Saturday, March 28, 2009

Nigel Griffiths Screwed For a Second Time

A High Court Judge has today ruled that the News of the World is quite within its rights to publish further details of the sexual antics of former Labour Minister and best friend of Gordon Brown, Nigel Griffiths. This comes a few days after the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner ruled that he would not open an investigation into Griffiths' conduct. LabourHome says...

At the moment it seems that Gordon Brown is just letting these cases drift. As a result our reputation for sleaze is growing fast. This will cost us dear at the next election.

And the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards still needs to grow a pair...

Guido also throws in his twopenny worth.


  1. Indeed. The Murdoch press are after Brown/Labour. The Times website (and so, I expect, the Sunday Times) is leading with Merkel and the rest of Europe doing him down.

    Remember - this was supposed to be the week in which Brown secured his electoral triumph.

    Meanwhile, having watched a bit of 1979 on BBC Parliament, there was nothing like enough of the future Prime Minister. Michael Foot came across as a sexist, patronising, King Canute. Frances (sorry, Francis) Pym was just useless. And Pardoe was a smug git. So politicians were, on the whole, pretty useless 30 years ago.

  2. OT
    The Mail online does not make pretty reading for politicians, more snouts in the trough. At this rate no one will want to vote.An urgent clean up is needed.

  3. The Mail is going too far. Having read the article, Jacqui Lait for one seems to have perfectly sound reasons for having 2 homes. Laying in to every MP misses the point: some - Jacqui Smith for one - have clearly gone beyond the spirit of the rules, if not the rules themselves. But, taking Jacqui Lait, her original constituency and family home are in Hove, so it is quite understandable that she needs a base in her second constituency (Beckenham).
    The obvious reform is that MPs should only receive expenses for rent paid to third party landlords because the capital gain is an obvious and unjustified perk.

    P.S. Iain, for some reason it takes quite a bit of time for me to become Corporal Jones. I would rather just post anonymously without the fuss.

  4. As a result our reputation for sleaze is growing fast.

    Hahahah! Growing fast my arse. We all know Labour are the worst of the bunch as far as sleaze is concerned. They are certainly FAR worse than the Tories they so publicly lambasted.

  5. It’s been entertaining to catch a bit of Paramount’s Spitting Image-fest. It reminds us of quite how much we hated the Tory Government.

  6. Simon, you may have hated the Tories, but I can only despair over Labour and pity Gordon Brown. He and his party are literally beneath contempt.

    In order to hate someone, like Mrs Thatcher, for example, one had to have an understanding of her stance on the issues. Gordon does not have a stance on the issues, he merely does what he thinks will allow him to hang on to power. He has no strategy, no ideological standpoint, other than revenge and hatred.

    Thatcher had ideology, backbone and a strong sense of what she considered to be right. Brown has none of these things. He is adrift in moral entropy.

    He remains, unopposed to all intents and purposes, and will bring this country crashing down, not for anything as noble as a moral remit or even a Hitlerian sense of patriotism, but merely the dead weight of a mendacious drudge intent on self-preservation.

  7. "Simon Gardner said...

    It’s been entertaining to catch a bit of Paramount’s Spitting Image-fest. It reminds us of quite how much we hated the Tory Government.

    March 28, 2009 11:15 PM"

    Yeah, kinda strange that it disappeared soon after the Labour government was elected.

  8. Tim Irrelawnd screw-wed for a secuhnd tahm? Empossible! 'Ooh is this nutterrr?

  9. Wrinkled Weasel said... “Simon, you may have hated the Tories...”

    Well looking back, I‘ve been politically anti-Tory all my life - from pre-teenage years into my 50s. That’s always been a personal fundamental but it certainly hasn’t ever coincided with being pro Labour or in particular pro-ToryLite-New Labour.

    The actual deep and violent hatred only happened (as for very many) with Thatcherism. Seeing ancient Spitting Image certainly rekindles that.

    I suspend judgement on David Cameron. We shall see (or not) as the case may be.

    Blair was an abomination.

  10. "Well looking back, I‘ve been politically anti-Tory all my life -"

    You poor love. What are you gonna do for the next 20 years?

  11. "Well looking back, I‘ve been politically...."

    Classic Leftist narcissism. Simon Gardner, sorry to interrupt, but nobody is interested in your opinions. You are manifestly an idiot.

  12. "What are you gonna do for the next 20 years?"

    Pretty much the same, I'd guess - troll blogs and whine like a sulky teenager... ;)

  13. Perhaps, it's not either NuLab or the Tories that are specifically at fault, but there is a more endemic problem of political morale in the UK in the post-Thatcher era. The story hasn't been that different in most of the rest of Europe.

  14. WMD said... “Yeah, kinda strange that it disappeared soon after the Labour government was elected.”

    Well two reasons spring to mind: First it had pretty much run its course and TV execs would have pulled the plug for that reason. And a new Government gets the benefit of the doubt (or “a honeymoon”) anyway.

    You have to actually have a record to satirise in order for people to do so.
