Thursday, February 26, 2009

Who Should be Political Journalist of the Year?

It's an award-tastic week. The shortlists for the British Press Awards have just been announced. Here is the shortlist for Political Journalist of the Year...

Martin Ivens, Sunday Times
Patrick Wintour, The Guardian
Peter Oborne, Daily Mail
Quentin Letts, Daily Mail
Rachel Sylvester, The Times
Simon Walters, Mail on Sunday

My vote goes to Peter Oborne. Discuss.


  1. I would have voted Derek Draper, Labourlist but by mistake it seems he's been left off. Shame.

  2. Quentin Letts who with humour, often extremely cutting, he gets to the meat of the issue.

    Oborne, to me, is the greatest fence sitter of all time. One week he will write an article full of pure venom against the Prime Minister. The next week he is singing his praises! A true Liberal Democrat if ever I saw one!

    But, without any shadow of a doubt Matthew Parrish should be Political Journalist of the year.

  3. The nominees have obviously been chosen by idiots. There are far too many people missing - Matthew Parris and Fraser Nelson for a start.

  4. For me it's Ann Treneman at the Times.

    Always right on the money - her sketch piece was perfect for yesterday's solemn proceedings. She's the only reason I buy the paper.

    If we're looking for more worthy types then Ms Sylvester - she regularly has a reliable insider view.

    and of course Anatole Kaletsky gets the total comedy award for never being right!

  5. All English journalists who write on English issues and it's the BRITISH press awards?

    Mind you very few non-biased journalists up here with the exception of Iain MacWhirther.

    Yes DD, Matthew Parris should be on there.

  6. Wasn't Peter Oborne kissing Gordon's arse around the time he first became Prime Minister?

    I distinctly remember a tv programme on Channel Four in which he spoke about "this brilliant man, this enormously huge intellect" becoming "one of the great Prime Ministers"!

    My vote goes to Peter Riddell.

  7. From that list Rachel Sylvester. Extremely professional, good insight/analysis and a pleasure to deal with, even for some of us Labour types:)

  8. If i'm honest I think most people outside the journalistic world could not really care less..The internet has changed things. The word of the ordinary person is just an interesting read these days!

  9. What happened to the list you were going to publish of the most fanciable journalists? Did I miss it or couldn't you find any?

  10. All wrong. Its Robert Preston who has earned it. Remeber, "Its the economy, stupid." in current politics.

  11. All wrong. Its Robert Preston who has earned it. Remeber, "Its the economy, stupid." in current politics.

  12. Desperate Dan suggested - Matthew Parris and Fraser Nelson for a start.

    Yes, well, Matthew Parris I would accept, but Fraser Nelson is not in my good books as his bloody "Spectator" history magazine always arrives here five days after the issue date!

  13. A very strong shortlist which I read and admire in full.

    However I confess to being a long term admirer of Peter Oborne's writing and envy the vitality and courage which underpins it. He is currently at the top of his form and I wish him success.

  14. Surely Oborne should have won it last year, for The Triumph of the Political Class?.

  15. Where's Polly?

    Meanwhile Quentin Letts is going to hell for his "Tilly the Typist" remark.

  16. Paul Linford wrote ... Surely Oborne should have won it last year, for The Triumph of the Political Class?. ...

    I agree.

  17. Where's Polly?

    Meanwhile Quentin Letts is going to hell for his "Tilly the Typist" remark.

    PS: Whatcha think about Tory Worcester twinning with Gaza City?

  18. Peter Oborne, although I do have my doubts. It's only fairly recently that he's started laying the boot into Brown properly - and he continues to insist that our PM is a "fundamentally decent man". Still, it's nice to know he's finally getting the message.

  19. Its Rachel for sure.

    Heffer must be the size of a barrage balloon(he is, I`ve met him) with pique.
