Thursday, February 19, 2009

While the Mouse is Away...

Apologies for the lack of posts today - up to my eyes in writing a business plan for a new little venture allied to Total Politics. While I am tapping away, why not have a read of THIS post on Guido, where he discusses the candid comments by Barack Obama's web guru that Gordon Brown is beyond repair. He also has some interesting stats on some recent political videos.



  1. Isn't it annoying when works interferes with play....

  2. This is like asking the bloke who works the muller, folding and stitching machine down the book printers how he produced the book.

    The guy is a technician. A clever technician. He got paid loads of money to deliver some services for Barack Obama. He didn't produce Barack Obama though, didn't write his speeches, didn't form the magic, just did some clever web stuff etc etc and he appears to be speaking out of turn.

    Is he still Barack Obama's web "guru"? Or has he moved on to Pfizer or General Motors? And doesn't Gordon have Derek Draper lined up for the job anyway??!!!!
