Saturday, March 28, 2009

Listen to the Voices by Inigo Byrne

Every now and then you stumble across a song which sends a shiver up your spine. Have a listen. It's called LISTEN TO THE VOICES and it's sung by Inigo Byrne. But it's not on iTunes. Aaaaagh!

Apparently it's from an album by him released in 2005 called MY WORLD. Anyone know where I can get it? It's unavailable at all my regular sources.


  1. I think you've posted this a bit early... it's not until Wednesday.

  2. Oh dear - 20 seconds and close browser.

    I think I'd rather eat your Cliff Richard collection.

    Still takes all sorts.

  3. This should be piped into the cells at Guantanamo Bay - f*ck human rights - they'll be screaming to be waterboarded after listening to this.

  4. Hi Iain,
    I read somewhere they DID pipe this into cells -not just at Guantanamo but also Abu Ghraib. Why do you think all the British "residents" there are so anxious to be repatriated? On alighter note,have you seen the terrific review of your blog & others ( Andrew Sullivan,Tom Watson MP et al) in a recent post in The Johnson Diaries-Life on the Edge at Just as absorbing a blog as yours and I’m riveted. To my seat!

  5. Should have known what it would be like, with you owning so 2,537 Cliff Richard CDs. Could have spared myself an unpleasant 5 seconds looking for the pause button.

  6. My weekend has now been ruined after listening to that. I'm going to kill myself.

  7. I worry about you sometimes.

  8. I came into the comments section to say I am not particularly interested in music - certainly not modern rubbish, and certainly not modern pretentious rubbish - and certainly not interested in running a video on a computer.

    Looking at comments seems I was wise.

    To be honest I fail to see the charm in running a music video on a computer - or any video to be honest. It took an effort of will to run Hannans.

    But I am a miserable old scroat.

    WV - nosing.
    just thought I'd mention it

  9. "Every now and then you stumble across a song which sends a shiver up your spine."

    Yes,once, when I heard Rufus Wainright. But certainly not this guy. I agree with the others.

  10. "Inigo Byrne" is sufficient information to warn off the non hard of thinking. "Listen to the Voices" ought to be enough for the sentient proportion of the rest.

  11. I would rather go deaf than have to listen to that again

  12. I'm afraid that I found the song to be about as entertaining as brain cancer.

  13. Iain. Labi Siffres' classic album of 1988 'So Strong' has his version on...

  14. @ trevorsden said...

    "But I am a miserable old scroat."

    You are perfectly entitled to be scroatian.

    As for the music, it is a notch above the elevator variety with the addition of an adolescent sounding like his testicles are being slowly crushed in a vice.

    But hey, different strokes for different folks.

  15. If you like that, you'll like this

    Via Sullivan.

  16. Is this a joke post?

    It's like a cross between Cliff Richard and Michael Jackson.

    You get loads of this sort of crap on American TV - it should stay there.

  17. Labi Siffre co-wrote the song, it's on his "So Strong" album.

    If you want a copy of that version (streets ahead of Inigo whoever's cover), just say.

  18. I felt I needed to make my contribution to the genre; so with the addition of some Riverdance style orchestrations, and perhaps a few wistful minor chords...

    "The World is very hard
    And sometimes not so nice
    The iron grip of indifference
    holds me like a vice
    but when I see a kitten
    or a crying child
    I drown my sorrows down the pub
    with a pint of Mild"

  19. you jest ... methinks

    Its not available for a good reason.
