Sunday, March 22, 2009

Labour MP Banged to Rights Over Commons Bonk

There's one thing I just don't get about the News of the World "romping" story about Nigel Griffiths MP and the lady he, er, well, you know, in his House of Commons office. How in God's name did the News of the World get the photos? They can't have got them from him, and readint he story, it doesn't look as if they came from her. Griffiths continued to deny the story even after being shown the photos. He's got some balls, you have to admit. On second thoughts, perhaps I should rephrase that...


  1. I feel sure that he's an upright MP.

  2. Cato - did you mean an upright member of the house ??

    Coat hat - leaves building

  3. He ain't the first and won't be the last. When I saw that headline any number that I know came to mind!

  4. Move along sonny, no new bonking jokes here. And give me that camera, it's against the law.

    WV intershe

  5. Warsteiner, you forgot the "Honourable" ...

    On an entirely sexist and disgusting note, a single glance at wifey goes a long way to explain this story.

  6. The cruelest comments about Mrs Griffiths are to be found on the NOTW comment page...

    "OMG! If they have been married 30 years, does that mean she married him when she was already 40?"


    My Cluedo theory is that they know exactly who the 'mysterious brunette is'.

    They're merely saving it for next week's 'fur rug and suspenders' centre page spread about how hot or not Mr Griffiths was.

    I gather that neighbours haven't seen them for days...

  7. Wee Nigel (I'm only referring to his height) is a creep,witness his planted questions at PMQs, and has been all his political life.

    I am so pleased he will have to face the music now. Remember he escaped punishment for not declaring income from a rented office (the money was for his autistic sister, sob, sob).

  8. I am only amazed that Gordo is mates with such a bloke!

  9. But, but... they're supposed to be whiter than white?

  10. I do HOPE NOW is certain of the provenance of the photos. Stolen and genuine? Or clever fakes? Wouldn't be the first time a paper has been taken in this way.

    Also, does the News of the Screws think that sex is wrong for everyone on Remembrance Sunday? For MPs only?

  11. Thatsnews said... “Also, does the News of the Screws think that sex is wrong for everyone on Remembrance Sunday? For MPs only?”

    Guffaw. How true.

  12. The article fooled me a little - I skim-read it rather than moving my finger under the words and mouthing them silently, as most Screws readers do.

    I had this vision of Nigel shuffling like a penguin, down Whitehall from the Cenotaph after the 2 minute silence, in order to tame the tumescent trouser beast courtesy of a well-paid Miss Whiplash.

    Whatever - I'm sure the Great British Public won't be impressed, nor will the voters of Edinburgh South. There are plenty out there who don't even have offices to shag in!

    Will the next candidate for Edinburgh South be from an all-woman shortlist? Will Kezia be going for it? As long as she doesn't have to inherit Nigel's desk in the unlikely event the seat goes Labour's way...

  13. One of my fave Tories - Edwina Currie always maintained that Parliament is a bonkathon™. I've no reason to disbelieve her and I’m sure nothing much has changed.

  14. Jess The Dog said... “ the unlikely event the seat goes Labour's way...”

    Umm I believe this is a Lab/Lib Dem marginal is it not?

    Declared candidates for the next GE at the moment are:-
    Labour Nigel Griffiths
    SNP Sandy Howat
    Tory Neil Hudson
    Lib Dem Fred Mackintosh

  15. Yes Gardner - I am sure if you need more info John Prescott will oblige.

    Brown will have to use someone else to place the planted questions now.

    Mind you Prescott kept his non job and associated income after his shenanigans - something for which in another job would have put him in jail.

  16. trevorsden said... “Yes Gardner - I am sure if you need more info John Prescott.”

    Well in my innocence I have always understood it’s a major reason people become MPs in the first place? Or am I missing something?

    “Show business for ugly people” etc.

    General Election 2005:
    Edinburgh South

    Lab Nigel 14,188 33.2% -9.0
    Lib Dem Marilyne MacLaren 13,783 32.3% +4.9
    Tory Gavin Brown 10,291 24.1% +7.5
    SNP Graham Sutherland 2,635 6.2% -3.7
    Green Steve Burgess 1,387 3.2% N/A
    Scot Socialist Morag Robertson 414 1.0% -1.5

    Majority 405 (0.9%) -13.9

  17. Looking at his boat and her figure one can only presume she was one of those 'professional' women.

  18. Here comes another one of those Downfall movies. Griffiths (played by Adolf Hitler) is told in the bunker that the NOTW have revealed to the world and all hell breaks loose...

  19. After all this, I wonder if he'll be standing at the next election?

  20. I have a theory on this mystery. If I'm wrong, well, it's funny anyway (well I think it is). If I'm right, well, that's wimmins intooision for ya.
    Mummy x

  21. The ultimate sin surely was smoking in his office. That must be a resigning offence.

  22. It was last November. Remembrance day indeed. Funny they should have got out now. Anything to do with the accounts committee? Not playing ball perhaps?
