Friday, March 27, 2009

McAvoy's Revenge on Dawn Butler's Committee

Remember THIS story from a couple of days ago about Labour whip Dawn Butler contriving to lose four votes in the Education & Skills Standing Committee? And the minister of the Committee Sion Simon was one of the MPs who didn't turn up, leading to the government losing a whole clause? There have been consequences.

Labour Deputy Chief Whip Tommy McAvoy was incandescent at what took place, and has now got his revenge on Butler and the Committee by forcing it to sit until 4am last night, and again today.

He's not one to get on the wrong side of, our Tommy.


  1. That's fantastic, old school whipping. Good to see!

  2. I hope he gave them lines to do!

  3. McAvoy's revenge....sounds like Deli Belly....talking of which, Iain, how's the Dragon's Nostril syndrome this morning?

  4. Oh, dear.

    This might make McNasty feel better, but he'd better be careful. This kind of behaviour doesn't play well, in the end. Dawn has friends and powerful ones, at that.

    "Come in Mr McNasty, your time is up!"

  5. But but but but but Dawn's got a signed endorsement from The President of The United States of America!!!!!!! Really she has!! Honest!
    Maybe she should have shown it to McAvoy like a pupil showing a note to teacher?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So what exactly did Mac the Knife achieve by this latest piece of petulance..apart from making himself look hard....well to some he just looks like a Pillock!!!!!!

  8. Detention stalks the corridors of power.

    Next up - 100 lines.

  9. I don't understand, I thought Chris Paul said it didn't matter?
