Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Which Peers and Political Journalists Do You Fancy?

Last Valentine's Day, I caused a minor stir in the press lobby by compiling a Top 20 Fanciable Journalists list in response to Boulton & Co's Top 10 Fanciable MPs list. Well, this year, let's go one better.

I now call for your nominations not only for your most fanciable political journalists, but also, just so they don't feel left out again, your nominations for most fanciable peers.

Please nominate by close of play today. I shall then put together a team of experts (consisting, ahem, of my Total Politics colleagues) and announce the results on Saturday. Natch.


  1. oh Iain ,what a challenge - do you have rogues gallery that we can look at and choose from

  2. Lord Willougby. The man should have been James Bond.

    Oh glory, word veri is 'mingr'

  3. Daisy McAndrew.

    (And don't tell him, but I think Shane Greer has an exceptionally sexy voice. :o Guessing he's exempt anyway.)

  4. Julie Kirkbride. Well hot imho. Why is she not on the front bench?

  5. Caroline Flint aswell. Even hotter than Julie (above). Unfortunately a member of our beloved communist govt but then no one is perfect.

  6. Ahhhhh there is a chance a Conservative might talk about Geert Wilders......

  7. Politician - Caroline Flint, despite the politics. Journalist - Betsan Powys, BBC Wales - slim, thoughtful, unostentatious, dynamite :)

  8. That blonde journo with the adorable lithp over at the FT who appears frequently on Newsnight.

    Why can't I remember her name?!

  9. Tom Bradby - he's gorgeous
    James Lansdale - runner up

    Peers? None of them.

  10. Can't say any of the MPs do anything for me. On the other hand almost all the female research assistants seem to be in the "every home should have one" category. Now I wonder why that should be ....................

  11. Its not just Shane Greer's voice thats sexy! He gets my vote too!

    As for the older men I'm quite partial to Andrew Neil!

  12. Emily Maitlis, Laura Trevelyan, Cathy Newman, Julia Hartley-Brewer

  13. Zac Goldsmith
    Tom Bradby
    Daisy McAndrew


  14. Politician - either George Osborne or David Milliband.
    Journalist - Shane Greer. No contest!

  15. Most fanciable peer? Shurely that's something from a darker corner of t'internet?

  16. My vote is for John Sergeant - envy the woman who finds heaven in his arms!

  17. Martha from TWAO
    Peers: Baroness Scotland, Amos, Jay of Paddington and Hollis of Heigham. As well as stunners all have sexy voices.

  18. Claire Short or Diane Abbot anybody???

    Hmmm. Thought not.

  19. I fancy that Anita Anand. And Daisy McAndrew, yes. And Jenny Scott. Maybe I should see a doctor.

  20. Daisy McAndrew is my idea of a MILF. (I do wonder how many of this blog's older readers will know what that expression means!)

    I suggest that, in the spirit of things, Iain has a feature on Saturday about the sexiest political bloggers. Trixy gets my vote, although a certain Iain Dale isn't bad either. ;-)

  21. Most fanciable journalist has to be Anita Anand; she's gorgeous!

  22. Can we nominate as many as we like Iain?
