Friday, February 06, 2009

Un Peu Schadenfreude?

Courtesy of ConservativeHome.


  1. Momentum is growing, Iain. Even the fragrent Madame S.........

  2. Funny, but too long.

    The US virals are so much sharper and with a smaller file size get zapped around people's phones. This took 4 minutes to download to my phone and stuttered all the way through. And that was on a wifi connection at home!

  3. Gord wouldn't have invited this mockery if he hadn't claimed to have saved the world, and that the whole world was following his brave leadership in economic policy. Hybris? Spin? Lies? Its a fine line.

  4. Mr Moss is on the button, made me smile but would have tuned out without personal interest.

    I tried to imagine viewing the alternative view on Labourlist (Google hit = crap propaganda). It was tough but a useful litmus test.

    It also tried to make too many points:

    1. He's lost the economic plot
    2. Gordo has lost the Franco dressing room as well
    3. He's not a very attractive figure
    4. etcetera

    Am sure someone else will see much more than I have on a quick viewing so overall I'd give it a 5/10.

    30 secs is the longest length of a good commercial for a reason - love the choice of soundtrack, the video just needs speeding up and more nimble movement from frame to frame.

    BTW who made that dreadful kid voice-over 'self produced' video on this site? It was pants of the highest order and I couldn't cope with more than 20 secs of it.

  5. Brown will be thinking - Merde!

    Many in this country know Brown's policies are rubbish including VAT! Not likely to help anyone in a srinking econic market but create a hole in government finances.

    It was unaffordable and useless in the circumstances! If deflation is the treat - why reduce prices further?

  6. Labour Labour Labour - Out Out Out, this also includes the LD's who are Labour's best friends.

  7. Iain,

    Bad luck about the car.......

    Just pop out and buy a new one - take advantage of that vast VAT stimulus.... ;-)

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