Thursday, March 26, 2009

Guido v Draper on the Daily Politics at Noon

Guido will be debating with Derek Draper on the Daily Politics at noon. I imagine if Draper has seen Guido's latest blogpost, he will be fizzing with anger. It appears Guido has been doing some investigative reporting, live from Berkeley, California...


  1. Anyone else having trouble getting the video to play?

    I get "this is a private video" when I try to play it? Do I need a youtube account or something?

  2. Draper could find himself incarcerated if he's not careful! With any luck.

  3. I think its back working again; Good on Guido down with the Labour Mafia and their New Labour goons!

  4. This has just appeared on Labourlist:

    'Paul Staines - The truth about the man behind Guido Fawkes',2009-03-26

  5. Oh great, the charlatan Draper is the main guest. Where is Guido? Nice intrinsic bias from the BBC.

  6. First time I have ever seen Draper. I wondered why you thought he is a twat. Now after seeing him all is revealed.

  7. Watching the Daily Politics now. Draper really is a contemptible little turd.

  8. Draper is making an utter arse of himself thus far... and Guido hasn't even been introduced yet.

  9. from labourlist - "Guido Fawkes is a vicious nihilist" Hazel Blears

    so he's not all bad then

  10. Andrew Neil to Draper: "Will you shut up for a minute and let [Guido] answer?"

  11. This may sound naive but I did genuinely think you were above this.

  12. Neither are exactly covering themselves with glory, however Draper is certainly making himself look an utter tit.

  13. Bit of a damp squib! ..if you want my take on this. Mostly to do with Draper not letting anyone get a word in edgeways. I had the distinct impression that Draper was high on something, or a bag of nerves, having heard that Guido has the "dirt" on him.

  14. Labourlist down at the moment?

  15. I loved it when Draper said he wasn't funded by Labour but by the Unions.
    Yeah whateva Draper, your time is long over. You weren't really even a legend in your own lunchtime.
    Draper is an apologist for tyrants. I defend his right to free speech but he must realise how dangerous and damaging his views are.

  16. @ Wallenstein

    Struggling under the strain maybe? I imagine that a number of people are trying to log in right now to see a response to that video

  17. Mr Draper did indeed look very nervous - guess it's being bounced by Guido like this.

    Guido didn't get much of a chance to respond however I don't think it really matters - Draper did it all by himself.

    Being told to shut up, having his mike turned off, being accused of smearing by Chris Hune, to stop the party political broadcast etc etc etc.

    Oh and then saying 'Daniel Hannan or whatever his name is.'

    The fall-out will be more productive than the 5 screen minutes.

  18. Have just watched the Daily Politics and my observations from (hopefully) a relatively non-partisans views are:

    The dispute between Draper and Guido came across as not much more than a playground spat – it looked childish at best. I think Mr Staines should stick to what he does best; blogging, and not appear on television.

    Although the exchanges were rather childish, I have to say Draper came across as a first class twat. Clearly the two presenters lost patience with him.

    Following on from above, there’s (correctly) a lot of criticism of BBC biasness i.e. Andrew Marr, but I have to say Andrew Neil clearly pinned his colours to the mast today. He gave Draper more of a drubbing than he did with Staines. The BBC should be neutral – this applies to both sides.

    Chris Huhne went up in my estimation, he dealt well with Draper’s rather rude and constant interruptions regarding the discussion about the Rip Act, and Draper came across as someone who would advocate a secret police given half the chance

  19. "Neither are exactly covering themselves with glory.."

    Guido doesn't really need to do anything, tbh. When your enemy is destroying himself,get out of the way...


  20. why does mr draper always look so grubby ?

  21. Guido v Draper on the Daily politics.

    What a waste of air time that was!
    I Don't know why Guido bothered, Draper was told to shut up at one point because he just went into a rant, I couldn't even hear what was being said properly.

    Nothing more to say about it, only to repeat Wnat a waste of air time that was!

  22. I rather enjoyed it.

    sad to see it only lasted afew minutes.

    I think both made good points.

    draper edged it.

    It did come across as though paul staines doesn't mind racist comments on his blog hmmm not something i'd be proud of.

  23. Guido didn't need to say a damn thing.

    Draper is toast

  24. Guido, was good, but I afraid he was stitched up from the start.

    Draper got far more opportunity to speak, even though it was crap. (I am not sure what people outside the blogosphere make of him.)

    The idea that the BBC were going to do an impartial look at the Draper/Guido spat or indeed the Hannan piece, which they have written off as some kind of maverick you tube hit, was a non-starter.

    Guido did a lot better than his outing on Newsnight, but the BBC are clever enough to do things on their terms. It was billed as some sort of exploration of news values by Brillo, but it was nothing of the sort. Now the BBC can say they covered Hannan.

  25. This is good. On Labourlost, Drippy has the following:
    Derek Draper's Tweets

    * @adamdustagheer about to go into the studio to debate paul 'guido' staines watch it live here now! please RT
    * about to go into the studio to debate paul 'guido' staines - watch it live here now! please RT
    * just leaving to go down to the BBC to go head to head with Guido Fawkes. could be interesting see it on iplayer

    I bet he, now, wishes that he'd kept his mouth shut.

  26. Is it just me ( I am not normally moved to write such things! ) or is Draper really such an odious, vile little prick?

    His GMTV wife Kate Garroway has really gone down in my estimation!

    Lets hope we see much more of him on the run up to the next general election. Would be a real bonus for everyone that wants to see the back of this dreadful government.

  27. I really enjoyed that!

    Draper came across as a twat who wanted to dominate the conversation. I literally applauded when one of the presenters said "shut up Derek, this isn't a party political broadcast for you".

    Guido came across well because he wasn't trying to be hostile. His "Berkeley" T-Shirt was BRILLIANT. Since he was banned from mentioning it, i'm delighted he got it in another way.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Plato - I thought Draper was suspiciously quiet for a minute, I didn't realise he'd had his mike disconnected. He did himself no favours at all. In the end all Guido had to do was turn up looking scrubbed and polished: which he did.

  30. JHL, your comment has been deleted for reasons of libel.

  31. Did I miss something?

    I'm sure they said they'd be back with both of them after the item on newspapers.

    When they came back Guido had disappeard.

  32. Iain: I fully expected you to do that so I also posted it on my blog. You have a strange idea of what libel is. Your sword of truth matches Jonathan Aitken's. But, even I am happy to admit between the two of you Aitken comes in a poor second.

  33. Hmmm. A spirited (yet ultimately disappointing) combined Press Conference and weigh-in, when both combatants landed some dainty bitchslaps but failed to provide a knockout blow.

    I'm looking forward to The Big Fight. It's the only way to sort this out.


  34. Not a big fan of JHL to say the least, but wasn't what he said true? I thought it was common knowledge.

  35. While we wait for iplayer

  36. Not only do New Labour look like rats in a corner. They now look like delusional, pathological, lying rats.

    I suppose the foundation of New Labour was Campbell who switched from writing soft porn in France to political spin in the UK. I've never read any of his cheap smutty stories, but it seems the one true constant in his life has been as a fantasist peddling dreams, who resorts to bullying when you press him. A pretty sad individual - and New Labour was made in his image.

    The rats need flushing down the toilet as fast as possible.

  37. Dear Mr. Brown,

    I am writing to inform you of my decision to dissolve Parliament and call for a new General Election to ascertain the wishes of my people in selecting a new Government to replace the failed administration that you presided over.

    Having seen and heard quite enough over the past few years, I consulted with the Governor of the Bank of England on the real state of the economy and the country's financial position, and the situation is simply so bad that it cannot be tolerated any further. Your insane borrow and spend policy is bankrupting my country and my people, and I am not prepared to allow that to happen.

    I have reminded the Chief of the Defence Staff who his oath of allegiance is sworn to, and he agrees with me that constitutionally I am within my rights as Monarch to dismiss you and your appalling and inept shambles of an administration.

    Please do not bother to reply, one would prefer that you went back to Kircaldy and prepared for oblivion.

    Your gracious Sovereign,

    Elizabeth Windsor (Queen)

    The Penguin

  38. Iain, assuming what JHL posted as a comment was the same as his headline on his blog, then I am afraid it's all supported by documentation. The only grey area is the Guardian's supposed "retraction" which, having seen the document in question, is anything but a retraction, but more of a personal letter from David Rose saying "sorry mate".

    And before anyone claims that Draper is fair game for being a public figure, but Paul isn't; I'd suggest that Paul has raised his profile to the point where he is as much a worthy target as Draper.

    Personally I consider both Paul and Draper to be two similarly distasteful individuals politically, professionally and, as far as I can tell, personally. That Paul has the hubris to portray himself as crusading for openness and accountability whilst being guilty of routine dissembling is something I find indefensible.

  39. Penguin, how dare you suggest Elizabeth von Battenburg would end a sentence with a preposition. You have gone too far.

  40. "but wasn't what he said true?"

    That's not a good enough reason when it's a right winger being attacked.

  41. >>"but wasn't what he said true?"
    >>That's not a good enough reason >>when it's a right winger being >>attacked.

    Ideology taking precedence over honesty is what got us in this mess in the first place.

  42. Well Clive, the fact that Guido and his pals like Alex Hilton havn't been in hospital to have their nasal septums repaired is a testimony to the existence of God's wonderful design of our bodies and what pharmacopia they will withstand before they break down.

  43. Wrinkled Weasel: It is true, which is why I questioned Iain's interpretation of what constitutes a libel. It is a shame that Iain hides behind the excuse of libel to delete a true comment about a friend of his. As you say, it is a matter of public record.

    Clive: It's the very same which I copied and pasted, predicting Iain's defending the indefensible, save for the additional jibe about fag papers to highlight the insignificance for politics. The BBC is a strange creature. For example, on Sunday on The Politics Show, BBC1 only showed what was a national and European and international story in the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire segment. Whereas as this bout of silliness got national coverage.

    Jimmy: Nail, hammer, head, springs to mind.

  44. I didn't think the debate was too bad. Entirely obscure to 98 per cent of the public but probably made sense for a large-ish part of the Daily Politics audience. Both Staines and Draper came across as egotistical, slightly unpleasant, self-important people, which is probably just about accurate.

  45. @ Iain Dale said...

    "JHL, your comment has been deleted for reasons of libel."

    Bugger, missed that one. Was it juicily libellous? Hint?

  46. Jabba the Cat: See for yourself, just click on my name and it will take you to my blog where it remains uncensored.
