Friday, March 27, 2009

Emily Matlis And Me: Reunited At Last

Later on I am going to be driving to the Tiffin Girls School in Kingston upon Thames to take part in a BBC Schools Question Time. Also on the panel is local LibDem MP Ed Davey, Labour MEP Robert Evans, David Aaronovitch and BBC Economics Editor Stephanie Flanders. Nicely balanced panel, eh?

Playing David Dimbleby will be the lovely Emily Maitlis, who I met last year when she hosted the BBC's local election night coverage at City Hall.

The Schools Question Time is a great initiative. They way this has been organised has been very impressive and I am looking forward to it very much. I'm not sure it's fair having Ed Davey though. He was on the real Question Time last night so he will have had practice!


  1. Have fun and do share with us there later on.

  2. Emily Matlis and Emily Maitlis. Well, that should be a fun threesome.

  3. Just don't do an Eric Pickles!

  4. Pickles did not cover himself in glory but he is an outer London MP with a flat near Westminster so was on a loser - especially when the chairman interupts...

    Iain is just a hack. So should be safe.

    Can you ask why the BBC needs so many economic editors correspondents etc ?

  5. This is part of the BBC brainwashing the youth of tomorrow scheme about how wonderful the BBC is ?

  6. Grammar Schools seem well represented !!!

    6 out of the 10 are Grammar Schools .

    Although it does not say... Tiffin Girls and Wolverhampton Girls High are both selective grammar school.

    As Ilford Ursuline High School is Catholic then this is also selective.

    7/10 of the schools are selective schools.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Talking of Question Time, what did you think of the ludicrous (and toe-curling) performance of your Tory chum and party chairman, Eric Pickles, trying to justify claiming public money for a central London flat when his home is just 18 miles away? (Pickles tried to claim it was 37 but being a sneaky politician he doubled up the journey).

    If this is the type of person who is going to rule over us when "Dave" wins the election, then we might as well stick with Smith, McNulty and the rest of the present crooks

  9. Here's a picture of Barrymore tying to throw her in the swimming pool

    Soiled goods mate

  10. Old Holborn, I think the lady in the picture was Mary Nightingale, not the lovely Emily Maitlis.

  11. Emily Maitlis is delicious. David Aaronovitch is loathsome. Stephanie Flanders is related to one of the most delicious American actresses, Olivia Wilde, who plays 13 in House. And there's something supercillious about Ed Davey that I can't stand.

  12. Well, I suppose it is the next best thing to being on the real Question Time...

    I am considering suggesting it to the Beeb to do a Question Time special on the Prisoners Votes Case. Naturally, I would expect to be on the panel...

    Then, to really get up your nose (God forbid that you should win it, but if you do I won't be packing up blogging, just disgusted) I hope to win the Orwell Prize for blogging 2009.

  13. I am an Emily fan, so enjoy ( and she has some great gay friends from university), but Stephanie Flanders is delicious too. Not, I think transgender. One of the reasons there are so many economic people around is that Huge Pym has been standing in for Stephanie whilst she had her ? second child.

  14. I have phoned David and pump-primed him with some of your usual lines and approaches Iain; maybe if he gets time he will ask you about the way you constantly try to stir up cheap Daily Mail racist xenophobia on this blog.

  15. @ jailhouselawyer

    "I hope to win the Orwell Prize for blogging 2009."

    You deserve to. Which means you won't.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. OH: Thanks for that. And you are probably right.
