Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Time For Some Light Relief

To those of you who have been asking, I'm fine. Really.


Blackacre said...


Mostly Ordinary said...

In the words of James May "oh cock"

Dick the Prick said...

Kinda heavy relief but whatever floats your boat.

WV: Cutvalci - sounds painful.

Philipa said...

Well at least it didn't have teeth.. ?

Gordon Brown said...

Derek Draper will no doubt take this article literally and publish the story on his blog......

Catosays said...

Fire crews carry specialist tools for removing rings from people’s fingers.

The mind boggles...makes a change from the vacuum cleaner I suppose!!

Dave H said...

True story: a work colleague's wife worked as a nurse and she once helped remove a torch that was stuck up a patient's bottom.

The best thing of all though, when they finally had fished it out, was that it was switched on!

The Grim Reaper said...

It's more than a tad ironic that there was an advert asking if I wanted to buy chocolates for my lover right below the entry...

On a side note, ignore these ridiculous accusations from Dolly Draper and LabourLost. We still love you. Don't let the bastard grind you down!

Faceless Bureaucrat said...

Oh Iain, you really are such a tease sometimes...

Steve H said...

I initially felt so sorry for you, Iai, until I realised I'd misread the title.

I thought it said "Man cut from sex-game ring" and I assumed that you'd been banned from a particularly exotic gentlemen's club for some social gaffe on your part, equivalent to being cashiered from one's regiment.

Shaun said...

/glances at previous post...

Well at least a lib-dumb councillor didn't block the emergency access!

Jon said...

Here are two more specimens. NB: persons of a nervous disposition should NOT follow this link.

JuliaM said...

"Worst I ever saw was a chap with a length of aluminium pipe stuck on his erect old chap."

Let me guess his excuse...he fell on top of it? ;)

Dick the Prick said...

Killemall - eh?

Shaun said...

Let me guess his excuse...he fell on top of it? ;)

Technological advencement... in days of Old when Knights were bold and women weren't invented, men drilled holes in wooden poles, to keep themselves contented...

IanVisits said...

@ Dave H...

Maybe the person in question didn't quite understand what a fleshlight was?

Anonymous said...

Dave H. Question is what were they looking for in the dark?

I used to live next to an A&E nurse in London and she had seen them all, carrots...oh I fell over in the garden! Hose pipe, the same.

Sorry to say the best one was probably the most painful, tears to the eyes one. My alsation was jealous of my girlfriend (mistress) and bit me! It was "broken" and had to be put into a splint. (and he had to explain it to the wife as well).

Anonymous said...

And the next word verification is......beatin

Anonymous said...

and the next is chaines...where do they get them from?