction.

  11. oh good oh - Dunfermline BS has collapsed.

    Another good day for Gordon.

  12. If he is the only oppostion leader to meet obama then its very good news for cameron.

    Are you sure he's not meeting any one else i'm sure the liberal democrats will be hoping for an audience.

  13. No doubt McBroon is going to try and scupper that one. (He is of course in a state of election denial.)

  14. Maybe Obambi should meet Dan Hannan and discuss the latter's little speech the other day.

    Of course he'd never make the connection that 90% of it applied to Him, The One too.

    wv: razzl !

  15. Chris Paul wrote this nonsense:

    "He'll therefore wonder whether the secret policies are of the Dan "Iceland Banks are Brill" school of teenage dirtbag toryism"

    They're just not learning are they.

    cf: White's pathetic sixth form hatchet job in the Grauniad (and the comments below it).

  16. Cameron can only offer reassuring platitudes before George sees the books.

    The US is in hock up to its eyeballs and we have no idea about where his poll ratings are gonna be in 15 months. Plus 3 months minimum for George to age 10 years as some of Gordon's utter ignorant, disgusting and vile stupidity become apparent.

  17. Conand said... “This will be one of the most important aspects of The President's trip.”


  18. Simon Gardner said...


    Well it's certainly more important than the photocall with the lying muppet PM who dribbles on him and tries to sit in his lap.

  19. Don't believe the hype.

    Barack Obama is an intelligent man with great political nous - he was always going to spend time with David Cameron.

  20. Iain, there is conspiracy theory about a 'private' Obama-Cameron meeting...

    it would be a perfect opportunity for both of them to have a secret fag! Since we all know they never really 'quit' in the first place!!


  21. Canvas - no need to be so rude to Oik - shame on you.

  22. D the P - sorry, don't get it? eh?!


  23. It was kinda poor but at most public schools older boys get given a younger student to do their chores and they're known as their 'fag' and as Osborne is merely a baronet's heir and went to St Paul's - they call him oik.

  24. 'at most public schools older boys get given a younger student to do their chores and they're known as their 'fag''

    er.. no they don't. That stopped decades ago.

  25. "I think that "lightweight" comment turned out to be third hand and was never confirmed i.e. made up."

    Of course it was. That would explain the prompt denial from the White House. What's that? there wasn't one?

    Cameron's being summoned to regent's Park for half an hour. Obama sees the polls and realises he may have to hold his nose. I wouldn't get carried away with the idea that Dave Lightweight is suddenly being taken seriously.

  26. Are Elizabeth Queen and Mervyn King going to tell Mr President that ol' Browny ain't got no money? He just ain't very stimulating company no more!
