Thursday, February 12, 2009

Where's Mandy?

Several people have commented to me that Peter Mandelson seems to have gone into hiding since the return of Ken Clarke. Before that he was on our TV screens every day. Could it be that Mandy is running frit of a media confrontation with the Big Beast of the Tory jungle and thinks he might not come out well from such an encounter, or is it merely that he knows that if he appears, the media will want to give Ken airtime too?


  1. He's Behind you !!!!

    (as they say at good panto's everywhere)

  2. Well it would send out a very strange message wouldn't it? Ken Clarke the likeable down the pub bloke and Mandy the elitist. Would certainly muck up the Tory Toff line wouldn't it?

  3. Could be he's actually getting on with the job? Just a thought.

    Saw him this morning anyway, he was in fine form.

  4. My opinion is that he's lying low to allow Gordon Brown to hang himself. Then he can step into the breach.

  5. Could be he's actually getting on with the job?

    Sorry, "Getting on with the job" was the over-used buzzword from 2008. 2009's over-used buzzword is "Do Nothing."

  6. Without wanting to sound disloyal, I can't really imagine the Prince Of Darkness being afraid of Humpty Dumpty.

    As an aside, I would kill for that invite to Chinese/Karaoke with 15 Labour MPs that Iain twittered he had turned down. An evening of food, karaoke and arguments! Its my idea of heaven. I don't suppose the place is still spare... ? -wistful sigh-

  7. Lord Turdburgler of Cesspool scared? I doubt it.

    Probably catamite hunting in Morocco instead.

  8. Iain - Mandy was at the Channel 4 Political Awards last night. Made a pretty entertaining acceptance speech.

    Plenty of journalists in attendance, as well as Guido Fawkes and Alex Hilton.

  9. Iain,
    as the LA blog says today LA can confirm that last nights Newsnight was staged in Birmingham as a set piece debate between Ken and Mandy.
    It had been in planning for weeks.
    LA understands it was Mandy who withdrew.
    Hence the three less than big hitters that Paxman had as a panel.


  10. .... or maybe he is the shy retiring type who hates the harsh glare of media activity focusing on him and just wants to cuddle up on his sofa in an evening with a big book (for example the Railway Children or the Brer Rabbit collection).

  11. That snake is no fool.

    I do suspect he is withdrawing his wand so Gordon knows what it is like to be without the magic dust. That, or he really is going to engineer a putsch.

    Regardless, Mandy is wise to keep out of the way of Ken, for Ken will, on TV, expose him (and the Labour project) for what it is.

  12. What rot Iain. Though there will no doubt be some method to it, but it's certainly not running frit. Although Ken is a class act - in a sense - he's worth keeping in the public eye. You have to have a platform to make serious gaffes on after all?

    KC is likeable down the pub, but nonetheless of the elite just as much as Mandy is.

    My guess is that Mandy is a cyclical phenomenon when it comes to media access. Like Basil Brush ... Boom and Boom. Boom Boom. Leaving them crying out for more. He'll have them eating of of his hand again shortly.

  13. You obviously haven't seen the front cover of today's Evening Standard...

    I'm almost tempted to say 'speak of the devil'

  14. Perhaps hes on a mission from Godron.

    Clearing the leaves or polishing off some other domestic duty at the White House would be key preparation for the "Gordon 20" summit.

  15. Never fear darling Iain...

    I am never far away. In fact I was with my little monkey (Derek) this morning helping it to launch it's blog. Needs must.

    Much Love (to all monkey owners)


  16. Too many questions requiring answers in the public domain at present. Thats not Mandy`s style especially when Ken Clarke is waiting in his wings, so to speak. Anyway, he might be back in the cabinet, but does anyone really believe he and Gormless Gordon dont still hate each other...Donned his tin hat and found a comfortable bunker whilst he plans the coup d` etat no doubt..

  17. Do try to keep up, Iain. It's nothing at all do with Clarke's return - Ken Clarke has barely been on TV himself either! No, Mandy is far too busy running the country whilst McBroon saves the world...

  18. Let's see. Car industry in trouble and seeking help. High st names hit by credit crunch fallout. Small firms appealing for assistance. Yes, f*** them and instead let's waste time in TV studios debating with Ken Clarke on programmes less and less people watch apart from political anoraks. Brilliant strategy for getting Britain back to work. No wonder the Tories sent you to Siberia mate. ps I saw him this morning as well. He was on fine form.

  19. Yes, but more to the point, everything is turning to major shit since he's gone backstage, and Brown is increasingly beleaguered.

    Maybe they don't love each other any more.
