Friday, February 27, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Donal Blaney reports from CPAC and isn't impressed by one of the exhibitors.
2. Croydonian is pleased by the poll ratings for the German FDP.
3. Three Thousand Versts of Loneliness on the new Conservative/UUP tie up.
4. Charles Crawford isn't bitter. Oh no. Not at all. Not a bit of it.
5. Taking Liberties thinks I may be giving the Convention on Modern Liberty the figleaf of respectability.
6. Paul Waugh thinks Jack Straw wants a bigger job. Gordon's.
7. Ros Scott tells of a dinner with 4 LibDem octogenarian Peers.
8. Slugger O'Toole on the Irish blogger who has annoyed RyanAir.
9. Guido says Prescott is being a hypocrite on pensions.
10. Jonathan Sheppard explains why private sector involvement in the Post Office is a good thing.
11. Pete Hoskin explains why Peter Mandelson is down in the mouth.
12. The Evening Standard Diary reveals how Brown is chucking Blair out of his bed.


The Grim Reaper said...

I would prefer it if you'd linked to Guido's caption competition for today. Much funnier than usual...

Anonymous said...

As I pointed out on ConservativeHome, Jonathan hasn't made a very good case. At all. 31 out of 34 oppose Post Office privatisation. With figures like that, ConHome needs to be paying a little more attention to what the party's fanbase thinks.

Ralph Hancock said...

Re Grim Reaper's recommendation of Guido's caption competition, even if you don't want to read the comments (not much above the usual standard) be sure to take the link suggested by one of them to Fuseli's Nightmare, a brilliant parallel to the awful photograph.

The Grim Reaper said...

Tachybaptus said "Re Grim Reaper's recommendation of Guido's caption competition... be sure to take the link suggested by one of them to Fuseli's Nightmare, a brilliant parallel to the awful photograph."

True enough. But I can't help but wonder who the horse sticking its head out of the curtain is meant to be. Peter Mandelson is my guess, what's yours?

Ralph Hancock said...

Grim Reaper: well, it's certainly a pantomime horse.

Horse: 'Hey, Derek, fancy a canter?'

Draper: 'Can't you see I'm in a session?'

One of the endearing things about Fuseli is his complete inability to draw. Try to work out where the bits of that woman are.

Wrinkled Weasel said...

You missed my post on the wankers over at the British Board of Film Classification.

They are worried about being sexually aroused

jailhouselawyer said...

"10. Jonathan Sheppard explains why private sector involvement in the Post Office is a good thing".

Is there such a thing as the private sector anymore?

We have a choice.

Socialism or bust.