Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. Mick Fealty reflects on Fianna Fail's European dilemma and suggests, gulp, an alliance with the Tories.
2. The English Question takes David Cameron to task for his opposition to an English Parliament.
3. NHS Blog Doctor on why Harriet Harman's sister is shamelessly jumping on the jade Goody bandwagon.
4. Tom Greeves on the BBC's idea of an apology.
5. Paul Waugh analyses what he calls my "cracking interview" with Ken Livingstone.
6. Toby Harnden spots a split between Adams and McGuinness.
7. Dizzy speculates on the consequences of Gordon Brown's medical records being hacked.
8. Lobbydog says Tony McNulty has an unsavoury habit. He reads this blog every day!
9. LibDem MP Jeremy Browne explains why the Youth Parliament shouldn't sit in the chamber of the House of Commons.
10. Alastair Campbell details his week editing the New Statesman.
11. PoliticalBetting explains why David Laws needs to learn a bit about polling history.
12. Oliver Heald on the 10 things he stands for.


  1. Oliver Heald's page doesn't exist?

  2. Heald's page appears to have been taken down. I wonder why.

    Dizzy is bang on the money, as ever.

  3. On this occasion, Mike Smithson's post on Political Betting is backed up by the numbers. Although he criticises David Laws, in fact the polling numbers support David.

  4. #2 And what a pathetic response it was from David Cameron.

    Evidence if any was needed that the Tories have no intention of sorting out Labour's crimes against England.

    We fight Labour - we will fight the Tories too. One day England will be free.

  5. Slight technical hitch, the page is definately there now!
