Sunday, March 01, 2009

February Statporn

658,181 Individual Readers in the Last 12 Months

Despite the month being a short one, February traffic was the highest monthly total ever, with absolute unique visitors at 85,369, beating January's total of 82,691. And that doesn't include the 15% of you who read the blog via an RSS feed.

Year on Year Absolute Unique Visitors +52%
1 Feb 2008-31 Jan 2009 658,181 1 Feb 2007-31 Jan 2008 430,959

Absolute Unique Visitors +66% year on year
February 2009 85,369 - February 2008 51,293 - Jan 2009 82,691

Visits +39% year on year +79%
February 2009 412,858 - February 2008 231,064 - Jan 2009 - 380,148

Page Loads year on year +81%
February 2009 605,148 - February 2008 335,102 - Jan 2008 550,684

Here are my top 20 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for February, according to Google Analytics.

1. - Guido Fawkes 45,145 (41,474)
2. +1 Spectator Coffee House 15,392, (15,571)
3. NEW PoliticsHome 14,705 (-)
4. -2 ConservativeHome 13,989 (16,707)
5. -1 PoliticalBetting 11,489 (10,422)
6. NEW Twitter 4,702 (-)
7. NEW Facebook 4,601 (-)
8. Dizzy Thinks 4,489 (4,292)
9. Old Holborn 4,246 (-)
10. -2 Daniel Finkelstein & Red Box 1,582 (1,582)
11. -5 Obnoxio the Clown 1,969 (1,765)
12. -5 Ben Brogan 1,529 (1,688)
13. NEW LabourList 1,095 (-)
14. -5 Biased BBC 1,051 (1,358)
15. -3 Ambush Predator 1,039 (822)
16. +2 NEW Boulton & Co 939 (627)
17. -6 Telegraph blogs 950 (839)
18. -8 Tom Harris 945 (975)
19. -6 Little Man in a Toque 817 (790)
20. -4 Archbishop Cranmer 791 (696)

Source: All figures are from Google Analytics.


  1. And that doesn't include the 15% of you who read the blog via an RSS feed.

    How do you count the people who subscribe via RSS?

  2. Amazing

    You've decided not to censor the amount of people I send over to you this month.

    Must try harder to offend you in March. You fat poof.

  3. Obnoxio. I don't because you can't. All I know is that whenever I do reader surveys and ask how people read the blog, 15% say they do so on RSS.

  4. The only way my algebra can get to these monthly and annual figures Iain is to have a "core audience" of around 20-30,000 and 50-60,000 each month whose only visits are restricted to that one month. The "core" ones only have to visit once in two different months to get that accolade. These are still mighty figures compared to most other UK political blogs.

    The RSS question is a good one. Don't most people who take the RSS feed also visit every now and then? To make comments, read comments, and the like? If so claiming them as an additional group would be double counting.

    Ask Wardman ...

  5. You know, Chris, call me old fashioned, but I will rely on Google Analytics rather than your algebra if you don't mind!

  6. You can if you use feedburner. You can see how many RSS subscribers you have (rather more than 15% in my experience)

  7. Straight in at number 13 - Labour List..........

    This is just like Top of The Pops.....

  8. I got more absolutes than you. Made my day.
