Monday, March 30, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Monday

1. Manchester CF writes up the Draper v Redwood discussion on 5 Live.
2. Tom Harris says voters should decide on an MP's performance.
3. Letters from a Tory worries about a certain political psychotherapist.
4. Alastair Campbell finds Kevin Rudd's approach to interviews refreshing.
5. Nick Robinson says Jacqui Smith thought she was out of the woods.
6. Jonathan Isaby talks to Don Porter, outgoing Tory Convention Chairman.
7. Max Atkinson on Alan Yentob's lost oratory.
8. That's News on the way to fix MPs' expenses.
9. Kevin Maguire sounds the death knell for Jacqui Smith.
10. Con Coughlin says Gordon Brown will not be pleased by an interview in the NYT with Angela Merkel.
11. Guido urges you to look at how much your MP has claimed in expenses.
12. Tory Diary on the Tory MP who doesn't employ any staff.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dispatches on Bojo was pathetic.

  3. I see the orchestrator of “The summer of rage” , porkie pie pickles has had his plan back fire on him.

    Everyone in the Westminster village knows that the Tory party are scheming behind the scenes, encouraging dissent , and even instigating some of their minions to take arms. Of course the minions will be cast adrift when caught.

  4. This is getting a bit of a Pickle:
